Chinese English Sentence:
  • 似巨浪腾巨浪、波涛或波浪形团块,如烟雾或声音
    A great swell, surge, or undulating mass, as of smoke or sound.
  • 以巨大、滚的波浪或者汹涌为特点。
    characterized by great swelling waves or surges.
  • 滚的暴风云;永无休止汹涌的大海;汹涌的波浪。
    billowy storm clouds; the restless billowing sea; surging waves.
  • 苏珊遍钱包找点零钱。
    Susan hunted through her purse for some change.
  • 汽车行驶在40号州际公路上时,基姆在汽车后座上刚睡着,克瑞基特为避开一辆慢行的卡车突然转向。结果,车被后面车撞上,了几周,基姆受了伤。不过,基姆的伤远不如克瑞基特的伤严重,车盖塌陷致使她颅骨骨折。
    Kim had just dozed off in the backseat when Krickitt swerved on Interstate 40 to avoid a slow moving truck and was hit from behind. The car flipped several times, and Kim was injured, but nothing like Krickitt, whose skull was fractured when the roof caved in.
  • 句法指导的翻译系统
    syntaxdirected translation schema
  • 对下列动作,裁判员给分:摔倒,摆脱成功,反控制上,完全摔倒(两肩着地),接近摔倒(两肩着地)或接近压下(两肩着地)。
    The referee awards points for a takedown, an escape position, a reversal of control, a fall, a near fall, or near pin.
  • 由于市场传言中华网收购,在澳洲挂牌的libertyone股价九月份几乎倍。
    Thanks to the industry buzz of a takeover by, LibertyOne's shares nearly doubled in September.
  • 法官驳回该项指控,说所控罪状已全部被证据推,那个人显然是清白无辜的。
    The magistrate dismissed the charge saying that the evidence had torn it to tatters and the man was clearly innocent.
  • 我想做一名临时口语译。
    I'd like to be a temporary interpreter.
  • 翻译版本
    A translated version of a text.
  • 他打了红酒瓶子,因此弄破了桌布。
    He knocked over the red wine, thereby ruining the table cloth.
  • 他们因所需推否决案的三分之二的票数差了六票而受挫。
    They fell six votes short of the two-thirds necessary to reverse the veto.
  • 她刚躲到另一边,小狗就向树枝发起第二次冲锋,它冲得太急了,不但没有抓着树枝,反而了个筋斗,爱丽丝觉得真像同一匹马玩耍,随时都有被它踩在脚下的危险,因此,她又围着蓟树丛转了起来,。
    and the moment she appeared on the other side, the puppy made another rush at the stick, and tumbled head over heels in its hurry to get hold of it; then Alice, thinking it was very like having a game of play with a cart-horse, and expecting every moment to be trampled under its feet, ran round the thistle again;
  • 过一页,她又添了几笔:“他热情、幽默、善良、周到。”
    Then she’d turned the page over and added “Warmth. Humor. Kindness. Thoughtfulness.”
  • 病人再床上来覆去。
    The patient thrashed about in bed.
  • 迈克发高烧,在床上来覆去不安稳。
    Mike was thrashing about in bed with a high fever.
  • 马把骑马的人掀下来。
    The horse threw its rider.
  • 导致倾斜的动作导致物体倒的一个突然的推力或移动
    A thrust or motion that tilts something.
  • 阅地址簿,寻找号码。
    He thumbed through the address book looking for the number.
  • 暴怒的大海大了一切。
    the sea hurled itself in thundering rage against the rocks.
  • 别把椅子一个劲向后倾斜,它会倒的。
    Don't tilt your chair back so far, it might fall over.
  • 我把瓶子弄了,瓶子摔破了。
    I tipped the bottle over and it broke.
  • 那辆单轮手推车重心不稳,会倒。
    That wheelbarrow is top-heavy; it'll tip over.
  • 车机一种用倾的方式卸下货车中的货物的装置
    An apparatus for unloading freight cars by tipping them.
  • 小船翻覆了。
    The boat tipped over.
  • 他翻到书名页……
    He turned to the title-page..
  • 他翻到书名页……
    He turned to the title-page..
  • 诗意经常是不能译的;托尔斯泰的小说成功地译成英。
    poetry often does not translate; Tolstoy's novels translate well into English.
  • 头重脚轻的,不稳的由于重量分布不均,头部承受了大多数重量而导致容易
    Likely to topple because of an uneven distribution of weight, with the majority being at the top.
  • 以所谓人民力量成功推民选总统,这在菲律宾历史上开下不良先河,使民众认为“人民力量”可以轻而易举地推一个政权,这才引发5月1日埃斯特拉达支持者在发起第三次“人民力量”后攻击总统府,企图重夺政权的暴动事件。
    Using so-called “people power” to overthrow an elected President has set an undesirable precedent for the country. The people have come to believe that “people power” can easily topple a government - this is why loyalists of Mr Estrada resorted to a third “people power” on May 1 by attacking the presidential palace and attempting to seize power.
  • 了,把乘客都甩到了水里。
    The boat toppled over, throwing the passengers into the water.