  • 那位记者独家采访了那位贝尔奖得主
    The reporter had an exclusive interview with the Nobel prize winner
  • 那位记者独家采访了那位贝尔奖得主。
    The reporter have an exclusive interview with the nobel prize winner.
  • 丁肇中,塞缪尔·赵钟生于1936美国物理学家。他因发现了一种亚原子粒子而与人分享1976年贝尔奖
    American physicist. He shared a1976 Nobel Prize for discovering a subatomic particle.
  • 盖塞,赫伯特·斯宾塞1888-1963美国生理学家,1944年因其对神经纤维的研究获贝尔奖
    American physiologist. He shared a1944 Nobel Prize for research on nerve fibers.
  • 埃克尔斯爵士,约翰·卡鲁生于1903澳大利亚生理学家,1963年因神经细胞研究与人共获贝尔奖
    Australian physiologist. He shared a1963 Nobel Prize for research on nerve cells.
  • 霍奇金,多罗斯·玛丽·克罗福特生于1910埃及裔英国化学家,因研究出用于治疗恶性贫血的化合物结构而获1964年贝尔奖
    British physiologist. He shared a1963 Nobel Prize for research on nerve cells.
  • 他的贝尔奖证明了他独创性的研究。
    His Nobel Prize is a tribute to the originality of his research.
  • 我很幸运地获得了两次贝尔奖。
    I have been very lucky to have won the Nobel Prize twice.
  • 不知您能否让我知道有关贝尔奖的一些知识。
    I wonder if you can let me know something about Nobel Prize.
  • 不知您能否让我知道有关贝尔奖的一些知识。
    I wonder whether you could let me know something about Nobel Prize.
  • 贝尔被认为是本世纪最伟大的科学家之一。
    Nobel was counted as one of the greatest scientists of the century.
  • 盖尔曼·默里,默里生于1929美国物理学家,因其对次原子粒子的研究获1969年贝尔奖
    American physicist. He won a1969 Nobel Prize for his study of subatomic particles.
  • 要拿贝尔奖这一想法一直激励着我前进。
    The thought of the Noble Prize has spared me on.
  • 诺蒂今天事事不顺。
    Nothing goes right for Noddy today.
  • 小马丁。路德。金因为主张民权运动中采取非暴力政策而被授予1964年贝尔和平奖。
    Martin Ruther King Jr. was awarded the peace Nobal Prize of1964 for advocating nonviolence policy in the movement for civil rights.
  • 澳洲和南太平洋福克岛的常绿树种。
    evergreen of Australia and Norfolk Island in the South Pacific.
  • 朴次茅斯美国弗吉尼亚州东南部一城市,与福克相望,自从美国革命开始时就是主要的海军基地。人口103,907
    A city of southeast Virginia opposite Norfolk. It has been a major naval base since pre-Revolutionary times. Population,103, 907.
  • 福克:他们的兵力至多不过六七千。理查:哼,我们的人数有他们的三倍,何况,君王威名就是一支擎天柱,这一点是他们所缺少的……。
    Norfolk: Six or seven thousand is their utmost power. King Richard: Why, our battalia trebles that account. Besides, the king's name is a tower of strength, which they upon the adverse faction want…
  • 我很喜欢马,因为她坦率真诚,从不摆架子。
    I like Norma because she's genuine person and never puts on side.
  • 马的一幅画在当地的图书馆里展出。
    One of Norma's paintings is on show at the local library.
  • 卡拉斯,玛丽亚·梅涅吉尼1923-1977美国特色女高音歌唱家,以其特异的吸引力而闻名。她著名的歌剧角色是贝利尼的尔玛
    American coloratura soprano known for her dramatic intensity. Among her notable operatic roles was Bellini's Norma.
  • 于是,他们收拾行装,不远千里来到纽约,找到由玛·渥尔讷医生负责的斯隆—凯特岭癌症中心。
    His large lrish? Catholic family,determined to get James the best care possible,packed up and traveled to New York's Memorial Sloan? Kettering Cancer center,where Dr.Norma Wollner took charge.
  • 曼第人很难被征服。
    The Norman is difficult to be conquered.
  • 英国法语古法语方言,主要从曼法语发展而来由移居英国的曼人使用
    The dialect of Old French, derived chiefly from Norman French, that was used by the Anglo-Normans.
  • 我是诺曼沃特斯。
    And I am Norman Waters.
  • 我是弗瑞克斯,曼·弗瑞克斯。
    Yes, it's Fredricks, Norman Fredricks.
  • 曼先生,您不符合会议规程。
    Mr Norman, you're out of order.
  • 曼先生,您不符合会议规程。
    Mr. Norman, you are out of order.
  • 分布于中世纪时期英格兰的法语(曼第语)。
    the French (Norman) language used in medieval England.
  • 他的血统可追溯至一个古老的尔曼家族。
    He traced his descent back to an old Norman family.
  • 曼的图画无疑是班上最好的。
    Norman's drawing is without question the best in the class.
  • 〔1〕白求恩即尔曼·白求恩(一八九○——一九三九),加拿大共产党党员,著名的医生。
    [1] The distinguished surgeon Norman Bethune was a member of the Canadian Communist Party.