  • 期四晚上的全国女子联赛决赛的第一场比赛中,被普遍看好的洛杉矶“火花”队在向第一个全国女子联赛冠军途中迈出了一大步,队员丽沙·莱斯莉独得了24分和8个篮板球,结果她和队员以75比66大胜夏洛特“毒刺”队。
    The heavily favored Los Angeles Sparks got a jump on their bid for their first WNBA title, getting 24 points and eight rebounds from Lisa Leslie in a 75-66 victory over the Charlotte Sting in Game 1 of League finals Thursday night.
  • 1982年,她在《外人》中扮演的配角完全倾倒了全球的影评家和观众,一炮打红。
    The dam burst in 1982,when her supporting turn in E. T. thoroughly charmed critics and viewers around the globe.
  • 表明体在天空中特定部分的相对位置的图。
    a chart showing the relative positions of the stars in a particular part of the sky.
  • 例如从公元前二世纪起的中国典籍就提到利用体制订航线。
    For example, charting a course by the stars was mentioned in Chinese texts dating from the 2nd century B.C.
  • 最后,连她做的梦也都那么纯洁,使她敢于告诉别人;只有一个期五的梦使她迷信,她隐瞒着,怕惹人生气。
    Lastly, her dreams are so chaste that she dare tell them: only a Friday's dream is all her superstition: that she conceals for fear of anger.
  • 期他顺道来访,我们闲谈了一会。
    He come round last week and we chat for a while.
  • (一个期天的上午,在学生宿舍里,王平与学生甲、乙、丙边看电视边聊天。)
    (One Sunday morning, in a student dormitory, Wang Ping is chatting with students A, B and C while watching TV)
  • 这机器必须每期检查一次。
    The machine must be checked weekly.
  • 这机器必须每期检查一次.
    The machine must is checked weekly.
  • 莱特先生期一在旅馆办理登记,期二晚付账离开。
    Mr Light checked in at the hotel on Monday, and checked out on Tuesday.
  • 每个期都得刈草坪真把我烦死了。
    I'm cheesed off with having to mow the lawn every week.
  • 小行星化学类型
    chemical classification of asteroids
  • 彗星化学组成
    chemical composition of the comet
  • 流星体化学组成
    chemical composition of the meteoroids
  • 是早期太阳系中冰、灰尘和岩石的聚合物。它的核心在形成后没有发生过物理、化学的变化。
    Comets are conglomerations of ice, dust and rock from the early solar system, whose cores have remained physically and chemically unchanged ever since.
  • 我们一期三节化学课。
    We have three periods of chemistry a week.
  • 受到大力宣传的演员;明
    A performer who receives prominent billing; a star.
  • 期,他将要参加一场国际象棋比赛。
    He will take part in a chess tournament next week.
  • 乔治叔叔每期天的下午都会过来闲聊一番。
    Uncle george like to come over to chew the fat every sunday afternoon.
  • 几个期后,一只小鸟破壳而出,它们欣喜万分。
    And a few weeks later when a tiny chick hatched, their happiness seemed to know no bounds.
  • 她必须引产因为分娩比预产期晚了四个期。
    She has to be induced in childbirth because the baby was four weeks late.
  • 在智利火山的顶端,有一个静谧的湖泊。近来,科学家发现了它的新价值--也许,它能告诉人们在更遥远的火,早期的生命是如何存在的。
    Scientists hope that a remote lake on a dormant Chilean volcano can provide clues to what life may have been like in a far more distant place -- the planet Mars.
  • 有一天他感冒了,病了一个期。
    One day he caught a chill and was laid up for a week.
  • 火星沿着烟囱向上飘.
    Sparks from the fire were flying up the chimney.
  • 中国星名
    Chinese name of stars
  • 之火,可以燎原。
    Little chip light great fires.
  • 然而,克洛艾自己的一群花斑小狗,即庞戈和珀帝的孙子可爱的北斗、多米诺和怪球,却突然失踪了,这暗示一切并非如看起来那样简单。
    However,the sudden disappearanc of Chloe's own Dalmatianpuppies,namely Pongo and Perdy'sgrandchildren,LittleDipper,Domino and Oddball,suggests that all is not as it seems.
  • 然而,克洛艾自己的一群花斑小狗,即庞戈和珀帝的孙子可爱的北斗、多米诺和怪球,却突然失踪了,这暗示一切并非如看起来那样简单。
    However,the sudden disappearanc of Chloe's own Dalmatian puppies,namely Pongo and Perdy's grandchildren,Little Dipper,Domino and Oddball,suggests that all is not as it seems.
  • 每周期天上午教堂歌唱队要唱诗。
    The church choir sing(s) every Sunday morning.
  • 光剧团主办中国儿童合唱团演出音乐会。
    Starlight Productions present the Chinese Children's Choir in concert.
  • 期已没有更多的霍乱病例的报告。
    There have been no more notifications of cholera cases in the last week.
  • 我做菜就是看菜谱做的,可我祖母从来不,她是做菜的一把好手,她每个期天都做蛤肉杂烩,蛤肉杂烩和玉米饼。
    I always use a recipe but my grandmother never did. She was a great cook. She would make clam chowder every? Sunday night, clam chowder and cornbread.