Chinese English Sentence:
  • 现在你在区域中对置所做的任何改变将只会储存在你的这个区域。
    Any changes you make to the settings in your area now will be saved only in this area.
  • win.ini,它包括一些置,能根据你的喜好,设置windows。
    WIN.INI, which primarily contains settings that Windows maintains to customize your Windows environment according to your preferences.
  • 4.在你想要个性化项目旁边的方框中标入一个记号,这意味着任何时候你在置上所做出的变化将只出现在你的使用区域内,而不会出现在其他使用者的区域内。
    4.Put a tick in the box next to the settings you want to personatise. This means that any time you make a change to the settings you have selected the change will only appear in your user area rather than in any one else's Click.
  • 自那时起,我们同威尔榭时公司已签了十七个合同.
    since then, we've signed seventeen contracts with Willshire Fashion.
  • 这项让高技术圈内议论了将近一年的极端保密发明终于亮相了,据研制该置的公司称,这个能自动调节平衡的摩托踏板车每天行驶费用不到5美分。
    he ultrasecret invention that has kept the high-tech world abuzz for nearly a year turns out to be a self-balancing, motorized scooter that costs less than 5 cents a day to operate, according to the company developing the device.
  • 缝上花做为一种饰。
    sew on as a decoration.
  • 你把书的散页重新订成册好吗?
    Will you sew the scattered sheets of a book?
  • 把某物排到空气中的置(如下水道)。
    an apparatus for exposing something to the air (as sewage).
  • 离合器一种使轴的两个职能部分或轴与机械驱动置处于相咬合或相分离状态的设备
    Any of various devices for engaging and disengaging two working parts of a shaft or of a shaft and a driving mechanism.
  • 末收到贵方9月25日305号订单订购100块钢板的7。8万美元信用证,因船在即,烦请速以电报开立。
    Unrcvd l.c. for usd 78,000-cove body/305 sep/25100 steel plate shag date soon pls. on by cal imdtly.
  • 巧妙置一系列的或大量的别致玩意儿
    An array or abundance of gimmicks.
  • 葱属植物百合科葱属的大量植物,通常指球茎植物,长茎上开有不同颜色的花簇,还包括多种饰性植物和粮食作物,如洋葱、韭葱、细香葱、大蒜和青葱
    Any of numerous, usually bulbous plants of the genus Allium in the lily family, having long stalks bearing clusters of variously colored flowers and including many ornamental and food plants, such as onions, leeks, chives, garlic, and shallots.
  • 他的愤怒只是假的。
    His anger was a mere sham.
  • 假的就是假的,伪应当剥去。
    Sham is sham and the mask must be stripped off.
  • 有些不便之处几乎是没有办法避免的,而且如果希望一点不便也没有给对方造成,则通常会被认为是在佯
    Some inconvenience is almost inevitable,and the hope that no inconvenience whatever has been caused is usually recognized for the sham that it is.
  • 假名;假的快乐;假地址;虚假的同情;假出来的兴趣;假的孩子声音;假虚心。
    an assumed name; an assumed cheerfulness; a fictitious address; fictive sympathy; a pretended interest; a put-on childish voice; sham modesty.
  • 临时市政局在深水?公园游泳池、摩士公园游泳池、观塘游泳池、大环山游泳池及摩理臣山游泳池设水上游乐设施后,鉴于设施大受市民欢迎,该局已陆续为其辖下12个游泳池设这类设施,供市民享用。
    Following the successful installation of water play equipment at Sham Shui Po Park, Morse Park, Kwun Tong, Tai Wan Shan and Morrison Hill swimming pools, 12 swimming pools managed by the Provisional Urban Council are now installed with such equipment for the enjoyment of the public.
  • 他不是真的生病,而是在病。
    He isn't really ill; he's shamming.
  • 他假他生病了;他假头痛。
    He feigned that he was ill; He shammed a headache.
  • 水手长……发誓说我病,不想干活。
    The boatswain…swore that I shammed Abraham merely to be idle.
  • 优点:贾德十分暴露的戏
    Best Feature: Judd's shameless wardrobe
  • 她假装自己疯了。
    She feigned that she was mad.
  • 回到家我打开邮箱,只有一把账单,还有两个白色的信封,肯定里面的也是账单。
    I looked in my mail box. There were only bills in it, a sheaf of them, and two white envelopes which I was sure contained more bills.
  • 收割庄稼并把它捆起来的机器。
    a machine that cuts grain and binds it in sheaves.
  • 外皮或包膜一个包壳或外壳
    An enveloping sheath or envelope.
  • 有鞘的形成鞘的或在鞘内的
    Forming or enclosed in a sheath.
  • (使)入鞘入鞘中或为鞘所围
    To enclose or become enclosed in or as if in a sheath.
  • 灯罩煤油灯内一置,是一个由许多线结成的套构成的,被火焰加热后产生灿烂的光芒
    A device in gas lamps consisting of a sheath of threads that gives off brilliant illumination when heated by the flame.
  • 他的鞘了的剑;猫的覆起来的爪子;以铜板包裹船底;铜裹的。
    his sheathed sword; the cat's sheathed claws; a ship's bottom sheathed in copper; copper-sheathed.
  • 底部包铜的或用铜铠的。
    having a bottom of copper or sheathed with copper.
  • 请将150张铜板,“高丽”号货轮,运往新加坡。
    Have the goodness to ship on board the"korai-maru", for singapore, 150 sheet of copper sheathing.
  • 一种柔软的绵羊皮,经过上色和磨制后类似摩洛哥革,用于书籍订。
    a soft sheepskin leather that is colored and finished to resemble morocco; used in bookbinding.