  • 摄影制图(法),摄影测绘(法)通过照片绘制地图或比例尺的法,尤指通过空中照片
    The process of making maps or scale drawings from photographs, especially aerial photographs.
  • 对公司事务管理法进行管理的文件
    Documents which regulate the way in which a company 's affairs are managed
  • 继政府在七月立法,规定这些儿童须依法进入香港,非法入境儿童数字的升势告一段落。
    This increase was halted with the introduction of legislation in July regulating the legal entry of these minors.
  • 二是地的包干,主要是大区包干。
    At the local level are the greater administrative areas that will be charged with the responsibility of regulating their finances.
  • 你是否知道,人类在交谈时,通常有一个“自在区”来调节自己与对之间的距离。
    Did you know that all human beings have a comfort zone regulating the distance they stand from someone when they talk?
  • 政府对资方的规定
    Government regulation of industry.
  • 固定资产投资向调节税
    fixed asset investment regulation tax
  • 他的辩词(根据目前证据似乎可信)是:银行把它的偷天换日的做法遮掩得天衣无逢,全世界任何地的监管人员都无法掌握。
    His defense, which seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world could get a handle on it.
  • 理事会由代表整个联合国系统的27个组织的执行首长组成。这些组织包括联合国各基金、案和专门机构以及国际原子能机构(联合国领导下的自治机构)和世界贸易组织。
    It comprises the Executive Heads of 27 organizations, including UN funds, programmes and specialized agencies, as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency (an autonomous agency under the aegis of the UN) and the World Trade Organization – representing the entire UN system.
  • 中国各级政府和基层组织,积极帮助戒毒出所人员解决生活、工作面的具体困难,使其在就业、升学面不受歧视。
    Governments at all levels and grassroots organizations actively help the rehabilitated addicts to solve concrete problems in their life and work, so that they will not be discriminated against in employment or admission to higher education.
  • 敷衍表演以一种敷衍的式表演(如戏剧),如首次排练中的敷衍
    To perform(a play, for example) in a perfunctory fashion, as at a first rehearsal.
  • 增加你所拥有的信息的式有:你自己反复排练,把它记下来(记下来的整个过程可以是记忆变得容易),还有描述一个动作的含义或结果。
    Ways of increasing your involvement with information include repeating it to yourself (rehearsal), writing it down (the very process of writing it down will make it easier to remember), or picturing the implications or consequences of an action.
  • 利姆诺斯希腊东北部一岛屿,位于爱琴海中,远离土耳其海岸,莱斯博斯岛的西北向。古时曾被希腊人占领,该岛后来相继为波斯人、罗马人、拜占庭人和奥斯曼土耳其人占据。直到1913年才成为现代希腊的一部分
    An island of northeast Greece in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Turkey northwest of Lesbos. Occupied in ancient times by Greeks, the island was later held by Persians, Romans, Byzantines, and Ottoman Turks. It became part of modern Greece in1913.
  • 政府会与房屋委员会研究法,安置这些居民。
    The government will explore with the Housing Authority ways to rehouse those affected.
  • 始建国铜方斗
    Square Bronze Dou Capacity Measure of the Shijianguo Reign
  • 我们生活在一个用金钱来衡量价值的社会,但是我认为个人在金钱面的成功往往被过高地评价成了价值的至上标准。
    We live in a money?oriented society,but I think that personal success in money matters is often overrated13 as the reigning monarch of our standard of values.
  • 爱琴文明的大约公元前1580至1120年影响迈锡尼至地中海地区许多地的爱琴海文明,或有关爱琴文明的
    Of, relating to, or being the Aegean civilization that spread its influence from Mycenae to many parts of the Mediterranean region from about1580 to1120 b.c.
  • 将补偿代理人的广告费用。
    We will reimburse the expenses of the advertising for the representative.
  • 莉萨·史密斯·莫尔丁是沃尔玛希拉姆分店的客户服务经理。她于2001年10月向法庭提出诉讼,认为沃尔玛公司的有关健康保障面的规章是不合法的,并要求公司向她和其他员工偿付未参保的处性避孕药费用。
    Lisa Smith Mauldin, a customer-service manager at a Wal-Mart store in Hiram, filed the lawsuit in October asking the court to declare the company's health plan illegal and to order Wal-Mart to reimburse her and other employees for uninsured prescription contraceptives.
  • 多立斯言古希腊一种言,伯罗奔尼撒、克里特岛、爱琴群岛一部分和西西里岛以及意大利南部讲此
    A dialect of ancient Greek spoken in the Peloponnesus, Crete, certain of the Aegean Islands, Sicily, and southern Italy.
  • 特别在运动后期,明确了发动贫雇农针,从退押和惩治不法地主中,适当满足了贫雇农的经济要求,并随着运动的深入,在贫雇农积极动员起来的基础上,一步一步地改造了农会领导成分和农村政权。
    In the later stage of the movement in particular, we made clear our policy of mobilizing the poor peasants and farm labourers, and satisfactorily met their economic needs by returning them the security money reimbursed by landlords and by expropriating law-breaking landlords. As the movement deepened, the poor peasants and farm labourers were mobilized, which provided the basis for systematically transforming the composition of the leadership of peasant associations and organs of political power in the rural areas.
  • 偿付给胜的诉讼费用。
    pecuniary reimbursement to the winning party for the expenses of litigation.
  • 用来保持马头前进向的缰绳。
    a rein designed to keep the horse's head in the desired position.
  • 他提醒听众,共和党想设法阻挠他的(针对"基地"组织的)反洗钱法案获得通过,还阻止他对销毁帐簿、后来应为安然公司破产案负责的会计师严加约束。
    He reminds his listeners that the GOP blocked his anti-money-laundering legislation (aimed at Al Qaeda), not to mention stopping his efforts to rein in the book-cooking accountants later responsible for Enron.
  • 实行民族区域自治,有利于把国家的针、政策和少数民族地区的具体实际结合起来,有利于把国家的发展和少数民族的发展结合起来,发挥各面的优势。
    It enhances the combination of state policies and principles and the concrete conditions of the ethnic minority areas and the integrated development of the state and the ethnic minorities, the better for each to give free rein to its own advantages.
  • 活佛转世是藏语系佛教特有的传承式,得到了国家的承认和尊重。
    The reincarnation of holy men, or "Living Buddhas," is a unique form of succession in Tibetan Buddhism which has long been recognized and respected by the State.
  • 经“金瓶掣签”认定的活佛转世灵童须报请中央政府批准后,能正式继位。
    The ``soul boy'' confirmed through lot-drawing from the golden urn as the reincarnation of a Grand Living Buddha must be reported to the central government for approval prior to his official enthronement.
  • 国家尊重活佛转世这一藏传佛教的信仰特点和传承式,尊重藏传佛教的宗教仪轨和历史定制。
    The state holds in great esteem the system of reincarnation of Living Buddhas, which is characteristic of Tibetan Buddhism and an important succession method of the leadership of Tibetan Buddhism, and has profound respect for the religious practices and historical conventions of Tibet's main religion.
  • 一个代表另一个人的针和意图的人。
    an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose.
  • 优生学家优生学面的专家或倡导者
    An advocate of or a specialist in eugenics.
  • 三、2000年,中国人民银行将从五个面进一步发挥货币政策的作用。
    III. In 2000 the PBC will reinforce the role of monetary policy in the following five aspects
  • 内尔维,皮尔·卢伊戈1891-1979意大利建筑师和钢筋混凝土装饰用途面的开拓者
    Italian architect and pioneer in the decorative use of reinforced concrete.