  • 就在这时,艾瑞克两眼直勾勾地盯他的新朋友,身子从我手臂里使劲往外探,伸出双手,摆出小孩的“抱抱我”的姿势。
    As I did so, Erik, with his eyes riveted on his new friend, leaned far over my arm, reaching with both his hands in a baby's "pick me up" position.
  • 阿尔芒木然不动,两眼凝视这个已出空的墓穴;脸色就像刚才我们看见的死尸那样惨他似乎变成一块石头了。
    Armand did not move. His eyes were riveted on the empty grave: he was as pale as the corpse which we had just seen. He might have been turned to stone.
  • 树木拱盖着道路。
    Trees overarched the road.
  • 向下一面的,内面的属于或在向茎轴的器官的下部或内部表面上的;近轴的
    Of or on the lower or inner surface of an organ that faces the axis; adaxial.
  • 但各国国情不同,各自走不同的道路,中国也根据自己历史背景、社会制度、文化传统、经济发展状况的不同,走了自己的道路。
    However, actual situations vary from country to country, and the roads taken by each country are different. China has chosen to march along its own road in accordance with the facts of its historical background, social system, cultural traditions and level of economic development.
  • 很宽的路围绕这座城市。
    Wide roads girdled the city.
  • 他领着她穿过马路。
    He guided her across the roads.
  • 沿大路往前,南王很快就看见路边有一排树林。
    Advancing on the road,he soon came across a line of trees along the roadside.
  • 自动唱机跳舞跳舞,尤指在路边小酒馆里跳或伴自动唱机里的音乐跳
    To dance, especially in a roadside drinking establishment or to the music of a jukebox.
  • 路旁木箱里装草莓和玫瑰,一座倾坍的牲口棚在镜子般的绿色池水中映出倒影,池里长满了水藻,一匹老得跑不动的白马若有所思地看公路上奔驰的车辆。
    Strawberries and roses in wooden crates at roadside stands. A dilapidated barn reflected in the green looking glass of an algae-filled pond. And there was an old white horse no longer able to trot, wistfully watching cars running down the open road.
  • 但是,即使他的眼睛在雾和雨、在闪动的灯光、路旁晃动退走的树篱前睁了开来,车外夜里的黑影也会跟车内的一连串黑影会合在一起。
    Yet even when his eyes were opened on the mist and rain, on the moving patch of light from the lamps, and the hedge at the roadside retreating by jerks, the night shadow's outside the coach would fall into the train of the night shadows within.
  • 它是座140米高的水制纪念碑,犹如一个感叹号俯视近岸锚地。
    This is a 140 meters high water monument,sort of an exclamation mark dominating the roadstead.
  • 斜面,斜坡倾斜的表面或道路,连接不同的高度
    An inclined surface or roadway connecting different levels.
  • 巨大的绳索经受强大的压力,大桥路面被吹得如同舞动的飘带。
    Giant cables are under stupendous strain as the great roadway of the bridge whips about like some fluttering ribbon.
  • 直到不久前,(pci)性能对多数服务器要求而言是足够的,但随intel推出更快的芯片,目前在pci总线能力与intel芯片之间出现了差距,新的芯片能用比以前快得多的速度处理数据,而向它们输送数据的道路仍保持慢速。
    Until recently, that performance has been adequate for most server requirements. But with Intel churning out faster chips, there's now a gap between the PCI bus' capabilities and Intel chips. New chips can process data much faster than before, but the roadways that deliver the data to them have remained slow.
  • 同时由于连接是无线的、信道频率是固定的,所以用户可以在覆盖区域内漫游,但仍保持与局域网的连接。
    And because the connectivity is wireless and channel frequencies are fixed, users can roam within the coverage area and still remain the connectivity.
  • 我们边采花边漫步河岸。
    We roamed the banks of the river gathering flowers.
  • 操作系统、网卡和服务器供应商必须开发和测试数量不断增多的设备驱动程序,同时各公司面临支持范围很广的多厂家设备混合配置这样越来越困难的任务。
    Operating system, network adapter and server vendors must develop and test an ever-growing number of device drivers, while corporations are faced with the increasingly difficult task of supporting a wide range of multi-vendor configurations.
  • 市区车辆的喧嚣声不停地刺激神经。
    The roar of city traffic is a steady assault on one's nerves.
  • 火箭发动机发出的巨大的轰鸣声,卫星被送上了天空。
    With a tremendous roar from its rocket engine, the satellite is sent up into the sky.
  • 狂暴的风浪;猛烈的雷鸣向我怒吼它们的音乐——以斯拉·庞德;狂暴的天气;狂暴的大海。
    boisterous winds and waves; the fierce thunders roar me their music- Ezra Pound; rough weather; rough seas.
  • 汹涌的波涛拍打那块巨石。
    Roaring waves thrashed against the huge rock.
  • 喷出一股强大的气流之后,那蒸汽机车轰鸣开走了。
    Having sent out a jet of steam, the steam locomotive started off roaring.
  • 繁荣的商业;股票经纪人的繁荣期;繁荣的新商业;在做兴隆的生意;兴旺的旅游中心;在淡季中做兴旺的生意。
    flourishing businesses; a palmy time for stockbrokers; a prosperous new business; doing a roaring trade; a thriving tourist center; did a thriving business in orchids.
  • 那头公牛怒吼着。
    The bull roared with anger.
  • 作为世界最大的水帘,有无穷无尽游玩方式的维多利亚瀑布在我们的排名表上位居第七。
    For being the largest curtain of falling water in the world and providing endless ways to enjoy it,Victoria Falls roars onto our list at number seven.
  • 她饥饿地盯烤肉看。
    She looked at the roast hungrily.
  • 皮塔三明治一种由夹烤羊肉片,洋葱和西红柿的皮塔面包制成的三明治
    A sandwich made usually of sliced roasted lamb, onion, and tomato stuffed in pita bread.
  • 巨大的东南亚本地水果,“闻像地狱,吃起来像天堂“;籽粒可烘烤,吃起来像坚果。
    huge fruit native to southeastern Asia `smelling like Hell and tasting like Heaven'; seeds are roasted and eaten like nuts.
  • 老汉放弃了他“场场不落”的周日赶集习惯,早晨7时30分就挎他那重庆山区冬天惯用的烤火“烘笼”赶来了。
    Giving up his habit of going to every market fair, he arrived at the polling station at 7:30 am, carrying his roaster--a small coal-fueled heater local villagers use to warm themselves in winter.
  • 太阳火辣辣地照我们。
    The sun was roasting us.
  • 我穿着大衣取暖。
    I am roasting in this heavy coat.