  • 虽然许多人反对他的计划,但他能巧妙地设法使它最后获得通过。
    Although many opposed his plan , he engineered it through to final approval.
  • 在国共间各项主要争点未得合理解决之前,我们对国民党内亲日派反共派所造成的皖南事变和各种政治的军事的压迫,应继续严正的抗议运动,扩大第一个十二条的宣传,不要松懈。
    Until there is a reasonable settlement of the major points at issue between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, we must not show any slackening in our campaign of stern protest against the Southern Anhwei Incident, which was engineered by the pro-Japanese and anti-Communist cliques in the Kuomintang, and against their political and military oppression in all its forms, and must intensify our propaganda for the first twelve demands.
  • 他的视力仍然很强。
    His eyesight is still good.
  • 对他们来说,尼古丁然是他们所称的无害的提味剂。
    For them, nicotine remains what they call a harmless flavor enhancement.
  • 国家增发国债、扩大投资的政策效应在今年进一步显现,固定资产投资尽管基数很大,保持平稳增长。
    Due to the effect of the policy of issuing state treasury bonds and enlarging investment, investment in fixed assets kept steady growth though the base figure was quite high.
  • 老师虽尽力开导却劳而无功,我像以前一样糊涂。
    The teacher's attempts at enlightenment failed; I remained as confused as before.
  • 异族婚姻在非洲裔美国人中然很少见。虽然如此,通婚比率还是从60年代的约1.5%大幅上升到今天的8%至10%。
    Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans, but it has increased enormously, from about 1.5 percent in the 1960s to eight to 10 percent today.
  • 这时是军事原则的新发展阶段,内容大大丰富起来,形式也有了许多改变,主要地是超越了从前的朴素性,然而基本的原则,然是那个十六字诀。
    This marked a new stage in the development of our military principles, which were greatly enriched in content and underwent many changes in form, mainly in the sense that although they basically remained the same as in the sixteen-character formula, they transcended their originally simple nature.
  • 韦斯顿太太然认为奈特利先生爱慕简·费尔法克斯,这就使纷繁不清的鸳鸯谱更加错综复杂。
    The matrimonial entanglement was further complicated because Mrs. Weston continued to believe that Mr. Knightley was becoming attached to Jane Fairfax.
  • 他度假归来, 对假日情趣津津乐道.
    He hasn't stopped enthusing about his holiday since he returned.
  • 旧像年轻人一样满腔热情。
    he is still youthfully enthusiastic.
  • 这名妇女继续诱惑她,不知不觉地慢慢走开,脸上保持着微笑,装出一副博爱的样子。
    The woman continued to entice her, but moved imperceptibly away, still smiling and feigning generous love.
  •  (2)(a)关于不适用或不全部适用本议定书,但适用1958年10月31日的里斯本议定书的国家,里斯本议定书全部有效,或在按第(1)款的规定本议定书并未取代该议定书的范围内有效。
    (a) As regards the countries to which the present Act does not apply, or does not apply in its entirety, but to which the Lisbon Act of October 31, 1958, applies, the latter shall remain in force in its entirety or to the extent that the present Act does not replace it by virtue of paragraph (1).
  •     (b)同样,关于既不适用本议定书或其一部分,也不适用里斯本议定书的国家,1934年6月2日的伦敦议定书全部有效,或在按第(1)款的规定本议定书并未取代该议定书的范围内有效。
    Similarly, as regards the countries to which neither the present Act, nor portions thereof, nor the Lisbon Act applies, the London Act of June 2, 1934 shall remain in force in its entirety or to the extent that the present Act does not replace it by virtue of paragraph (1).
  •     (c)同样,关于既不适用本议定书或其一部分,也不适用里斯本议定书,也不适用伦敦议定书的国家,1925年11月6日的海牙议定书全部有效,或在按第(1)款的规定本议定书并未取代该议定书的范围内有效。
    Similarly, as regards the countries to which neither the present Act, nor portions thereof, nor the Lisbon Act, nor the London Act applies, the Hague Act of November 6, 1925, shall remain in force in its entirety or to the extent that the present Act does not replace it by virtue of paragraph (1).
  • 尽管那位剧作家已是半截入土的人了,但他可依靠旅馆送茶饭到住房的服务维持他那微弱的生命。
    Entombed as her is, the playwright can count on room service to sustain the slender thread life.
  • 真正的种族平等似乎遥遥无期.
    Genuine racial equality still seems light-years away.
  • 尽管如此,欧内斯特·莱弗里特然愿意进行一下尝试。
    Ernest Leverette Sr. was nevertheless willing to give it a shot.
  • 中国的竞争优势看来不会显着减弱,特别是在国际间的贸易壁垒未撤除的情况下,中国的出口订单将不会大幅转移至亚洲其他经济地区。
    It is difficult to see this dominant position being significantly eroded particularly with the existence of international trade barriers which limit the extent of the possible shift of export orders from China to other Asian economies.
  • 即使扣除所有费用, 我们能赚100英镑.
    Even after paying all the expenses, we'll still be 100 in pocket.
  • 在世人记忆中的事件
    Events within living memory.
  • 为恶人行善事是罪恶。
    To do good to the evil is evil.
  • 他虽竭尽全力,但然未能将那石头搬起来。
    He failed to lift the rock in spite of all his exertions.
  • 这时,敌人是新的,即日本帝国主义,友军是过去的敌人国民党(它对我们然怀着敌意),战场是地域广大的华北(暂时的我军正面,但不久就会变为长期的敌人后方)。
    We faced a new enemy, Japanese imperialism, and had as our ally our former enemy, the Kuomintang (which was still hostile to us), and the theatre of war was the vast expanse of northern China (which was temporarily our army's front but would soon be the enemy's rear and would remain so for a long time).
  • 年轻的躯体在敌人的炮火中爆炸,盟军然缓慢向前移动,笼罩着他们的是(炮火)的巨响,迷惑和死亡。
    As young bodies explode from enemy fire, the Allied Forces still somehow sweep forward, through the noise, confusion, and death all around them.
  • 在布宜诺斯艾利斯的市中心,多年来鸽子和行人和平相处,但现在为了对在不断上升的失业率以及政府对其存款的冻结表示抗议,愤怒的阿根廷人或者摔打瓶瓶罐罐,或者燃放鞭炮烟火,使得以往平静的市中心始终笼罩在一片嘈杂声中。
    The Buenos Aires city center, which pigeons and pedestrians have cohabited for years, has become a noisy inferno where angry Argentines bang pots and pans and explode fireworks to protest rising unemployment and a freeze of most saving accounts.
  • 宇宙探索处于初级阶段
    Space exploration is still in its infancy.
  • 她的脸上然没有表情。
    Her face remained expressionless.
  • 这一法律古老但然有效。
    This law is ancient but still extant.
  • 士兵们然固守城堡,但他们已陷于险境。
    The soldiers are still holding the fort, but they're hanging on by their eyelids.
  • 尽管面对着压倒性的优势,游击队旧不肯屈服。
    despite facing overpowering odds the partisan froces remained unsubdued.
  • 时至今日,然有许多美国人觉得中国远在天涯海角,鲜为人知,令人心驰神往。
    To many Americans, China is still a faraway place,---unknown, unseen, and fascinating.