  • 由於傷而喪失精力健康或血肉。
    lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief.
  • 聽到噩耗,全村的人都感到痛。
    The villagers all grieved at the bad news.
  • 為耶穌的死屍痛的處女瑪莉的圖畫。
    a representation of the Virgin Mary mourning over the dead body of Jesus.
  • 訴說憂傷和痛或與之類似的表達的。
    vocally expressing grief or sorrow or resembling such expression.
  • 哀號的象哀號的;哀的
    Resembling a wail; mournful.
  • 哀號長久、大聲、傷的哭聲;號哭
    A long, loud, mournful cry; a wail.
  • 嚎叫發出長久、大聲、傷的叫聲;哭泣
    To utter a long, loud, mournful cry; wail.
  • 哀號,嚎啕大哭如因痛苦、傷或憤怒而大聲哭喊或哭泣
    To cry or wail loudly, as in pain, sorrow, or anger.
  • 她為死去的孩子傷心痛。
    She was wailing for her lost child.
  • 還有的人的劇更為慘痛,他獲得了他所嚮往的一切,結果卻發現原來他根本不需要它。
    And there is the even more bitter tragedy of a man who fully gets what he wants and finds out that he doesn't want it.
  • 你可以用這種芯片打電話給正在路上的父母,甚至直接通知急救部門,而不必指望陌生人大發慈
    Using OnStar, he chip would telephone the wayward parent to even the emergency services, without having to rely on the kindness of strangers.
  • 以很大的心理負擔為特點;特別是被傷、煩惱或者疲勞所壓垮。
    marked by great psychological weight; weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness.
  • 它使疲憊者有了休息。使失望者獲得光明。使哀者迎嚮陽光。又使大自然解除了睏擾。
    It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and Nature’s best antidote fee trouble.
  • 樂極生悲。
    He who laughs on friday will weep on sunday.
  • 我太痛了,也許會哭一整個下午。
    I could weep the whole afternoon away, I'm so sad.
  • 那位母親正在為孩子之死而傷哭泣。
    The mother was weeping for the death of her child.
  • 那些使人流淚的老電影總是使我感到傷。
    Those old weepy movies always make me feel blue.
  • 驚悉你太太突然去世,不勝慟。
    Deeply shocked and sadden to learn of you're weft sudden pass.
  • 哀籠罩着這個家庭。
    The family is weighted down by sorrow.
  • 那位老夫在哀中度日。
    The old woman wept her life away.
  • 那年輕人為自己的慘的命運而哀哭。
    The young man wept over his sad fate.
  • 我根本不反對給他們開一個講座,談談劇。
    I see no objection whatsoever to give them a lecture on tragedy.
  • 當我想給那小狗清洗傷口時它嗥起來。
    The little dog whimpered when I tried to bathe its wounds.
  • 我給小狗洗澡時,它低聲嗥。
    The little dog whimpered when I tried to bath it.
  • 我們感情上的歡會隨着時間的流逝很快消失。
    Our feelings of happiness and sorrow are soon lost in the whirligig of time.
  • 人生的完整性還在於學會勇敢面對人生劇而繼續生存,能夠在失去親人後依然表現出完整的個人風範。
    There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive,she can lose someone and still feel like a complete person.
  • 人生的完整性還在於一個男人或女人懂得這樣一個道理:他(她)發現自己能勇敢面對人生劇而繼續生存,能夠在失去親人後依然表現出一個完整的人的風範。
    There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive, she can lose someone and still feel like a complete person.
  • 氣得發瘋;痛的發瘋。
    wild with anger; wild with grief.
  • 丈夫死去一年後,她的父親勸她守節已夠久,不要再傷了。
    A year after her husband died her father suggested to her that she had worn the willow for long enough.
  • 充滿哀的被痛苦感染或充滿哀的;凄慘的
    Affected by or full of woe; mournful.
  • 孤獨的人最可悲。
    Woe to him that is alone.
  • 被不幸、傷感染或充滿的。
    affected by or full of grief or woe.