  • 你或许有权要求退回去年你交付的部税金。
    You may be entitled to reclaim some of the tax you paid last year.
  • 内陆一个政治或地理实体的内陆部
    The inland part of a political or geographic entity.
  • 组成单独的实体或部
    constituting a separate entity or part.
  • 按比例配一数量或一总体的按比例
    The proportional distribution of a quantity or entity.
  • 合成物由不同成构成的结构或实体
    A structure or an entity made up of distinct components.
  • 由几种成组合成一个整体的。
    made up of several components combined into a single entity.
  • 看作一个实体的部的集合。
    an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity.
  • 蚊子利用气味将“有魅力”和“无魅力”的人开,以便发现最可口的血液,佛罗里达大学昆虫学家杰里·布特勒在一份报告中说。
    "Mosquitoes use odor to sort attractive people from the unattractive to find those that are most tasty," University of Florida entomologist Jerry Butler said in a statement.
  • 蚁学研究蚂蚁的昆虫学
    The branch of entomology that deals with ants.
  • 过去数十年,香港在各方面都取得十骄人的成就:香港按人口平均计算的本地生产总值为25,000美元,在亚洲名列第二;
    Over the past decades, Hong Kong has achieved, in every respect, most enviable success. At US$25,000, our GDP per capita is the second highest in Asia.
  • 多年来,端赖医院管理局的辛勤努力,我们得以达到令人跜慕的健康指标:在每一千名香港出生的婴儿当中,仅有四名夭折,而香港人的平均寿命别是男性76岁和女性82岁。
    As a result of these efforts, we have, over the years, been able to achieve enviable health indices - our infant mortality rate is 4 per one thousand live births and our average life expectancy stands at 76 years for males and 82 for females.
  • 这是迄今所知的最为贫穷的社会状态,不过在有些富裕得多的社会中,部居民的生活境况比野蛮人也好不了多少。
    This is the state of greatest poverty in which any entire community of human beings is known to exist; though there are much richer communities in which portions of the inhabitants are in a condition, as to subsistence and comfort, as little enviable as that of the savage.
  • 不过,看见别人到游行现场得礼品包,她还是十羡慕。
    However, she was envious of the parade spectators who were given goodie bags.
  • 曼尼坎也开玩笑地指出诗作《闻云南园雅集有感》中的“茂林斧过尽为薪”,必定能使环保子和自然爱好者深感共鸣。
    In the ''Yunnan Garden Gathering'' poem, Manicam notes wryly that the line ''Once lush forests'' being reduced to firewood would strike a chord in the heart of the environmentalist and nature lover.
  • 我们会发展符合环保原则的运输系统,同时力求土地运用得宜,使人口和就业机会布更平均。
    We will work towards an environmentally-friendly transport system and an efficient land use pattern to create a more balanced distribution of people and jobs.
  • 答:如果只说到可能性的话,那末,团结和裂两种可能性都有,要看国共两党的态度如何,尤其要看全国人民的态度如何来决定。
    Answer: If we are merely talking of possibilities, we can envisage both the possibility of unity and the possibility of a split, depending on the attitudes of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and especially of the people throughout the country.
  • 她的话里带有几嫉妒。
    Her remarks were tinged with envy.
  • 我羡慕总是得好的那些学生。
    I envy those students who always get good marks.
  • 效应物一种小子,当邻接酶的变构点时会引起酶活动的增加或减少
    A small molecule that when bound to the allosteric site of an enzyme causes either a decrease or an increase in the activity of the enzyme.
  • 关系到一些酶的活性的小子(不是蛋白质子)。
    a small molecule (not a protein) essential for the activity of some enzymes.
  • 淀粉酶唾液、胰液及部植物中存在的一组酶,可以促使淀粉转换成糖
    A group of enzymes that are present in saliva, pancreatic juice, and parts of plants and help convert starch to sugar.
  • 研究者正在寻找解决这个问题的办法,包括血红蛋白交联所需要的酶,或者进一步改善血红蛋白的子结构。
    Researchers are studying ways to solve this problem, including cross-linking the required enzymes to hemoglobin or further modifying the molecular structure of hemoglobin.
  • 嗜伊红细胞容易被曙红或其它酸性染料染色的微生物、细胞或组织成
    A microorganism, cell, or histological element easily stained by eosin or other acid dyes.
  • 他在1976年蒙特利尔奥运会上被取消了参赛资格。他对其使用的重剑进行了改制,使之在没有击中对方的情况下民能显示其得
    At the Montreal Games of 1976 he was disqualified, for he tampered with his epee, causing it to register hits even when none had been scored.
  • 对于重剑而言,全身都是有效部位。但花剑只有触及从颈骨到髋骨的部位才能得
    The entire body is a valid target for the epee, but in foil a touch can be scored only on the body between the collar and hipbones.
  • 一植物科花小单性果实肉质;在一些类中包括麻黄属植物和千岁兰属以及买麻藤属。
    plants having small unisexual flowers and fleshy or winged fruit: in some classifications includes the genera Ephedra and Welwitschia as well as Gnetum.
  • 也许福克斯最不逗人喜欢的一点就是他把短促的政治生命看得过于重了。而在我看来,福特在诱使福克斯说出他的这些关心时显得过热情,手法千奇百怪,使尽了手段。
    Perhaps the least prepossessing quality of Fox was that he cares too much about the ephemeral in politics: and Ford displays excessive zeal, to my mind, in teasing out these cares to the last twist and turn.
  • 一年生的杂草多的药草,有短暂的黄紫色的花;东半球热带地区布;作为一种草移植到北美。
    annual weedy herb with ephemeral yellow purple-eyed flowers; Old World tropics; naturalized as a weed in North America.
  • 科学家们已离出引起这种流行病的病毒。
    Scientists have isolated the virus causing the epidemic.
  • 近几年来,用期付款的办法购物十流行。
    Buy goods on the installment plan have become epidemic in recent year.
  • 与之不同,许多法国女人认为能够通过硬膜外麻醉免去娩的疼痛是女权的一大胜利。
    By contrast, many French women believe that access to epidural pain relief during lab or is a huge victory in women's rights.
  • 当我告诉助产大夫自己还没有决定是否接受硬膜外麻醉时,她建议我每天练习深呼吸,一天45钟,坚持一个月——她知道,这样练下来,对自然娩再大的热情也会被抹杀。
    When I told my midwife I wasn't sure I wanted an epidural, she suggested I practice deep?breathing and panting 4 5 minutes a day for a month -- knowing that would kill any enthusiasm for natu ral childirth.