  • 不妨把开会时往後延。
    It won't hurt to postpone the meeting.
  • 如果你不反对,我们可以另约时
    Let's postpone our date for dinner, if you do not mind.
  • 如果你不反对,我们可以另约时
    Let 's postpone our date for dinner, if you do not mind.
  • 由于我得了重感冒,不知是否可以把我的约会时缓延几天。
    Because of my heavy cold, I wonder if I can postpone my appointment till some other time.
  • 他推迟了旅行的时,不愿冒着风浪横渡。
    Rather than risk a bad crossing, he postponed his journey.
  • 他推迟了旅行的时,不愿冒着风浪横渡。
    Sooner than risk a bad crossing, he postponed his journey.
  • 因为董事会推迟召开,我只好变更约会时
    I have to change my appointment because of the postponement of the board meeting.
  • 中国政府从中国的国情出发,制订了人口增长目标和计划,规定了计划生育政策:提倡晚婚晚育、少生优生;提倡一对夫妇只生育一个孩子,照顾到农村中某些群众的实际困难,允许隔几年后生第二个孩子。
    The Chinese government, proceeding from national conditions, has fixed the target of population growth and formulated the following family planning policy: delayed marriage and postponement of having children, giving birth to fewer but healthier children, and one family, one child. Rural families facing genuine difficulties (including households with a single daughter) can have a second child after an interval of several years.
  • 推迟到另外的时或地点的行为。
    the act of postponing to another time or place.
  • 你们在港口和市区之有这么多荒地,这是个很大的优势,我看你们潜力很大。
    You have so much wasteland between the harbour and the city proper. This is a major advantage. It seems to me that you have great potentialities.
  • 波特:你不想住镇上最豪华的住宅吗?不想给你太太买许多漂亮衣服吗?不想一年去纽约出几次差吗?或者或去欧洲看看。
    Potter: You wouldn’t mind living in the nicest house in town,buying your wife a lot of fine clothes,a couple of business trips to New York a year,maybe once in a while Europe.
  • 你在园里东游西荡,恐怕花的时大多了吧。
    I'm afraid you've spent too much time pottering about in the garden.
  • 我为她做的小袋很特别,红绿相还镶着白边。
    I had made a special pouch for her, red and green with white lace.
  • 形似虾的甲壳动物,其母虾把卵和幼子放在两腿的夹袋里。
    shrimp-like crustaceans whose females carry eggs and young in a pouch between the legs.
  • 在远古时代,人们把小麦放在两块石头之碾成面粉;
    In the early ages people converted their corn into flour by pounding it between two stones;
  • 但是,由于中国的带买办性的大资产阶级的各个集团是以不同的帝国主义为背景的,在各个帝国主义的矛盾尖锐化的时候,在革命的锋芒主要地是反对某一个帝国主义的时候,属于别的帝国主义系统的大资产阶级集团也可能在一定程度上和一定时期内参加反对某一个帝国主义的斗争。
    However, different groups within this big bourgeoisie are backed by different imperialist powers, so that when contradictions among these powers become sharper and when the edge of the revolution is mainly directed against a particular power, the big bourgeois groups dependent upon the other powers may join the struggle against that particular imperialist power to a certain extent and for a certain time.
  • 科学家们正在探索在空摧毁核武器的方法-也就是使该武器失去威力或不再起作用。
    Scientists are searching for ways to destroy nuclear weapons powerless and no longer useful.
  • 一种有时用于表示功能单元连接或功能单元和软件可以与其一起使用的装置之连接的难易程度和实用程度的术语。
    A term sometimes used to indicate the ease or practicality of connecting functional units; or to the facility with which software can be used together.
  • 我饿坏了,我们的午餐休息时差不多过了一半了。
    I am starving. We are practically halfway through our lunch break already.
  • 我也是练了很长时才学会踩水的。
    Actually I practiced for a long time before I could.
  • 你每天花多少时练习英文?
    How much time do you spend practicing English everyday?
  • 他们经常相互练习讲英语。
    They often practise speaking English among themselves.
  • 非洲原始部族之,巫术仍然在用。
    The black art is still practised among the primitive tribes in Africa.
  • 我们在课外练习上花了很多时
    We spend a lot of time practising out of class.
  • 在私营服务方面,市民可向私家医生、公共屋恏诊所医生及根据《诊疗所条例》注册的200诊所的医生求诊。
    Private-sector medical services are provided by medical practitioners working in private medical practices, housing estate clinics and 200 clinics registered under the Medical Clinics Ordinance.
  • 新加坡人必须实事求是,确认英语的学习,有助于各族群之的沟通。
    But it is also imperative that we should be pragmatic and know that learning English contributes to communication among Singaporeans of different ethnic groups.
  • 与此同时,新加坡人必须实事求是,确认英语英文的学习,有助于各族群之的沟通,是每个族群都应该设法去学习的共同媒介语。
    But it is also imperative that we remain pragmatic and continue to use English as the language of communication among Singaporeans of different ethnic groups.
  • 台湾当局极力在国际上推行所谓“务实外交”,扩大所谓“国际生存空”,其实质是制造“两个中国”、“一中一台”。
    The Taiwan authorities have spared no effort to promote "pragmatic diplomacy" in the international arena and enlarge their "international space of survival," the essence of these being to create "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan."
  • --坚持独立自主的方针,根据国家现代化建设的需要,以及国内外航天科技的市场需求,开展积极、务实的国际空合作。
    - Persisting in the independence and self-reliance policy, carrying out active and pragmatic international space cooperation to meet the needs of the national modernization and the demands of the domestic and international markets for space science and technology.
  • 坚持独立自主的方针,根据国家现代化建设的需要,以及国内外航天科技的市场需求,开展积极、务实的国际空合作。
    Persisting in the independence and self-reliance policy, carrying out active and pragmatic international space cooperation to meet the needs of the national modernization drive and the demands of the domestic and international markets for space science and technology.
  • 到了开会的日期和时,每个与会者拨预先分配的会议电话号码,建立起声音和数据连接。
    At the date and time of the call, each participant dials the preassigned conference telephone numbers to establish the voice and data connections.
  • 用来防范偷窃或谍等活动的措施。
    measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc..