| - 今天,我們看到這三種大衆媒體正互為補充。
Today we can see that the three means of mass media complement each other. - 信息定製,按我們使用它的意義,是對信息代理的有用補充。
Information customization, in the sense that we use it, is a useful complement to information agency. - 核磁共振成像成為計算機x射綫斷層攝影技術頗有價值的補充的真正原因在於,核磁共振成像提供了有關人體的不同信息。
What made MRI a valuable complement to CT is that it provides very different information about the body. - 醒目、具有異國情調的鮮花(如馬蹄蓮)對居室的整潔、寬敞起到了很好的補充作用。
Bold, exotic flowers (like callas,) work well to complement this home's clean, open spaces. - 資産者的家庭自然會隨着它的這種補充的消失而消失,兩者都要隨着資本的消失而消失。
The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital. - 電子製造業通過進行跨地區、跨部門的戰略重組,形成産品相互配套銜接、技術相互補充的大型企業集團。
By conducting trans-regional and inter-departmental strategic reorganization, large enterprise groups with coordinated and complementary products and technologies will be formed in the electronic manufacturing sector. - 不充分地陳述,不完全地陳述用比事實所證實的少的完整性和真相進行敘述
To state with less completeness or truth than seems warranted by the facts. - 復雜的,雜亂的,難辦的充滿抱怨或睏難的;復雜的
Full of complications or difficulty; involved. - 他昨天在我們學校作了一次充滿贊詞的演講。
He made a speech larded with compliments in our school yesterday. - 他們答應充分滿足我們的要求。
They promised to comply fully with our request. - 要重建我們的人文精神,首先大傢要對人文精神有個共識,要充分與深入瞭解它對一個人、一個民族、一個國傢的成長的重要性。
We need to have a common understanding of what humanity is before we can re-cultivate it. We need also to fully comprehend and appreciate its significance to the growth of a person, a people and a nation. - 填充測驗法的建立於閱讀理解考試基礎的或閱讀理解考試的,要求考試參加者補充已從文章中有計劃地刪掉的單詞
Based on or being a test of reading comprehension in which the test taker is asked to supply words that have been systematically deleted from a text. - 擴充,充實使更廣泛或包含內容更多的
To make more comprehensive or inclusive. - 我更贊賞新加坡市政設施的配套完備,因而才能在人口高度密集、全年皆夏、氣溫較高、雨水充沛的國度消滅了蚊蠅。這些都不能不說是一個奇跡。
I admire the comprehensiveness of Singapore's municipal facilities even more. In a densely-populated country with high temperatures all year round and heavy rainfall, it is indeed a miracle that the problem of mosquitoes and houseflies has been taken care of. - 大氣球註入壓縮空氣後, 幾秒鐘就充足了氣.
With a supply of compressed air the large balloon inflated in a matter of seconds. - 汽車輪胎通常是由橡膠製成的,裏面充滿了空氣。
automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air. - 大氣球註入壓縮空氣後,幾秒鐘就充足了氣
With a supply of compressed air the large balloon inflated in a matter of seconds - 然而,如果將一個充滿液體的密封的容器加熱,就會發生膨脹,這種膨脹可以大到使容器崩裂,因為液體不像氣體那樣是可壓縮的,液體受熱後往往産生巨大的壓力。
However, if a sealed container fully filled with a liquid is heated, expansion will take place. The expansion may be so great that it will crack the container, because a liquid is not so compressible as a gas, and the heat supplied creates a great pressure. - 報紙對這次音樂會進行了充分報道。
The newspaper gave much publicity to the concert. - 我深信,在各方的努力和合作下,香港的長者會更健康、更有活力,他們的生活也會更充實、更精彩。
I have confidence that with the concerted effort and full cooperation of all parties concerned, the elderly of Hong Kong will lead a healthier, richer and more meaningful life. - 簡練而且充滿了意義。
concise and full of meaning. - 這段對話有省略而且充滿了模糊的暗示;這個解釋很簡練,甚至省略到了晦澀的邊緣——h·o·泰勒。
the dialogue is elliptic and full of dark hints; the explanation was concise, even elliptical to the verge of obscurity- H.O.Taylor. - 打擊恐怖主義要證據確鑿,目標明確,符合《聯合國憲章》的宗旨和原則及公認的國際法準則,充分發揮聯合國和安理會的主導作用,一切行動應有利於維護地區及世界和平的長遠利益。
The fight against terrorism requires conclusive evidence, clear targets and conformity with the purpose and principles of the UN Charter, and the universally acknowledged norms of international laws. In this regard, the leading role of the UN and its Security Council should be brought into full play, and all actions taken should be conducive to the long-term interest of preserving regional and world peace. - 三個多月形勢的發展,充分證明三中全會的方針是正確的,是受到全黨和全國各族人民堅决擁護的。
Events of the past three months have proved conclusively that the guiding principles laid down at the Third Plenary Session are correct and enjoy the firm support of the whole Party and people. - 不僅如此,在亞洲鄰國強烈的反對和譴責聲中,日本政府竟然充耳不聞,堅持為那種臭名昭著的教材大開緑燈。
Worse still, the Japanese government has ignored strong opposition and condemnation from its Asian neighbours and given the textbook the green light. - 也許因為剋林頓政權將它的所有防止核擴散的“雞蛋”都放到全面禁止核試驗公約這一“籃子”裏了,它並未充分意識到強有力地推行nld這種方法以阻止俄羅斯“分散的核彈”擴散的重要性。
Perhaps because the Clinton Administration had placed all its nuclear proliferation prevention "eggs" in the Comprehensive Test Ban "basket." (Testimony of ACDA Director John Holum; Senate Committee on Governmental affairs [3/18/98] Holum testified in support of ratification that CTBT was both a Nonproliferation Treaty and an Arms Control Treaty. He also claimed that the Clinton Administration's oft repeated commitment to achieve a CTBT in 1996 was instrumental in achieving the indefinite and unconditional extension of the NPT in 1995. Holum warned about the consequences to NPT and whole Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime if the Senate delayed ratification of CTBT. He noted that in order to assuage the concerns of Congress, US adherence to the CTBT would be conditional on [among other things] our maintaining a science based stockpile Stewardship program.) it did not fully appreciate the importance of vigorously pursuing the NLD approach to preventing the proliferation of Russian "loose nukes." - 充當導體
To act as a conductor. - 沒有被告人供述,而證據充分確實的,可以認定被告人有罪和處以刑罰。
without the confession of the accused but with ample and reliable evidence, the accused can be pronounced guilty and sentenced. - 她充滿自信。
She has a lot of confidences. - 他信心十足、精力充沛.
He exudes confidence and energy. - 他對未來感到輕鬆自在並且充滿信心。
He felt at ease and confident about the future. - 他對贏得優勝充滿信心。
He is confident of winning the fist prize.