  • 小儿子丝毫没有野心,不参加他们的论。
    The youngest, who was not in the least ambitious, took no part in their arguments.
  • 香港很明白自己在至关重要的主要领域先于充满抱负、扬言要更加奋力一搏的竞对手的优势。
    Hong Kong well knows the advantage of critical mass over ambitious competitors t hat protest to try harder.
  • 对小规模形式的询问也应负责;有责任的数据;部门头头之间的斗就不应该遵从法律吗?-约翰.马歇尔。
    amenable to a small-scale form of enquiry; amenable data; is it to be contended that the heads of departments are not amenable to the laws?- John Marshall.
  • 西班牙美洲独立战争
    Independence War of Spanish America
  • 美国独立战争
    American War of Independence
  • 不过,我还是认为通过双方之间的友好调解来解决议更好。
    Anyway, I still prefer to settle disputes by amicable conciliation between the two parties.
  • 我们喜欢通过双方之间友好的、非约束性的调解来解决议。
    We prefer to resolve dispute by amicable, non-binding conciliation between the two parties.
  • 一旦发生议,我们应该通过友好协商消除我们之间的分歧。
    In case of any dispute, we should try to out our differences through amicable negotiations.
  • 当国与国间不能以和平方式解决纷时,通常即起战
    When nation can not settle a quarrel in an amicable way, they usually go to war.
  • 尤其当我们双方之间建立了长期友好的贸易关系以后,通过友好协商来解决议就更容易了。
    Especially when you've established a long-term good business relationship with us, it is usually much easier to handle the disputes through amicable negotiations.
  • 一般说来,我们愿意通过友好的协商来解决议。
    Generally speaking, we would like to resolve all disputes amicably by negotiations.
  • 一般来说,我们坚持一切议都可通过友好协商来解决。仲裁通常是最后一着。
    Generally speaking, we hold all dispute can be settled amicably by negotiation. Arbitration is generally the last resort.
  • 伊梅尔特发现,他目前面临的任务是在战和经济滑坡的大环境下实现公司的两位数增长。
    , Jeffrey R. Immelt now finds himself charged with delivering double-digit growth amid war and a nasty downturn.
  • 国际金融市场瞬息万变,这样的架构对于保持香港的竞优势非常重要。
    Such a framework is essential to strengthen the SAR's competitive edge amidst rapid changes in the international financial markets.
  • 世界多极化和经济全球化的趋势在曲折中发展,科技进步日新月异,综合国力竞日趋激烈。
    The trends toward world multipolarization and economic globalization are developing amidst twists and turns. Science and technology are advancing rapidly. Competition in overall national strength is becoming increasingly fierce.
  • 因为有了白色政权间的长期的分裂和战,便给了一种条件,使一小块或若干小块的共产党领导的红色区域,能够在四围白色政权包围的中间发生和坚持下来。
    The prolonged splits and wars within the White regime provide a condition for the emergence and persistence of one or more small Red areas under the leadership of the Communist Party amidst the encirclement of the White regime.
  • 八十年前,在中国各族人民反帝反封建的壮阔斗中,在世界无产阶级革命的澎湃运动中,中国共产党成立了。
    Eighty years ago, amidst the torrential anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle of the people of all ethnic groups of China and in the tempestuous movement of the proletarian revolution in the world , the Communist Party of China was founded.
  • 此外,尽管本地的生产规模有所限制,但港商愈来愈多利用内地的外发加工设施,使香港的生产力大大提高,从而协助维持本港产品价格的竞力。
    Furthermore, the increasing use of outward processing facilities in the Mainland has enabled Hong Kong's productive capacity to expand by multiples even amidst the local capacity constraint, and hence helped maintain the price competitiveness of Hong Kong's products.
  • 培养讲政治、懂全局、善于治党治国的领导人才尤为重要。中国的社会主义事业能不能巩固和发展下去,中国能不能在激烈的国际竞中始终强盛不衰,关键看我们能不能不断培养造就一大批高素质的领导人才。
    It is all the more important to have, through training, leading officials who are more politically-minded and good at leading the Party and ruling the country and who pay attention to overall interests. A large number of high-caliber leading officials hold the key to the consolidation and development of China's socialism and its continued prosperity amidst the fierce international competition.
  • 每个国家和民族都有自己的特点和长处,大家只有彼此尊重,求同存异,和睦相处,互相促进,才能创造百花妍,万紫千红的世界。
    Every country and every people has its special characteristics and strong points. It. is only by respecting one another, seeking common ground while putting aside differences, living with one another in amity and complementing one another can we make the world as colorful as a garden where a hundred flowers are contending in beauty.
  • 论是他的攻击[防御]手段。
    Argument is his ammunition.
  • 军需品战物资,特别是武器和军火(通常用复数)
    War materiel, especially weapons and ammunition. Often used in the plural.
  • 他们互相争吵。
    They quarreled among themselves.
  • 我们之间从不争吵。
    We never quarrelled among ourselves.
  • 他们互相争吵。
    They quarreled amongst themselves.
  • 政客们总是彼此论不休。
    Politicians are always arguing amongst themselves.
  • 凭着这些优点,香港成为全球公认最自由和最具竞力的经济体系之一。
    On these virtues, Hong Kong is widely regarded as amongst the freest and most competitive economies in the world.
  • 干了十年的革命战,对于别的国家也许是值得惊奇的,对于我们却好似八股文章还只作了破题、承题和起讲,许多热闹文章都还在后面。
    To wage a revolutionary war for ten years, as we have done, might be surprising in other countries, but for us it is like the opening sections in an "eight-legged essay" -- the "presentation, amplification and preliminary exposition of the theme" -- and many exciting parts are yet to follow.
  • 库那克萨巴比伦王国的一个古城镇,位于巴比伦西北部。在这里发生的一场战(公元前401年)中波斯的阿尔塔薛西斯二世打败了他的兄弟小居鲁士,导致了色诺芬在他的远征记一书中描述的万人大撤退的发生
    An ancient town of Babylonia northwest of Babylon. It was the site of a battle(401 b.c.) in which Artaxerxes II of Persia defeated his brother Cyrus the Younger, leading to the Retreat of the Ten Thousand described by Xenophon in his Anabasis.
  • 在一段时间内,很有可能是模拟和数字modem、isdn、有线电视modem和dsl并存,为得某些专门的应用而竞,并把其它的挡在外面。
    In all probability, analog and digital modems, ISDN, cable modems, and DSL, will be sharing the networking scene for some time, competing for some niche applications, and solidly entrenched in others.
  • 世界很大,复杂得很,但一分析,真正支持战的没有多少,人民是要求和平、反对战的。
    The world is vast and complex, but if you analyse the situation you will find there are only a few people who support war; most people want peace.
  • 销售分析表明,这两种产品在竞垄断市场方面仍然不分高低。
    Sales analyses show these two products are still vying neck and neck to corner the market.