  • 格兰队负于澳大利亚队。
    Scotland lost to Australia.
  • 欧弗兰密里东部一城市,圣路易斯的一郊区。人口17,987
    A city of eastern Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Population,17, 987.
  • 康科德镇美国密里州中东部一个社区,是圣路易斯的郊区。人口19,859
    A community of east-central Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Population,19, 859.
  • 伯克利美国密里州东部一城市,圣·路易丝的工业郊区。人口15,922
    A city of eastern Missouri, an industrial suburb of St. Louis. Population,15, 922.
  • 马里兰州是第一个这样做的州,接着是明尼达州、路易斯安娜州和内华达州,它们都是在1989年通过的。
    Maryland became the first state to do so followed by Minnesota, Louisiana, and Nevada, all in 1989.
  • 爱你的苏珊
    With love from susan
  • 他住在苏格兰低地。
    He lives in the Lowland.
  • 属于、关于早期萨克逊人或盎格鲁撒克逊人及其后代或语言的,或有其特点的(尤指英国人或格兰低地人)。
    of or relating to or characteristic of the early Saxons or Anglo-Saxons and their descendents (especially the English or Lowland Scots) and their language.
  • 格兰低地地方的本地人。
    a native of the Lowlands of Scotland.
  • 格兰的低地人所说的英语方言。
    a dialect of English spoken in the Lowlands of Scotland.
  • 明尼阿波利斯美国明尼达州东南部城市,位于密西西比河畔,紧邻圣保罗。为该州最大的城市,19世纪为一个伐木业中心,如今已成为一重要进入港和主要工业基地。人口368,383
    A city of southeast Minnesota on the Mississippi River adjacent to St. Paul. The largest city in the state, it was a leading lumbering center in the19th century and today is a port of entry and major industrial hub. Population,368, 383.
  • 是我把美丽的吉拉引去顺从那侯爵的意思,不论这可耻的故事传说得怎么样。
    I was the one who coaxed Ghisolabella to serve the lusty wishes of the Marquis, no matter how the sordid tale is told.
  • 只有那位女仆马格洛大娘,稍微有些噜
    Their only servant, Madame Magloire, grumbled a little.
  • 没有卷入帝国主义战争漩涡的联,是全世界一切被压迫人民和被压迫民族的援助者。
    The Soviet Union, which has not been drawn into the maelstrom of this imperialist war, is the supporter of all the oppressed people and all the oppressed nations of the world.
  • 尔是个魔术师,他住在非洲。
    Mansur was a magician. He lived in Africa.
  • 市长某些格兰城市的首要行政长官
    The chief magistrate of certain Scottish cities.
  • 产于马来半岛和门答腊岛的貘。
    a tapir found in Malaya and Sumatra.
  • 明尼达州立大学的佩顿和克雷格·帕克在8月23日出版的《科学》周刊上写到,鬃毛越长越黑,雄狮吸引的配偶就越多,而且也有助于其幼狮的生存。
    The bigger and darker the mane, the more mates a lion attracts, and the better his cubs survive, Peyton West and Craig Packer of the University of Minnesota wrote in Friday's issue of the journal Science.
  • 12岁的女儿滔滔不绝地讲述心肺复法和海姆利克氏操作法,母亲赞许地频频点头。
    As the 12-year-old went on and on about CPR and the Heimlich maneuver,mom nodded proudly.
  • 这就是联的利益和世界人类大多数的利益互相一致,和波兰反动统治下被压迫人民的利益互相一致的具体表现。
    It is a concrete manifestation of the identity of the interests of the Soviet Union with those of the overwhelming majority of mankind, including those of the oppressed people under reactionary Polish rule.
  • 联利益和人类利益的一致
  • 联和美国在发射载人宇宙飞船去火星的研制方面,可以说是并驾齐驱,不相上下。
    Russia and the United States are neck and neck in the race to send a manned spacecraft to Mars.
  • 盖尔语凯尔特语族的一支,包括爱尔兰盖尔语,格兰盖尔语和曼岛语
    A branch of the Celtic languages that includes Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx.
  • 手术后当晚,这对连体姐妹玛利亚·特蕾莎·阿尔瓦雷斯和玛利亚·赫斯留在加利福尼亚洛杉矶医学中心接受观察,她们还没有脱离危险但情况还算稳定。不过医生对她们的康复是充满信心的。
    Maria Teresa Quiej Alvarez and her sister, Maria de Jesus, were in critical but stable condition Tuesday night at the University of California at Los Angeles Medical Center, but doctors were optimistic about their recovery.
  • 苏圣玛丽运河
    Sault Sainte Marie Canals
  • 蒂明斯加拿大安大略省中部一城市,位于圣马里东北部。它是一个金矿中心。人口46,114
    A city of central Ontario, Canada, northeast of Sault Sainte Marie. It is a gold-mining center. Population,46, 114.
  • 例如煤产量,一九七八年,美国商品煤五亿九千九百多万吨,联原煤七亿二千四百万吨。
    Take coal output for example.In 1978 the total amount of marketable coal mined in the United States was in excess of 599 million tons, and the output of raw coal in the Soviet Union was 724 million tons.
  • 白宫发言人菲茨沃特说,布什预先知道努努旅行的事,但“不知他是坐轿车去的,并且”菲茨沃特说,布什“希望下不为例”。
    White House Spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said Bush knew about Sununu's trip in advance but "didn't know he was going by car, and" said Fitzwater, Bush "expects this is onetime only thing."
  • 铁托主义二次世界大战以后一种与铁托元帅联系在一起的共产主义政策和实践,特指一个共产主义国家宣称自己利益独立于联或与联对立
    The post-World War II Communist policies and practices associated with Marshal Tito, especially the assertion by a Communist nation of its interests independently of or in opposition to the Soviet Union.
  • 马歇尔将军是当是的美国国务卿。与其一起参加外长会议的是另个位军人:美国驻大使比德尔·史密斯将军。
    The then Secretary of State was General Marshall, and attending the conference with him was the US ambassador to Moscow, another military man General Biddell Smith.
  • 莫洛托夫听完翻译的话明白了,美国国务卿在轻松愉快的场合对一句“玩笑话”不是用外交语言进行应酬,而是表现出了如此严厉的态度,那么除马歇尔本人性格特点的原因外,还反映了美两国关系的现状以及今后的发展趋势。
    When he heard the translation, Mr. Molotov realized the U.S. Secretary of State refused to treat in a diplomatic way a humorous remark made on an informal occasion, and instead had taken up a very serious attitude. This was not only a question of Marshall's personal character, but also a reflection of the present state of U.S.-Soviet relationship and an indication of its future development.
  • 你要格兰威士忌酒,还是起子酒或马丁尼酒?
    A scotch, a screw driver or a martini?