  • 那些遇已经到处传开。
    The adventures have been whispered everywhere.
  • 西方国家一向对中华文化感到好,总觉得它是充满令人兴奋的一种文化,因为中华文化跟他们自己的文化大不相同。
    The Western nations have always regarded the Chinese culture as a curiosity and an exotica, as it is so totally different from theirs.
  • 西方国家一向对中华文化感到好,总觉得它是充满令人兴奋的一种文化,因为中华文化跟他们自己的文化大不相同。
    The Western nations, in particular, have always regarded the Chinese culture as a curiosity and an exotica, as it is so totally different from theirs.
  • 您能解释她的怪行为吗?
    Can you explain her strange behavior?
  • 或许有关c/linear最特的地方在于它并不象科学家们预测的那样突然爆炸。
    Perhaps the weirdest thing of all about C/LINEAR is that it didn't explode all at once, as scientists would have predicted.
  • 声称目击这只美洲狮的人们所描述的情况竟出的相似。
    The descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.
  • 因为声称目击这只美洲狮的人们所描述的情况竟出的相似。
    For the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.
  • 我觉得这非常离奇。
    I find it very extraordinary.
  • 哦,真是离奇极了!
    Oh, that's really extraordinary!
  • 多么奇特的帽子!
    What an extraordinary hat!
  • 多么离奇的想法!
    What an extraordinary idea!
  • 草药的效简直使一些思想保守的人瞠目结舌。
    The miraculous effect of medical herbs has raised some conservative eyebrows.
  • 认为吃胡萝卜可以改善视力的海外谈,多年前已祛除殆尽
    The myth that eating carrots improves your eyesight is exploded years ago.
  • 保守秘密;隐秘的神秘的非洲和传说中的妙的东方。
    keep it dark; the dark mysteries of Africa and the fabled wonders of the East.
  • 埃尔多拉多定义模糊的历史地区和城市,位于西半球,通常被认为在南美北部。传中有大量黄金珠宝,16和17世纪的探险家们曾极力搜寻,其中包括沃尔特·雷利爵士
    A vaguely defined historical region and city of the New World, often thought to be in northern South America. Fabled for its great wealth of gold and precious jewels, it was eagerly sought after by16th- and17th-century explorers, including Sir Walter Raleigh.
  • 在那本书中他是个传式的英雄。
    He is a fabulous hero in that book.
  • 我认为少同志在这次会议上的自我批评是实事求是的,是恰当的。而我所听到的一些传说,就不大像是批评,有些是与事实不相符合的,或者是夸大其词的,有的简直是一些流言蜚语,无稽之谈。
    I think Comrade Shaoqi's self-criticism at this session was factual and appropriate, yet I have been hearing reports which bear little resemblance to criticism. Some criticisms are not true to fact or are exaggerated; other are little more than rumors and completely groundless.
  • 我女儿喜欢给我讲她那些怪的梦。
    My daughter likes to describe her fantastic dreams to me.
  • 听说,参观那些山洞是非常妙的经历。
    I hear it's a fascinating experience to visit the caves.
  • 从海岸乘几分钟的小艇就可以发现珊瑚礁、热带鱼和其他海洋生物,以及妙的岩洞。
    A few short minutes'boat ride from the shore finds coral reefs,tropical fish and other marine life,and fascinating rock grotto formations.
  • 旧教堂对我具有某种特的魅力。
    Old churches have a certain strange fascination for me.
  • 旧城堡对我具有某种特的魅力。
    Old castles have a certain strange fascination for me.
  • 他的举止很奇怪。
    He behaves in a very strange fashion.
  • 他的英雄业绩使他成了他那个时代的传人物。
    His heroic feat make him a legend in his own time.
  • 这是四十年乃至几千年未曾成就过的勋。
    This is a marvellous feat never before achieved, not just in forty, but in thousands of years.
  • 事实上此成就不只在学术上领先世界,从学术发展历史上看也是一个真正的迹;
    In truth, this feat not only led the world academically, but in the history of academic development, it was also a real miracle.
  • 我感到太惊了;使我太震惊了。
    You could have knocked me down with a feather.
  • 我感到太惊了;使我太震惊了。
    You might have knocked me down with a feather.
  • 平淡无的草原风景。
    the featureless landscape of the steppe.
  • 这种异的感觉消失了。
    The strange feeling went.
  • 现实生活有时比小说还离.
    Real life is sometimes stranger than fiction.
  • [谚]事实比小说还离
    Fact[Truth] is stranger than fiction.