  • 谁将获得总统提名?
    Who will get the nomination for president?
  • 也没有他更清楚地知道。。。
    He is aware, none better than he, that...
  • 但是他们也没有变成石头!
    But none of them has been turned to stone yet!
  • 学生中都不知道答案。
    None of the pupils knew the answer.
  • 我想不出还有谁。
    None that I can think of.
  • 这是我们也没料想到。
    We none of us expected it.
  • 我也不知道别人还能知道这个秘密。
    Nor am I aware that anyone else knows the secret.
  • 时至今日,我也还没见过有灵机既动、且运用了该秘诀之后,却没有在自己选定的行业里大放异彩的。’
    I have never known anyone who was inspired to use the secret, who did not achieve noteworthy success in his chosen calling.
  • 他们也不懂得失火时要关上门.
    None of them had the nous to shut the door when the fire broke out.
  • 他们也不懂得失火时要关上门。
    None of them have the nous to shut the door when the fire break out.
  • 是你最喜爱的英国小说家?
    Who is your favorite English novelist?
  • 现在也不按规则驾车了。
    Nobody wants to drive by the rules nowadays.
  • 听说一个女子结婚没有穿结婚的衣服呢?咳,我听说在公开场合“赤身祼体”是不雅观的!
    Whoever heard of a young lady being married without something to be married in? Well, I've heard nudity is not the cheese on public occasions!
  • 谁是护士?
    Who 's a nurse?
  • 那些尼龙短袜是的?
    Whose nylon sock is those?
  • 听了这样的话,都会生气的。
    One cannot hear such a remark without taking offence.
  • 你的婚礼是由主持的?
    Who officiated at your wedding?
  • 他们之中的年纪最大?
    Who is the oldest of them?
  • 取得了奥运会金牌?
    Who won the gold medals at the Olympics?
  • 多亏了她那几只鸡,还有一些新鲜的鸡蛋。他过去总是说她做的煎蛋饼比做得都好。
    Luckily she had some fresh eggs, thanks to her chickens, and he always used to say that she made omelets better than anyone else.
  • 你们得到的许可在这儿贴广告?
    On whose authority are you putting these posters here?
  • 谁致的开幕词?
    Who made the opening speech?
  • 窗户是谁开的?
    Who opens the window?
  • 我们奉行独立自主的正确的外交路线和对外政策,高举反对霸权主义、维护世界和平的旗帜,坚定地站在和平力量一边,搞霸权就反对搞战争就反对
    We pursue a correct, independent diplomatic line and foreign policy, opposing hegemonism and safeguarding world peace. We side firmly with the forces that stand for peace and oppose those that stand for hegemonism and war.
  • 你和谁比赛?
    Who is opposing you in the match?
  • 来准备星期一会议上的三明治?
    Who's going to organize the sandwiches for Monday's meeting?
  • 今年的组织者不知道是
    I wonder who's organizing the party this year.
  • 今年的组织者不知道是
    I wonder who 's organizing the party this year.
  • 是这座房子最早的主人?
    Who was the original owner of this house?
  • 我现在住在这儿,但是我想知道最初是住在这儿的?
    I live here now, but I wonder who lived here originally?
  • 这计划是谁发起的?
    With whom did the scheme originate?
  • 尽管他们与敌军力量悬殊,战士们却也不肯退却。
    Although they are outnumber by the enemy, the men refuse to give grind.