  • 最大的宗为浸信会,其次是信义会。
    The Baptists form the largest denomination, followed by the Lutherans.
  • 坚持雅各布斯阿米尼乌斯观点的新教教
    the Protestant denomination adhering to the views of Jacobus Arminius.
  • 坚持马丁路德观点的新教教
    the Protestant denomination adhering to the views of Martin Luther.
  • 否认三位一体学说的新教教
    the Protestant denomination that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity.
  • 忠于或限于一个教、宗教、党的。
    adhering or confined to a particular sect or denomination or party.
  • 不限于专心振兴某一特别别的。
    not bound to devoted to the promotion of a particular denomination.
  • 摩拉维亚教信徒由来自摩拉维亚的赫斯信徒移民于1722年在萨克森地区设立的新教的成员
    A member of a Protestant denomination founded in Saxony in1722 by Hussite emigrants from Moravia.
  • 实行相同礼拜式且有共同宗教信念的基督教徒团体;宗
    A body of Christians with a common religious faith who practice the same rites; a denomination.
  • 新教教中各个教会享有自主权的教会政体和信仰体系。
    system of beliefs and church government of a Protestant denomination in which each member church is self-governing.
  • 美国基督教新教教徒美国基督教新教统治下的一员!拿撒勒人的教堂遵循了许多早期美以美教的教条
    A member of an American Protestant denomination, the Church of the Nazarene, that follows many of the doctrines of early Methodism.
  • 它们主办许多活动,例如宴会、小组讨论、青年聚会,而且一个教的人常常被欢迎参加并确实参加另一教主持的活动。
    They sponsored many activities such as dinners, discussion groups, parties for the young people, and so forth, and people of one denomination are welcome to attend, and often do attend, the activities sponsored by another.
  • 各教之间的其他差异与教会领导机构有关。
    Other denominational differences have to do with church government.
  • 美国人历来主张尊重个性,不喜欢受严密的组织约束也助长了成立许多宗教别的倾向。
    The historic American belief in individuality and American dislike of being regimented fostered denominationalism.
  • 为了声讨卖国贼汪精卫,又是为了团结一切抗日力量,反对反共顽固
    We are here to denounce the traitor Wang Ching-wei, we are here to unite all anti-Japanese forces and to combat the anti-Communist die-hards.
  • 还有三道巨大山墙并列的结绳修道院,以及奥古斯都教修道院,其优美多姿的尖塔形如齿状,在巴黎这一边,从西数起,位于纳勒塔之后,算是第二个这种形状的尖塔。
    the Cordeliers, with their three enormous adjacent gables; the Augustins, whose graceful spire formed, after the Tour de Nesle, the second denticulation on this side of Paris, starting from the west.
  • 科罗拉多泉城科罗拉多州中部一城市,位于丹佛南部克斯峰山脚下,为美国空军学院(建于1958年)所在地,是一旅游胜地。人口281,140
    A city of central Colorado at the foot of Pikes Peak south of Denver. It is a popular tourist center near the site of the U.S. Air Force Academy(established here in1958). Population,281, 140.
  • 按照这项计划,该署会定期员巡视海鱼养殖区,以便及早发现鱼类疾病事故,并且建议养鱼户采取预防鱼类疾病的措施。一旦有鱼类疾病出现,该署会向养鱼场提供鱼类疾病诊断服务。
    Under the programme, departmental staff make regular visits to fish culture zones to facilitate early detection of disease outbreaks, to advise fish farmers on disease prevention measures and to provide a fish disease diagnostic service in case of an outbreak.
  • 布什政府不断增部队和飞机,并扬言要先于联合国实行海上封锁,结果予萨达姆可乘之机,不顾一切欲将此一赤裸裸的侵略描绘成伊拉克与美国“帝国主义”的冲突。
    By continuing to add troops and planes, and by threatening to act in advance of the United Nations to enforce a shipping blockade, the Bush Administration is playing into Mr.Hussein's desperate effort to depict his naked aggression as a confrontation between Iraq and the "imperialist" U.S.
  • 描绘自然景色的一种艺术流
    a genre of art dealing with the depiction of natural scenery.
  • *增前线警务人员驻守将军澳、马鞍山等新发展地区;
    * deploy more front-line Police officers in newly developed areas such as Tseung Kwan O and Ma On Shan; and
  • 由二零零零年一月一日起,与外籍家庭佣工签订新合约的雇主,如未获入境事务处事先批准,不得调外籍家庭佣工担任这类驾驶职务。
    With effect from January 1, 2000, unless they obtained prior approval from the Immigration Department, employers of foreign domestic helpers under new contracts could not deploy their foreign domestic helpers to perform such driving duties.
  • 原始存款与派生存款
    primary deposit and derivative deposit
  • 经理不能出席, 了个副手代表他.
    The manager was unable to attend but sent his deputy as a substitute.
  • 经理不能出席,了个副手代表他。
    The manager is unable to attend but send his deputy as a substitute.
  • “deride”一词是从拉丁文生的。
    The word "deride" derives from Latin.
  • (语言学)由屈折或者生形成的。
    (linguistics) formed by inflection or derivation.
  • 衍生用生法或复合法构(词)
    To make(a word) by derivation or composition.
  • 动词构成生词时使用的在以动词生的词中使用的,如“教师”teacher中的词缀-er
    Used in derivation from a verb, such as the suffix-er in teacher.
  • 形态音位学语言或某一语言中对于单词的结构和形式的研究,包括词尾变化、生和合成词的构成
    The study of the structure and form of words in language or a language, including inflection, derivation, and the formation of compounds.
  • 不规则的背离变形的、生的或构词的通常程式的,如动词be的现在时形式或复数名词children
    Departing from the usual pattern of inflection, derivation, or word formation, as the present forms of the verb be or the plural noun children.
  • ‘sing’、‘singer’和‘song’之间的形态关系就是生。
    the morphological relation between `sing' and `singer' and `song' is derivational.
  • 生过程;完全是生出来的散文风格。
    a derivative process; a highly derivative prose style.