  • 人们往往习惯于用自我安慰来麻痹自己,认为最坏的结果不可发生在自己身上。
    People can't see the effects at first, and they're in permanent denial, saying it's not going to happen to them.
  • 当时我们够通过无线电台把动乱的情况向国外发送至丹麦。
    We were able to beam pictures of the riots out to Denmark.
  • 现在不,将来某一天可行,但这种可性将是最小的。
    No, maybe some day, but it will be lowest common denominator.
  • 意见很多,我不知道有谁找到共同点。
    It’s all mixed up, and I don’t know that anyone can find a common denominator.
  • 成本是分子,而分母可是服务、客户满意度、质量水平或生产率等。”
    Cost is the numerator.The denominator might be service, customer satisfaction, quality levels or productivity, for example," Kirwin says.
  • 我们坚决地斥责那些认为日本帝国主义够觉悟、够让步的空谈。
    We firmly denounce the groundless assertion that Japanese imperialism may come to its senses and make concessions.
  • 你怎麽能如此愚蠢?
    How can you is so dense?
  • 由于太密集而不理解的特点。
    incomprehensibility by virtue of being too dense to understand.
  • 一个很大的人口密度高的城市区域;有可包含几个相互独立的行政区划。
    a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts.
  • cmos的主要缺点在于它不像ttl和nmos闭型金属氧化物半导体)那样的高密度压缩。
    CMOS's primary disadvantage is that it cannot be packed as densely as TTL or NMOS.
  • 一种材料与另一种材料的区别在于他们的物理性:颜色、密度和比热等等。
    One material can be distinguished from another by their physical properties: color, density, specific, heat and so on.
  • 这些恐怖活动够破坏钢铁大厦,但却摧毁不了美国人民钢铁般的坚强意志。
    These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.
  • "我的直觉告诉我u签证是一个良好的开端,可它并不真正地使问题得到解决,"移民律师凯瑟琳·莎莉文说。
    “ My gut feeling is that while the U visa is a nice start,it is not going to make a real dent in the problem,” immigration lawyer Kathleen Sullivan says.
  • 你以为对他的所有这些批评可已经伤害了他的自尊。
    You'd think that all the criticism that had been flung at him might have dented his self-esteem.
  • 也许很快我们就够彻底地废除大多数成人牙科了。”
    "Soon we may be able to eliminate most adult dentistry entirely."
  • 汉森是加利福尼亚福勒顿高级牙科中心主任。他确信激光是未来的医牙工具——精确,无须消毒,痛苦小,可对牙齿的伤害也小。
    Hansen, director of the Center for Advanced Dentistry in Fullerton, California, is convinced that the laser is the dental tool of the future-precise, inherently sterile, less painful, and perhaps less damaging to teeth.
  • 把挡板上的凹洞敲平;制定出双方都接受的合约
    Hammered out the dents in the fender; hammered out a contract acceptable to both sides.
  • 车身没有什么凹痕,重新喷一次漆就使您的汽车光亮如新。
    There are no dents in the body--a respray will make your car look like new.
  • 我确实不否认这一点.
    I can't in all honesty (ie if I must be honest) deny it.
  • 否认这个事实是不可的。
    Deny this fact is impossible.
  • 不可否认或者驳倒。
    impossible to deny or disprove.
  • 这个伟大成就是谁也不否定,谁也无法否定的。
    No one can deny this impressive achievement.
  • 说他讲的不是事实吗?
    Can you deny the truth of his statement?
  • 几乎没有人否定他的领导作用。
    Few can deny the impact of his leadership.
  • 丹尼斯够在大众面前弹奏钢琴。
    Deny is capable of play the piano in public.
  • 我不否认我该工程抱有巨大热情。
    I can not deny my enthusiasm for the project.
  • 但是你不否认阿尔法的魅力。
    But you can't deny α's charm.
  • 我不否认我对该工程抱有巨大热情。
    I can't deny my enthusiasm for the project.
  • 噢,我不否认我觉得精疲力竭了。
    Well, I can't deny(that) I feel completely exhausted.
  • 在英国的戏剧作家中鲜有人否认莎士比亚文学泰斗的地位。
    Among english playwright, few will deny that shakespeare holds sway.
  • 在英国的戏剧作家中鲜有人否认莎士比亚文学泰斗的地位.
    Among English playwrights, few would deny that Shakespeare holds sway.
  • 这幅粘贴从你的腋窝除臭。
    This stick will deodorize your armpits.