  • 离她不远处,坐着一个年约二十二岁的高大青年,他跷起椅子的两条后腿不住地摇晃着,手臂支撑在一张被蛀虫蚀的旧子上,他在注视着她,脸上一副烦恼不安的神色。
    At three paces from her, seated in a chair which he balanced on two legs, leaning his elbow on an old worm-eaten table, was a tall young man of twenty, or two-and-twenty, who was looking at her with an air in which vexation and uneasiness were mingled.
  • 放着成堆的书的子;成堆的谷穗;堆积成山的没改的卷子。
    a desk heaped with books; heaped-up ears of corn; ungraded papers piled high.
  • 上是悠闲的,伴随着美酒缓缓入喉。
    The pace is unhurried and the wine flows steadily.
  • 子上是空的,蜡烛也没点;拿着根没点燃的香烟。
    the table was bare, the candles unlighted; held an unlit cigarette.
  • 他们在上把布匹拉开。
    They unrolled the cloth onto the table.
  • 扩大到其它各洲的影响;松开螺丝,脚即可伸长
    Influence that extended to other continents; table legs that extend by unscrewing.
  • 子一条腿比其它的腿短,所以不平稳
    The table is unstable because one leg is shorter than the others
  • 汤姆和玛丽坐在一张子上打桥牌是不可思议的。
    Tom and Mary at the same bridge table is unthinkable.
  • 她就怕书上凌乱。样样东西都必须井然有序。
    She cannot bear an untidy desk. Everything must be just so.
  • 你不认为主管的子异常的干净吗?
    Do not you think the section chief's desk is unusually clean?
  • 我把汤打翻在上了。
    I upset the soup all over the table.
  • 他把桌子弄翻了。
    He turned the table upside down.
  • 楼上那张子是长方
    The table upstairs is long.
  • 坐满在拍卖前板凳上的商人们拼命叫大家安静,好让他们稳稳当当做生意,但谁也不睬他们。
    the dealers who had crowded on to the benches placed in front of the auction tables called vainly for silence in which to conduct their business in peace.
  • 昨天我子上有两支钢笔,可是现在它们全消失得无影无踪。
    There were two pens on my desk yesterday but now they have both vanished into thin air.
  • 子上已经涂过清漆了。
    The table has been varnished.
  • 光泽面保护子不受损坏。
    The varnish protected the table from being damaged.
  • 面涂上薄薄一层亮漆。
    Coat the table - top with a thin layer of varnish.
  • 花瓶被放置在桌上。
    A vase was set on the desk.
  • 她把花瓶放在子上。
    She set a vase on the table.
  • 桌子上没有花瓶。
    There is no vase on the table.
  • 子,椅子,帘子,饭罐,花瓶,水杯,鸟笼等等都用竹子制造。
    The chairs, tables, curtains, cooking pots, flower vases, drinking cups, birdcages, and so on are all made of bamboo.
  • 盛在编织的篮子或式样简单的花盆里的各种春季鲜花(如各式野玫瑰),放置于咖啡或厨房的长上会产生一种绝妙的效果。
    Woven baskets or simple vases of mixed spring flowers (wild roses,) fit perfectly on a coffee table or kitchen counter.
  • 子,椅子,帘子,饭罐,花瓶,水杯,鸟笼等等都用竹子制造。
    The chairs, tables, curtains, cooking pots, flower vases, drinking cups, birdcages, and so on are all made of bamboo, and so on are all made of bamboo.
  • 如果我们能在太空中和维也纳的会议上握手,那或许我们也可以在这里握手。
    If we can shake hands in space or over a conference table in Vienna,maybe we can do it here also.
  • 子上放酒、油或醋的容器。
    holds wine or oil or vinegar for the table.
  • 他们面对面地坐在子边上。
    they sat vis-a-vis at the table.
  • 简·沃尔兹喜欢自己作些华夫饼干给她的三个孩子当早餐,但他们往往来不及坐在餐边吃完。
    Jane Voltz likes to make home-cooked waffles for her three children's breakfast, but they often don't have time to sit and eat.
  • 顾客好长时间没人招呼他,于是就用手指在上咚咚地敲。
    The customer had not been waited on for quite a long time so he drummed on the table with his fingers.
  • 服务员,这张子空着吗?
    Be the table free, waiter?
  • 服务员,这张子空着吗?
    Is the table free, waiter?
  • 这张桌子有人吗?
    Is this table free, waiter?