  • 接白令海和北冰洋的一个海峡。
    a strait connecting the Bering Sea to the Arctic Ocean.
  • 588团的女兵曾一度冒着敌人高射机枪的阻击,续40天向一个被德军围困的苏军阵地空投食品,直至阵地守军的同志们胜利突围。
    The women of the 588th once rescued a besieged Soviet garrison by airlifting food supplies through heavy German machine gun fire for 40 days until their male comrades on the ground escaped.
  • 他下的赌注续获胜才挽回了损失.
    He retrieved his losses by betting on a succession of winners.
  • 正序赢一种赌注,如在赛马中,下注者在一次比赛中要恰好按顺序压在第一名和第二名上才算赢
    A method of betting, as on a horserace, in which the bettor must correctly pick those finishing in the first and second places in precisely that sequence.
  • 一个城镇接著另一个城镇,两者之间有一条路。
    One town ends where the next begins and there's a road that runs between.
  • 由输入接和输出接组成的一种双向通路,两个接都有同一交换机接口。
    A bi-directional path comprised of an input connection and an output connection, both having the same exchange interface.
  • 电缆调制解调器有希望接10mbps至40mbps速度的线路,但有线电视公司还必须将它们的系统,尤其是沿线部署的大量转发器,转变成双向信息流。
    Cable modems promise connection speeds of 10Mbps to 40Mbps, but cable companies have to convert their systems, especially the numerous retransmitters along the route, to bidirectional traffic.
  • 如果你续几个月不付电话费,电话公司就会切断你的电话线路。
    If you don't pay the bill for months running, the telephone service may disconnect your telephone.
  • 1994年1月21日,凭一炮打响的单曲《狂野》,希尔成为30年来第1位续4周蝉联排行榜冠军的乡村女歌手。
    21,1994,thanks to the smash single “ Wild One,” Hill became the first female country artist in 30 years to hold the Billboard No.
  • 玛丽亚的最新专辑"白日梦情"进入公告牌200张专辑排行榜榜首,其中产生了续位居榜首的3首单曲:“奇想”、“甜美的一天”(与"从男孩到成人"乐队合唱)以及“永远是我爱”。
    Mariah's last album, Daydream, reached #1 on the Billboard Top 200 Albums chart; generated three consecutive #l singles-- Fantasy, One Sweet Day (her duet with Boyz II Men), and Always Be My Baby.
  • 虽然仍是夏季,可是阴雨绵,而且常常冷得要命。
    Even though it was still summer , it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold.
  • 虽然是盛夏季节,可总是阴雨绵,而且常常冷得要命。
    For even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold.
  • 这里的天气不适合哈里森先生,因为天气总是阴雨绵还常常冷得出奇。
    The weather here does not agree with Mr. Harrison, because it rains continually and it is often bitterly cold.
  • 这个信箱和里面的东西带来了一串苦乐参半的回忆:我进入了一个"人缘竞赛"的世界,所收卡片的多少则显示了比赛结果,对于男朋友和女朋友的揶揄,以及我对班里最聪明男孩给我的贺卡的精心爱护。
    That box and its contents ushered in a succession of bittersweet memories of my entrance into a world of popularity contests marked by the number of cards received,the teasing about boyfriends/girlfriends and the tender care I gave to the card from the cutest boy in class.
  • 这个盒子和里面的东西带来了一串苦乐参半的回忆:我进入了一个“人缘竞赛”的世界,所收卡片的多少,有关男朋友或女朋友的玩笑以及我对那张来自班上最受欢迎的男孩的卡片的珍惜都显示了比赛结果。
    That box and its contents ushered in a succession of bittersweet memories of my entrance into a world of popularity contests marked by the number of cards received, the teasing about boyfriends/girlfriends and the tender care I gave to the card from the cutest boy in class.
  • 1974年股市一跌暴跌,随后又迅速恢复,接着一数年表现平平。
    A cathartic selloff in 1974 was followed by a quick recovery and then years of blah performance.
  • 我瞧着试卷就什么也想不起来了一我一个问题也答不上来。
    I looked at my examination paper and mind went completely bland—I couldn't answer a single question!
  • 我头脑[记忆]里(完全)是一片空白--一个答案也想不出.
    My mind/memory was a (complete) blank I couldn't think of a single answer.
  • 凛冽的北风一刮了几个星期。
    The pitiless north wind blew for weeks.
  • 红膜和水晶体之间的粘
    adhesions between the iris and the lens or cornea resulting from trauma or eye surgery of as a complication of glaucoma or cataract; can lead to blindness.
  • 白宫接到续不断的电话
    The White House received a blizzard of phone calls.
  • 结果在蒋介石封锁下,根据地盐都没得吃。
    As a result, under Chiang Kai-shek's blockade, even salt was unavailable in the base areas.
  • 这部科幻大片以其电脑制作的特技和令人眼花缭乱、接不断的动作镜头而闻名。
    The science-fiction blockbuster is known for its computer-generated special effects and dazzling,non-stop action sequences.
  • reckless也出版于1984年底并获得了巨大的成功。续两周高居美国专辑排行榜首,并又超过500万张的销量。
    Reckless,also released in late 1984,became a blockbuster success,spending two weeks at the top of the U.S.album charts and selling over five million copies.
  • 学生们开始喜欢上了她,同她染过的金发以及她的一切。
    The students grew to love her,bleached blonde hair and all.
  • 翘任一种翘属灌木,原产于亚洲的,因其早开的黄花而广泛种植
    Any of several shrubs of the genus Forsythia, native to Asia and widely cultivated for their early-blooming yellow flowers.
  • 任何一种早期盛开的木犀科灌木,属于翘属植物种;原产于亚洲东部和欧洲南部,但由于其枝条和明亮的黄色钟状的花而广被移植。
    any of various early blooming oleaceous shrubs of the genus Forsythia; native to eastern Asia and southern Europe but widely cultivated for their branches of bright yellow bell-shaped flowers.
  • 她将她的衣裙扣好。
    She buttoned up her blouse.
  • 他被大头短棒击致死.
    He had been bludgeoned to death.
  • 情绪低落;忧郁。常与the
    Low spirits; the blues. Often used with the.
  • 赢3场后,红队被蓝队打败。
    After winning three games in a row, the Reds had their ears pinned back the Blues.
  • 胜三局之后,红队败给了蓝队。
    After wining three games in a row, the Reds-had their ears pinned back by the Blues.