  • 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的班。
    I'll book you on a direct flight to London.
  • 航天器机动飞行
    maneuver flight of spacecraft
  • 航天控制中心
    space flight control center
  • 321班机是去罗马的直达班机。
    AF flight 321 is a direct flight to Rome.
  • 飞行航线
    A line of flight.
  • 这是直达航班。
    It's a direct flight.
  • 是的,飞往迈阿密的207次班。
    Yes, Flight 207 to Miami?
  • 航班号是da371。
    The flight number is DA371.
  • 您是乘哪一次班的?
    What flight were you on?
  • 浮冰对这一带的运是一种威胁.
    Ice-floes are a threat to shipping in the area.
  • 对南美洲海岸进行探险的佛罗伦萨海家;为纪念他,南美洲以他的名字命名(1454-1512)。
    Florentine navigator who explored the coast of South America; America was named in his honor (1454-1512).
  • 大牌服装设计师为空公司设计制服已经不是第一次了。
    It's not the first time big-name designers have flown their fashions.
  • 这艘船定于第二天启
    The ship was due to sail the following morning.
  • 强风吹顶着风帆,迫使船改变道。
    As strong wind lashed against the sails , forcing the boat to change course.
  • 当局已经在周日关闭了机场。致使190架班被迫取消,这是两周来这座机场第二次被关闭。
    Authorities closed the airport on Saturday for the second time in two weeks, forcing 190 flights to be cancelled.
  • 如果预计天气恶劣,天气预报人员必须能够在该飞机程内提出另一个天气适合着陆的机场。
    If bad weather is expected the forecaster must be able to suggest another airport within the range of the aircraft where the weather will be suitable for landing.
  • 我们可以合作发射各种新型卫星,包括用于导、气象预报、广播、电子计算机技术等方面的卫星。
    New satellites can be launched for use in navigation, weather forecasting, broadcasting, and computer technology.
  • 弹性带宽今天,在环地球轨道运行的约700颗人造卫星中有一半左右是美国的,其中110颗是军用卫星,分别用于导、通信、天气预报、成像、侦察和导弹发射的早期预警。
    Elastic bandwidth Approximately half of the roughly 700 operational satellites in orbit today are U.S. spacecraft and of those, 110 are military satellites used for navigation, communications, weather forecasting, imaging, surveillance, and early warning of missile launches.
  • 我想这次行你至少赚二万五千法郎呢。”
    and I advise you not to take 25,000 francs for the profits of the voyage."
  • "这家空公司只办理货运业务,没有客运服务。"
    This aircraft company deals with freight only; it has no passenger service.
  • 我们乘车旅行了大西洋;护卫舰已经行到了法国。
    We sailed the Atlantic; This frigate has sailed to France.
  • 快速战舰向私掠船的船首上空发炮警告,命令她停
    The frigate fired a warning shot across the privateer's bows to make her heave to.
  • 海长度单位等于英尺。
    a nautical unit of length (15 ft).
  • 货轮冒出浓烟正准备出
    The freighter was fuming thick black smoke and ready for departure.
  • 提供程所需全部设备的。
    furnished with all equipment needed for voyaging.
  • 没有提供行所需设备的。
    not furnished with equipment needed for voyaging.
  • 大风把货船吹出了道。
    The gale drove the freighter out of its course.
  • 在1628年,有一艘大帆船在处女开始时就沉没了,这个沉船故事一定是最神奇的海上轶事之一。
    The story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.
  • 商用的行在密西西比河的大的帆船。
    a large galleon sailed in the Mediterranean as a merchantman.
  • 在1628年,有一艘大帆船在处女开始时就沉没了,这个沉船故事一定是最神奇的海上轶事之一。
    The story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in 1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.
  • 引导和鼓励天科技企业制度创新和技术创新,建立面向国内外市场的运行机制,以通信卫星和卫星通信、运载火箭为重点,分步实施,推进空间技术及应用产业化进程。
    Enterprises engaged in space science and technology are guided and encouraged to renovate institutions and technology, and establish an operational mechanism geared toward both the domestic and international markets, so as to speed up the industrialization of space technology and its applications step by step, with the stress on telecom satellites and satellite telecom and launching vehicles.
  • 双子座太空计划中每组成员含有两名宇员。
    under the Gemini program each crew had two astronauts.