  • 在她母亲替她一手安排的堕落生涯里,天主似乎赐给了这个罪人一点幸福。
    In the midst of the debauches which her mother organized for her, it suddenly seemed to this sinful creature that God had granted her one happiness.
  • 歌手,尤指夜总会的歌手
    A woman singer, especially a nightclub singer.
  • 单身生活;性和独身少;单身妈妈或爸爸;你已婚还是单身?
    unmarried life; sex and the single girl; single parenthood; are you married or single?
  • 无独有偶,60年后,奥运会又出现了一位和尤里有着同样命运的冠军,她就是被人称为“黑羚羊”的美国.黑人人短跑选手鲁道夫。
    Not come singly but in pairs, 60 years later, a fe-male champion, who had the same destiny as Ray Ewry, appeared at the Olympics Games. She was the American black female sprinter Ru-dolf, who was called the "black antelope".
  • 他的目光落在了一个娇小美丽的身躯,一大堆金色的秀发,一双用询问的神色迎接着他的蓝色眼睛,还有一个那么年轻光洁、却具有那么独特的能力、可以时而抬起时而攒聚的前额上。那额头所露出的表情不完全是困惑、迷惘或是惊觉,也不仅仅是一种聪明集中的专注,不过它也包括了这四种表情。他一看到这一切,眼前便突然闪过一种强烈的似曾相识之感。那是一个孩子,他在跨越那海峡时曾抱在怀里的孩子。那天很冷,空中冰雹闪掠,海里浊浪排空。那印象消失了,可以说像呵在她身后那窄而高的穿衣镜上的一口气一样消失了。镜框上是像到医院探视病人的一群黑种小爱神,全都缺胳膊少腿,有的还没有脑袋,都在向黑皮肤的神奉献盛满死海水果的黑色花篮--他向曼内特小姐郑重地鞠躬致敬。
    As his eyes rested on a short, slight, pretty figure, a quantity of golden hair, a pair of blue eyes that met his own with an inquiring look, and a forehead with a singular capacity (remembering how young and smooth it was of lifting and knitting itself into an expression that was not quite one of perplexity, or wonder, or alarm or merely of a bright fixed attention, though is included all the four expressions--as his eyes rested on these things, a sudden vivid likeness passed before him, of a child whom he had held in his arms on the passage across that very Channel, one cold time, when the hail drifted heavily and the sea ran high. The likeness passed away, like a breath along the surface of the gaunt pier-glass behind her, on the frame of which, a hospital procession of negro cupids, several head-less and all cripples, were offering black baskets of Dead Sea fruit to black divinities of the feminine gender--and he made his formal bow to Miss Manette.
  • 他们尽量让这个地方不吸引人注意;被迫与他那很是不吸引人的房东交谈。
    they have made the place as unappealing as possible; was forced to talk to his singularly unappealing hostess.
  • 许多妇感到被家务束缚住了。
    Many women feel chained to the kitchen sink.
  • "一辆古旧的大客车停在一条干涸的河床旁,一批著名男演员下了车。"
    An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed and a party of famous actors and actresses got off.
  • 人——是才发挥其诙谐、说教者铺陈其经文、讽刺家咕哝其牢骚、罪人作出其辩解的题目。
    Woman: the peg on which the wit hangs his jest, the preacher his text, the cynic his grouch, and the sinner his justification.
  • 当然有,士,但无酒精的鸡尾酒怎么样?
    Of course, madam, But how about a non-alco-holic cocktail?
  • 好的,一份特别鸡尾酒,一杯无酒精鸡尾酒给士,还有一杯啤酒。
    Fine. One special cocktail and one non-alcoholic cocktail for the lady and one beer.
  • 大部分球迷一边慢悠悠地喝着饮料,或者手抓一大袋爆米花,一边欣赏着两支子球队在球场上来回奔跑。
    Most fans sip a cold drink, or possibly dip into a large bag of popcorn, while watching the women's teams race back and forth on the court.
  • 孩把柠檬水都呷干了,要求再给她一些。
    The little girl sipped up the lemonade and asked for more.
  • 亲爱的女士或先生
    Dear Madam or Sir.
  • 亲爱的先生或女士
    Dear Sir or Madam.
  • 它有时如一位惑人的魔,有时似一位复仇的神。
    sometimes like a siren; sometimes like a fury.
  • 德意志传统中的妖,其歌声使水手们受诱惑而船毁沉没。
    a siren of German legend who lured boatmen in the Rhine to destruction.
  • 因为在舞台上,爱情只是喜剧和悲剧的素材。而在人生中,爱情却常常招来不幸。它有时像那位诱惑人的魔,有时又像那位复仇的神。
    For as to the stage, love is ever matter of comedies, and now and then of tragedies; but in life it doth much mischief; sometimes like a siren, sometimes like a fury.
  • 他的姑妈被选为全体护士妇团体的代表。
    His aunt is elect the representative of the whole sisterhood of nurses.
  • 他的姑妈被选为全体护士妇团体的代表。
    His aunt is elected as the representative of the whole sisterhood of nurses.
  • 我记得以前曾在马路对过的阴影处见到过她。毫无疑问,我断定她就是人们婉称为“夜间郎”的那种人。
    I had seen her before in the shadows on the opposite side of the street and had recognized, without giving the matter much thought, that she was, almost certainly, of the sisterhood euphemistically referred to as “ladies of the evening”.
  • 贝居安修士会修13世纪建于荷兰的几个凡人修团体的成员
    A member of any of several lay sisterhoods founded in the Netherlands in the13th century.
  • 琼斯是锡塔琴传奇人物拉维·尚卡尔的儿,她自己是一位钢琴家,她从尼娜·西蒙娜和比里·霍利迪等歌手那里获取灵感。
    Jones,the daughter of sitar legend Ravi Shankar,is a pianist who takes inspiration from singers like Nina Simone and Billie Holiday.
  • 那个傲慢的人需要受点挫折。
    That impudent lady wants sitting on.
  • 坐我们对面的士是谁?
    Who's the lady sitting opposite us?
  • 子的卧室或起居室。
    a lady's bedroom or private sitting room.
  • 那女孩如愿以偿。
    The girl got her wish.
  • 与16岁以下的孩性交是一种犯罪行为
    Sexual intercourse with a girl under sixteen is an offence
  • 刚刚16岁,玛丽就在一群对她倾倒的男孩中间摆出一副王的高贵架子。
    Even at sixteen, Mary was holding court for numbers of charmed boys.
  • 实际上,"甜蜜的16岁"常常更适用于孩的16岁生日,而不是男孩。
    Actually Sweet Sixteen applies more often to girls' 16th birthdays than to boys'.
  • 宫天文学上的黄首宫的第六宫
    The sixth sign of the zodiac in astrology.
  • 这些装有各种式样兴尺寸。
    These dresses come in all shapes and sizes.