  • 進一步的繁榮,亞洲的專業人士開始産生懷舊的表緒。
    With greater prosperity, Asian professionals started to feel nostalgia for the past.
  • 他嚮凳子後面溜了一眼,張大鼻孔,認為對我用不客氣,就像對我那貓伴一樣。
    He glanced over the back of the bench, dilating his nostrils, and thought as little of exchanging civilities with me as with my companion the cat.
  • 它們的口和鼻的尾端隆起,在鼻子下面形成一個巨大的門腔。這就意味這種鰐魚有超強的嗅覺以及非同一般的叫聲。
    The swollen end of the snout houses an enormous cavity under the nostrils, meaning this croc may have had an enhanced sense of smell and a most unusual call.
  • 對鄰居的行為很好奇;他以他愛刺探消息的方式翻動我的信件;愛打聽的眼睛;愛管閑事的鄰居整天在觀察我們。
    curious about the neighbor's doings; he flipped through my letters in his nosy way; prying eyes; the snoopy neighbor watched us all day.
  • 重要時期標志一個重要時期開始的重大事件
    A notable event that marks the beginning of such a period.
  • 他的個人日程表上記四月五日有三個約會。
    There is a notation of three appointments on his personal calendar for April 5.
  • 在瞄準器的後部有一個開的凹口取代了原來的窺視孔或望遠鏡。
    rear gunsight having an open notch instead of a peephole or telescope.
  • 加音由一組四個或四個以上的音符,包括上方、下方輔助音繞主音符或標出的音符構成的裝飾音
    A figure or an ornament consisting of four or more notes in rapid succession and including in addition to the principal note the one that is a degree above and the one that is a degree below it.
  • 他口袋裏老帶一本小筆記本。
    He always carries small notebook in his pocket.
  • 手裏拿筆記本的男人站在那裏。
    A man with a notebook in his hand sat there.
  • 我將一邊抽煙,一邊用我的筆在筆記本上寫作。
    I would be writing with my pen in a notebook while smoking.
  • 看到那個告示了嗎?上面寫:`不許野營!'除非你們不識字。'
    Do you see that notice? It says 'No Camping' - in case you can't read!'
  • 他的歌聲帶有顯的呼吸聲。
    He sings with a noticeable breathness.
  • 革命勝利以後,也正是在毛澤東思想的指導下,我們的社會主義建設纔獲得了這樣偉大的成就,並且繼續勝利地前進
    In the years following that victory, it has also been thanks to the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought that we have been able to achieve such noticeable successes in socialist construction and to continue on our triumphant advance.
  • 春天的到來,白天也明顯長了。
    With the approach of spring the days begin to draw out quite noticeably.
  • 邁剋的父母經營一傢餐館。他們兩人對垃圾都沒有任何特殊的興趣。但邁剋兩歲時,就開始異常喜歡追逐附近經過的垃圾車。他母親說,當邁剋還在牙牙學語的時候,嘴巴裏呢喃的始終是"垃圾"和"卡車"。
    Wong and Sasso are restaurant owners and never had a special interest in trash until Michael, at age two, began showing an unusual interest in trailing garbage trucks through the neighborhood, his mother said, noting that "trash" and "truck" were among his first words.
  • 她一直盼望着回國。
    She have long nourish the dream of return to her motherland.
  • 他一直懷出國旅行的願望。
    He is been nourishing the hope of a trip abroad.
  • 作為小說傢,她過不太穩定的生活.
    She makes a rather precarious living as a novelist.
  • 乘飛機比其他交通工具有巨大的優越性,它不僅速度快得多,而且輕鬆得多,但不利的一面是空中飛行令人感到乏味,它剝奪了旅行給人的一切新奇興趣。
    Flying has enormous advantages over other means of transport; it is not only much faster but much less tiring. The other side of the coin is that it is boring and takes all the novelty out of travelling.
  • 那麽,聽!;那麽,請註意了。
    now hear this!; now pay attention.
  • 現今我們不晚禮服赴宴了。
    We do not dress for dinner nowadays.
  • 任何地方都見不他。
    He is nowhere to be seen.
  • 你對火的基底部分,把泡沫從管嘴噴出來。
    You squirt foam out of a nozzle and direct it at the base of the fire.
  • 流行麯調的口哨者
    A whistler of popular tunes.
  • 對於目前windows98和nt的用戶來說,這意味已經有了dcom。
    For current Windows 98 and NT shops, this means DCOM is already there.
  • 除了各自面臨的挑戰外,unix和nt還共同面臨java的威脅。
    Apart from their individual challenges, Unix and NT face a common threat from Java.
  • 人們還發現,dna由核酸鏈組成,而組成核昔酸鏈的是四種鹼基,通常用a、c、t和g來代表。
    Furthermore, one chromosome of each pair is donated from each parent. DNA was also found to be made of nucleotide chains made of four bases, commonly represented by A, C, T, and G.
  • 原子的中央是原子核,電子繞它旋轉。
    At the centre of an atom is a nucleus, around which electrons revolve.
  • 男孩們光屁股去遊泳。
    The boys went swimming in the nude.
  • 埃迪在他的壁爐上方挂一幅巨大的裸體畫,他可以指望同任何來拜訪他的人就它作為話題。
    Ed had a large portrait of a nude over his fireplace which he could always rely on to be a conversation piece with anybody who came to visit him.
  • 那微弱的聲音仍然不時地輕叩他的心扉。
    But that little voice kept nudging.