  • 由于尝试失败,玛斯终于放弃工作。
    Since he fail in the attempt, Thomas finally quit work.
  • "再见,普森太太。"
    "Goodbye, Mrs. Thompson."
  • "还要一个蛋糕吗?普森太太。""谢谢,亲爱的,来一个吧。"
    "Another cake, Mrs. Thompson?" "Thanks, love, I don't care if I do."
  • 昨天你看到普森先生了吗?
    Did you see Mr. Thompson yesterday?
  • 您的手提箱是什么颜色的,普森小姐?
    What color is your suitcase, Miss Thompson?
  • 你觉得姆普森先生行吗?
    What do you think of Mr. Thompson?
  • 你知道普森先生的电话号码吗?
    Do you happen to know Mr. Thompson's phone number?
  • 他向普森夫人保证说,她依然是他最喜欢的老师。
    He assured Mrs.Thompson she was still his favorite teacher.
  • 普逊预言说:"所有的冰层将在2020年融化掉。"
    "The ice will be gone by about 2020," said Thompson.
  • 你要当心普森小姐,她是个脾气很坏的老太婆。
    Be on your guard against Miss Thompson. She's an old cat.
  • 我建议派普森先生去处理这个问题。
    I propose(that) we send Mr Thompson to deal with the problem.
  • 普逊太太责备孩子们没有保持房间的清洁。
    Mrs.Thompson got onto die girls for not keeping their rooms clear.
  • 等了一段时间后,大家都拿到了自己的行李,只有洛伊丝·普森小姐没有取到行李。
    After some time, all have got their baggage except Miss Lois Thompson.
  • 迪克·普森昨夜,确切地说,今日凌晨被枪杀了。
    Dick Thompson was shot last night, or rather in the small hours.
  • 这不是运输公司,我是普森夫人。
    No, I am not a forwarding company. This is Mrs. Thompson speaking.
  • 普森性情软弱,总是需要人小心照顾。
    Thompson has no strength of character. He's always needing to be wet-nursed.
  • 普森先生把自己经营20多年的公司卖掉后到国外去了。
    After owning the firm for some twenty years, Mr.Thompson sold up and went abroad.
  • 普生先生是如此节俭,以致他能省下超过一半的周薪。
    Mr. Thompson is so thrifty that he is able to save more than half of his weekly salary.
  • “还要一个蛋糕吗?普森太太。”“谢谢,亲爱的,来一个吧。”
    "Another cake, Mrs Thompson?" "Thanks, love, I don't care if I do."
  • 普森先生住在这城市里大约一年左右才认清本地的关键人物。
    After about a year, Mr. Thompson had lived in this town long enough to know who was who.
  • 普逊说统计表明,同期的文明在印度、中东和南美洲地区都出现了衰退现象。
    Thompson said other records show that civilizations during this period collapsed in India, the Middle East and South America.
  • 译:史密斯先生,姆森先生,林先生想与你们谈几件事。
    By the way, Mr Smith and Mr Thompson, Mr Lin has a few things he'd like to talk over with you.
  • 每次我们同普森夫妇一起吃饭时,他们总是殷勤款待我们-食物总是最好的。
    Mr and Mrs Thompson always do us proud whenever we go to have a meal with them – the food is always excellent.
  • 要是没有麦雷尔一家赏识的话,弗兰西斯普森也许会虚度一生,怀才不遇而死去。
    Francis Thompson might have lived a wasted life and died with his genius unrecognised, had be not been taken up by the Meyrell family.
  • 秋季开学的头一天,琼·普森在她即将要执教的五年级学生前面,撒了个谎。
    Jean Thompson stood in front of her fifth? grade class on the very first day of school in the fall and told the children a lie.
  • 他拿起鞭子抽了姆一顿。
    He upped with his whip and thrashed Tom.
  • 姆看起来似乎不再是一种威胁。
    Tom no longer seemed a threat.
  • 比尔背叛了姆,致使姆陷入了困境。
    Bill cut Tom’s throat by betraying him.
  • 姆在晚会上极力向你妹妹讨好
    Tom is throwing himself at your sister at the party
  • 前两天晚上的那场雷雨把小姆吓得半死。
    That thunderstorm the other night frightened little Tom half to death.
  • 真不知道姆是怎么啦,一副要死不活的样子。
    I wonder what’s the matter with Tom, he looks like a dying duck in a thunderstorm.
  • 姆昨晚8点整准时到达目的地。
    Tom arrived at his destination at eight on the tick last night.