  • 奥基夫,格鲁吉亚1887-1986美国画家,以其给人感官享受的花卉特写绘画而著
    American painter known especially for her sensuous close-up paintings of flowers.
  • 教练派2名球员上扬。
    The coach sent two players in.
  • 重力加速度单位等于每厘米(待查表)平方秒(以伽利略的字命)。
    a unit of gravitational acceleration equal to one centimeter per second per second (named after Galileo).
  • 作为最庞大、最壮观的地球生物体,巨大的红杉在我们的单上位居第九。
    For being the largest and most magnificent living organisms on the planet,the giant sequoia is rooted on our list at No.
  • 墨竹工卡县有一叫次仁贡布的农奴,他的祖父曾向色拉寺借了50克(一克合14公斤)粮食,祖父、父亲和他三代人还利息达77年,总共付利息粮3000多克,可领主说他仍欠粮10万克。
    The grandfather of a serf named Cering Goinbo of Maizhokunggar County once borrowed 50 ke of grain (1 ke equal to 14 kg) from the Sera Monastery. In 77 years the three generations had paid more than 3,000 ke of grain for the interest but the serf-owner still claimed that Cering Goinbo owed him 100,000 ke of grain.
  • 十多年来中国政府向西藏地方拨专款两亿多元用于落实宗教政策,维修了建于公元七世纪的大昭寺,公元八世纪吐蕃王兴建的桑耶寺,藏传佛教格鲁派四大寺哲蚌寺、色拉寺、甘丹寺和扎什伦布寺。
    Over the past decade and more, the Chinese government has appropriated more than 200 million yuan in special funds to implement the religious policy in Tibet. The funds were used to renovate the Jokhang Monastery built in the 7th century, the Samye Monastery built by the king of the Tubo Kingdom in the 8th century, and the four famous monasteries of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism -- Zhaibung, Sera, Gandan and Tashilhunpo.
  • 中央政府和西藏自治区政府先后将布达拉宫和大昭寺、札什伦布寺、哲蚌寺、萨迦寺、色拉寺等著宗教活动场所列为全国或自治区的重点文物保护单位。
    At the same time, the Central Government reaffirmed its stand for "respecting the freedom of religious belief and the customs and habits of the Tibetan people," and that the monasteries should be managed independently and in a democratic way by people of religious persuasion. In addition, the Central Government and the government of the Tibet Autonomous Region have ranked some famous religious sites, such as the Potala Palace and Jokhang Temple, and the Tashilhunpo, Drepung, Sakya and Sera monasteries, among the key historical sites under state or regional protection.
  • 到目前为止,由国家和自治区出资维修、修复的著寺庙有:大昭寺,白居寺,则拉雍仲寺,敏竹寺,兴建于八世纪的桑耶寺,藏传佛教格鲁派四大寺札什伦布寺和哲蚌寺、色拉寺、甘丹寺,昌都强巴林寺,热振寺,萨迦派的萨迦寺,噶玛噶举派的楚布寺、噶玛丹萨寺,直贡派的直贡帖寺,苯教的墨如寺、热拉拥仲林寺,以及夏鲁派的夏鲁寺等。
    The state and the autonomous region have financed the maintenance and restoration of a number of famous monasteries, including the Jokhang, Palkor, Tselayungdrung, Mindrol, Samye (built in the eighth century), Tashilhunpo, Drepung, Sera and Ganden (the latter four being the four main monasteries of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism), the Jampa Ling in Qamdo, the Redreng, the Sakya Monastery of the Sakya Sect, the mTshur-phu and Karma-gdan-sa monasteries of the Karma Kagyu Sect, the Drigung Thil Monastery of the Drigung Sect, the Meru and Rala Yungdrung Ling monasteries of the Bon religion, and the Shalu Monastery of the Shalu Sect.
  • 随后米卢,这塞尔维亚籍教练告诉记者说:"当然,看到这样的结果我很难过,但是这就是足球运动的一部分。
    "Of course, I am not happy with the result but this is part of football," the Serbian told reporters the day after Costa
  • 随着c组另一场小组赛的结束,哥斯达黎加1比1战平土耳其,中国队已经无望进入第二轮比赛。随后米卢,这塞尔维亚籍教练告诉记者说:"当然,看到这样的结果我很难过,但是这就是足球运动的一部分。
    "Of course, I am not happy with the result but this is part of football," the Serbian told reporters the day after Costa Rica's 1-1 draw with Turkey in group C had ruled China out of reaching the second round.
  • 因为你真正地生活过,已达到了平和安详,淡泊利的境界。
    You have really lived your life which now arrives at a complacent stage of serenity indifferent to fame or wealth.
  • 上周末,有十多人,其中包括两新泽西州卡特雷市的警官共同目睹了这一景象,金光在空中盘旋了片刻,然后消失了。
    More than a dozen people, including two Carteret, N.J., police officers, saw the lights last weekend, and several of the witnesses described a sense of serenity that seemed to emanate from the celestial display.
  • 左岸区日报《解放》的编辑塞尔日·朱莉说:“显然,这部电影的主题不是一艘著轮船的沉没,而是分裂成阶级的社会在大西洋中部的自杀。
    "The subject of the film is not -- this is obvious -- the sinking of a famous ship, but the suicide in the middle of the Atlantic of a society divided in classes," explained Serge July, the editor of Liberation, the Left Bank daily.
  • 那名士官训练新兵。
    The sergeant trained the recruits.
  • 中士挨家挨户地给战士们征集弹药。
    A sergeant went from door to door requisitioning bullets for the men.
  • 由一中士率领的四士兵埋伏在十字路口
    Four men lead by a sergeant lie in ambush at the crossroads.
  • 中士严厉责骂点时迟到的那个士兵。
    The sergeant raked the soldier over the coals for being late for roll call.
  • 务必写清它的产地、牌和编号。
    Be sure to put down its make, brand and serial number.
  • 电视连续剧《红楼梦》是由著的同小说改编而成的。
    The TV serial Dream of Red Mansions is adapted from the well-known novel of the same title.
  • 一位不愿意透露姓的职业女性说:"他们的故事比电视台里播放的任何电视剧都要感人。"
    "This is better than any drama serial the TV station can come up with," one professional woman who asked not to be named said.
  • 贝利,利伯蒂·海德1858-1954美国植物学家和园艺家,以其在多种科学上的贡献并为农民开设大学业余进修课程而闻
    American journalist who edited antislavery periodicals, such as the Cincinnati Philanthropist(1836-1843) and the National Era(1847-1859), in which Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin was published serially(1851-1852).
  • 仆人唱通报史密斯先生来访。
    The servant announced Mr. Smith.
  • 我猜想他是一退保军人。
    I guessed that he was an ex-serviceman.
  • 我又问另一战备军人,展示国防武器装备的意义何在,他答道:“本区域的局势还不很稳定,必须让人知道不可趁机来欺负我们啊。”
    I asked another national serviceman what's the importance of showing off our defence hardware. His reply: "The region isn't exactly stable. We have to tell others that they cannot take advantage and bully us."
  • 与此同时,为借鉴世界各国特别是发达国家军队建设的有益经验,1996年至今,人民解放军先后向20多个国家派出军事留学人员近千,其中相当一部分是师、团职军事指挥干部和专业技术干部。
    At the same time, in order to draw on the useful armed forces building experiences of other countries, particularly developed countries, the PLA has since 1996 sent nearly 1,000 servicemen to study in over 20 countries, a considerable number of them being commanding or technical officers at the division or regiment level.
  • 最佳女配角(提)《骗子》1990奥斯卡金像奖
    Best Supporting Actress (nom) The Grifters 1990 Academy
  • 运动员各赢了两局,但冠军现在已赢了决胜局的一分。
    The players have won two sets each, but the champion now has match point in the final set.
  • 排序操作优先于任何对于结果集的截取(truncation)操作,且该排序操作仅会被应用于那些在查询结果集的最顶端的结构层次上的元素。
    This sort is applied prior to any truncation of result sets. Only applicable on queries that return a name element in the topmost detail level of the result set.
  • 俄国日前对一个车臣小村庄平民进行十四个月的战事以来最猛烈的攻击行动,而该村周日已开始埋葬多在攻击行动中丧生的罹难者,同时,莫斯科当局也试图从一场对抗叛离共和国中分离派游击队份子战役的挫败中恢复过来。
    A small Chechen village began burying its dead Sunday from one of the worst single attacks on civilians in the 14-months war, as Moscow tried to recover from another setback in its campaign against separatist rebels in the breakaway republic.
  • 从前在豪宅里举行并有知乐队助兴的活动移至更为朴素的背景中,并且是本地乐队或dj伴奏。
    Events once set in plush rooms with famous bands have moved to more humble settings, with local bands or DJs.
  • 马赛队因贿赂丑闻被禁止参加国际比赛,这样ac米兰队就被提代表欧洲出战丰田杯。
    Marseille was banned from international competition due to a bribery scandal, so AC Milan was named to represent Europe.
  • 1837年,将满17岁的佛罗伦萨·南丁格尔决定当一护士,这个想法让她多奇思怪想的母亲惊骇不已。
    In 1837,to the age of seventeen,Florence Nightingale decided to become a nurse,which horrified her whimsical mother.