  • 暴露光线太多;通常指照相片。
    expose to too much light; of photographic film.
  • 这个床还算软。
    This bed is fairly soft.
  • 怕这怕那的人是弱的人。
    A fearful person is a weak person.
  • 目前羽毛市场很疲
    At present the feather market is very easy.
  • 髓质羽毛或毛发中的性物质
    The soft inner substance of a feather or hair.
  • 猫头鹰任何各种经常夜间出来捕食的鸟,属于夜禽鸟,有带钩的覆盖羽毛的爪子,有短钩喙的大头,前视的大眼睛,有柔的羽毛可以在夜间无声的飞行
    Any of various often nocturnal birds of prey of the order Strigiformes, having hooked and feathered talons, large heads with short hooked beaks, large eyes set forward, and fluffy plumage that allows for almost noiseless flight.
  • 长有柔如羽毛的叶子的蔷薇科的乔木或灌木属。
    a genus of shrubs or trees of the family Rocaceae having feathery leaves.
  • 丛毛的一束垂毛,如在某些狗的腿部或尾部
    A feathery tuft or fringe of hair, as on the legs or tail of some dogs.
  • 我们开始攒钱给自己买一对情侣鹦鹉,羽毛轻的那种。
    And one day we started saving up for a couple of lovebirds of our own: the feathery kind.
  • 木高底鞋一种16及17世纪时妇女所穿的有非常高而且厚的鞋底的鞋
    A woman's shoe worn in the16th and17th centuries that featured a very high, thick sole.
  • 但每次大型比赛,当我抬头环视看台时,那顶熟悉的呢帽总在那儿。
    But for all the big games,when I looked over at the sideline,there was that familiar fedora.
  • 他们这么交谈着时,她从眼角隐隐瞧见了一些那人的相貌:红润生动的脸,淡淡的一抹小胡子,一顶灰色的呢帽。
    All the time she was conscious of certain features out of the side of her eye. Flush, colourful cheeks, a light moustache, a grey fedora hat.
  • 衰弱变得弱或脆弱;失去力量或活力
    To be or become weak or feeble; lose strength or vigor.
  • 党的领导方式和执政方式与新形势新任务的要求还不完全适应,有的党组织弱涣散。
    The Party's way of leadership and governance does not yet entirely meet the requirements of the new situation and new tasks. Some Party organizations are feeble and lax.
  • 当人心最弱的时候,爱情最容易入侵,那就是当人得意春风,忘乎所以和处境窘困孤独凄零的时候,虽然后者未必能得到爱情。人在这样的时候最急于跳入爱情的火焰中,由此可见,“爱情”实在是“愚蠢”的儿子。
    This passion hath his floods, in very times of weakness; which are great prosperity, and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed: both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly.
  • 第一,织物经过这种洗衣粉洗涤后,手感蓬松、柔、尤其是对含有化纤的纤物可起防止静电作用,减少织物电火花和吸尘。
    Firstly, the fabrics washed with it feel fluffy and soft, esp. for synthetic fibred fabrics, and it prevents static electricity and reduced electric spark and dust.
  • 这个实验也证明了完全可以使用过的饮料包装变废为宝。这种纸是一种非常昂贵同时显得很豪华的手工制品。
    That used soft-drinks cartons are too good to just be thrown away is proved by this experiment: the long-fibred waste material can be twisted into hand-made paper, the most expensive and sumptuous paper there is.
  • 属于或关于纤维骨。
    of or relating to fibrocartilage.
  • 填料用于垫衬或填充的纤维棉花或羊毛的一个
    A soft layer of fibrous cotton or wool used for padding or stuffing.
  • 韧带一种带状或片状的坚韧的含纤维组织,主要作用是关节处连接骨骼或骨,或支持、固定某一器官
    A sheet or band of tough, fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages at a joint or supporting an organ.
  • 人们常常用两种方法一起来建立internet防火墙,它们是应用件与线路入口以及信息包过滤。
    Two methods are most often used together to establish an Internet firewall.They are application and circuit gateways, as well as packet filtering.
  • 一般而言,虽然它们不包含基干交换机提供的协议过滤和其它路由功能,但某些工作组交换机支持高级件,如stp、简单网络管理协议和虚拟局域网。
    While they typically do not include the protocol filtering and other routing functions offered by backbone switches, some workgroup switches support advanced software including STP, Simple Network Management Protocol and virtual LANs.
  • 过滤产品最明显的优势是提高网络安全的能力,但也有很多组织将它们用于内部网络控制。如url过滤器可以用于阻断对某些站点的访问和保持生产率。又如elron件公司生产的消息检查器是一种电子邮件过滤器,采用上下文敏感过滤去除电子邮件、消息组或ftp网点中的攻击性或敏感性通信。
    The most obvious benefit of filtering products is the ability to boost network security, but many organizations also use them for internal network control.For example, URL filters can be used to block access to certain sites and to maintain productivity.Message Inspector, an e-mail filter produced by Elron Software Inc., uses context-sensitive filtering to weed out offensive or sensitive communications in e-mail, newsgroups or FTP sites.
  • 的白色的亚麻布。
    a finely woven white linen.
  • 被微柔毛的覆有细毛或非常柔绒毛的;有很纤细的绒毛的
    Covered with minute hairs or very fine down; finely pubescent.
  • 裙子的精致和柔引起了她的注意
    The fineness and softness of the dress caught her attention
  • 裙子的精致和柔引起了她的注意。
    The fineness and softness of the dress catch her attention.
  • 触摸这块布;顾客用手抚摸羊毛衫。
    Feel this soft cloth!; The customer fingered the sweater.
  • 属于鳕鱼科的鳍鱼。
    a soft-finned fish of the family Gadidae.
  • 硬骨鱼纲有鳍的鱼。
    a soft-finned fish of the order Cypriniformes.
  • 寒带和温带水域中的鳍鱼。
    soft-finned fishes of cold and temperate waters.
  • 由淡水白鲑组成的鳍鱼类;以前被归为鲑科。
    soft-finned fishes comprising the freshwater whitefishes; formerly included in the family Salmonidae.