  • 血管加的血管收缩的,与血管缩小有关的,或导致血管缩小的
    Of, relating to, or causing constriction of blood vessels.
  • 没有不适当的缩的,例如紧张或限制。
    without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition.
  • 在作力咨询顾问这十几年期间,我所见到的最为普遍最具毁灭性的心理趋向,就是专注于我们想要得到的而非我们所拥有的。
    In over a dozen years as a stress consultant, one of the most pervasive and destructive mental tendencies I’ve seen is that of focusing on what we want instead of what we have.
  • 政治是他无法抗拒的激情;倒一切的欢乐。
    politics is his consuming passion; overwhelming joy.
  • 哈佛大学研究人员的最新研究结果表明,如果女性每周适度饮酒,可以在一定程度上降低患高血的可能性,但是如果每天饮酒超过一杯,则患高血的风险相应增加。
    A few drinks a week may slightly reduce a woman's chance of developing high blood pressure, or hypertension, but consuming more than a drink a day puts her at increased risk, Harvard researchers report.
  • 那容器里面的力比它外面的要低得多。
    The pressure insided the container is much lower than that outside the container.
  • 贮罐能承受很高的内部力的容器
    A container capable of withstanding high internal pressure.
  • 相对于同侪施加的无谓力,在讲英语的大环境中以母语表达自己的想法,我从来不觉得丢脸,因为我有自信,我更珍视中华文化的价值。
    Never mind the unnecessary pressure from my contemporaries. I've never felt ashamed of using my mother tongue to express my views in an English-speaking environment. This is because I have absolute confidence and I value Chinese culture.
  • 从…中把果汁或其他内容物榨出来
    To squeeze the juice or other contents from.
  • 长时期受或磨擦造成厚和硬的一部分皮肤(如脚板)。
    an area of skin that is thick or hard from continual pressure or friction (as the sole of the foot).
  • 正常伸缩性安静的肌肉所具有的正常的受伸缩或局部弯曲的能力
    The normal state of elastic tension or partial contraction in resting muscles.
  • 心脏的左心室收缩时动脉内的血,通常通过血计测得。
    the blood pressure (as measured by a sphygmomanometer) during the contraction of the left ventricle of the heart.
  • 即工作力不太可能单独使人产生失误,而经常是结合其他因素,如疲劳、错误判断等。
    It is more likely that workload will be a contributing factor along with other factors, such as fatigue and false expectations or assumptions.
  • "除非你控制不了,一定的力对于向人们提供动力和挑战极其重要。"
    "Unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge."
  • 在高度的时间力下,管制员有可能只注意到那些迫在眉睫的冲突而忽视其他那些处于发展阶段中的问题。
    Under high time pressure, the controller may be able to focus only on the immediate problem and simply "not see" problems developing elsewhere.
  • 这位加利福尼亚人,是个备受争议的人;但他对揭示人类基因组密码的全部事业做出了无可替代的贡献。由他产生的竞争力刺激了公家研究工作的进展。
    The controversial Californian has made vital contributions to the whole enterprise,and his competitive pressure spurred on the public project.
  • 被义务、力或惯例要求的。
    required by obligation or compulsion or convention.
  • 反之,你的身体状况也会引起你精神抑。
    Conversely,your physical state may be causing your stress.
  • 相反的,稍微领先的球队一定更怕犯错,更不愿冒险,也更感觉到紧张和力!
    Conversely, the team that is marginally ahead is more afraid to make mistakes, is less willing to take risks, and is under more stress and tension!
  • 通过特殊设置把电源能量供应转化为必须的电的装置。
    a device for converting a power supply to a voltage required by particular equipment.
  • 软管易弯曲的管子,在力之下能输送液体或气体
    A flexible tube for conveying liquids or gases under pressure.
  • 对他们只能说服,不能服。
    Persuasion, not compulsion, is the only way to convince them.
  • 我们不能制错误意见,而应以理服人。
    We mustn't suppress wrong views but convince people by reasoning.
  • 用高压锅煮
    To cook in a pressure cooker.
  • 学生在学校里处于高的境遇。
    subjecting children to a pressure-cooker situation in the school.
  • 现在他已是个难以对抗的强手。在手桥牌,下棋,做字谜游戏时,他在你心理上给你施加的输定了的力通常是无法抵御的。
    Now he was a tough cookie! At bridge table or a chess board, at a word game-the psychological pressure he put on you to lose was usually irresistible.
  • 空气可以通过冷却和缩的办法把它变为液体。
    Air can be changed to a liquid by cooling and compressing it.
  • 有必要时寻求心理咨询有时候对付力的惟一办法是寻求专家帮助。
    Get counseling if necessary Sometimes,the only way to cope with stress is with professional help.
  • 力似乎是不可避免的情况下,思想乐观的人也拥有有效的应对方法。
    And in situations where stress is unavoidable, Positive thinkers also have stronger coping methods.
  • 以下信息能帮助你了解何为重感,并教你如何积极地去应付重感,以减少其给你身体健康带来的影响。
    The following information will help you recognize stress and learn positive coping mechanisms to reduce your risk of health problems.
  • 科学家认为,如今海里大马哈鱼(鲸鱼的主要食物)的数量减少,环境污染日益严重,这些都对鲸鱼的生存造成了威胁,而船只噪音会对鲸鱼的生存造成更大的力。
    Scientists say the noise from the boats leads to added stress on the animals, which are already coping with fewer salmon to eat and increasing pollution.
  • 过去的一套仅适用于对外妥协和对内镇革命,现在还是用了这一套去对付日本帝国主义的进攻,所以处处不适合,各种弱点都暴露出来。
    The old practices are suited only to compromise abroad and suppression of the revolution at home, and they prove ill-suited in every respect and reveal all their inadequacies when it comes to coping with the Japanese imperialist invasion.