  • 全球化趋势、资讯科技和人类的流动性,使我们真正成为同一个世界的民。
    Because of globalisation, information technology and human mobility, weare truly the citizens of one world.
  • 全球化趋势、资讯科技和人类的流动性,使我们真正成为同一个世界的民。
    Because of globalisation, information technology and human mobility, we are truly the citizens of one world.
  • 根据奥康纳·罗德威尔博士的研究,当大象吼叫、摆出攻击的架势或者跺脚的时候,它们能将信号通过地面传送到远至50里的地方。
    Elephants, according to Dr O'Connell-Rodwell, can transmit signals through the ground this way for distances of as much as 50km when they trumpet, make mock charges or stomp their feet.
  • 美国著名计算机安全司sophos20日宣布,一种新的邮件病毒开始以附件形式在网络上出现。该病毒伪装成屏保程序,内容一般是有关美国间谍卫星拍摄的伊拉克图片或是歌颂、讽刺布什总统的动画。
    A new e-mail worm has surfaced that purports to show screensavers of U.S. spy satellite pictures of Iraq or animations that are either patriotic or that mock President Bush, a computer security company warned on Thursday.
  • 那不平的审判是对正的一种蔑视。
    The unfair trial was a mockery of justice.
  • 这次审判是一次假充
    The trial was a mockery of justice.
  • 法院匆促做出的不正裁决使这次审判形同儿戏。
    Decision of the court made a mockery of the trial.
  • 裁减和限制部署在边界线两侧各100里区域内的陆军、空军、防空军航空兵的人员和主要种类的武器装备,并为其及边防部队的人员和武器装备规定最高限额;
    they shall reduce and limit the size of their ground force, air force, air aviation and border guard units as well as the quantity of main categories of their armaments and military equipment deployed in the border areas as deep as 100 kilometers from their border; they shall determine the ceilings for the reduced size, modality and the time limit for the reduction of military forces;
  • 我们要在党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领的指引下,继续坚持和完善有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度,坚持和完善社会主义市场经济体制,坚持和完善按劳分配为主体的多种分配方式,坚持和完善对外开放;
    We must , under the guidance of the Party's basic theories , basic line and basic program, stick to and improve the basic economic system with public ownership as the main body and the common development of multiple sectors ; we must persist in and improve the socialist market system ; we must hold on to and improve the multiple ways of distribution with the distribution of "to each according to work done" as the main distribution modality; we must continue to improve our opening-up program ;
  • uml就是rational软件司领导下的一项研究成果,把几种主要的建模技术融合在一起,uml这种方法(它定义建模语言,而不是一种编程语言)让系统结构工程师描述种类和方法,并对它们的关系用文档说明。
    UML was the result of an effort led by Rational Software to merge major modeling techniques.The UML approach (which defines a modeling language, not a programming language) lets system architects describe classes and methods, and document their relationships.
  • 《花花子》杂志的发言人伊丽莎白·诺丽斯说:"我们认为在她们找到新工作之前,可以把这份工作权当有意思的事情去做。而且她们有可能会因此而转行成为模特。"
    "We're looking at this as something fun for them to do while they're looking for another job. This might even turn into a modeling career for them," Playboy spokeswoman Elizabeth Norris said.
  • “到现在我做模特已经有一段时间了,我和别人一样起步——慢慢攒钱,访问不同的司,做一些零活,逐渐开拓出自己的道路。”
    " I have been modelling for quite a while now, and I started where everyone else does by building up my book, visiting different companies, doing small jobs, working my way up."
  • 他们想用时髦家具把办室装饰得雅致一些。
    They want to furnish their office tastefully with modem furniture.
  • 司估计1996年modem的交货量将再增加10万个。
    They estimate modem shipments to increase by more than 100,000 units in 1996.
  • 这个旅馆里的各种价格都很道。
    Prices in this hotel are strictly moderate.
  • 为了促进业务,我们把该项产品的价格定得十分道。
    We price this product quite moderately with a view to promote business.
  • 你方将会发现我方产品价格道质量上乘。
    You will find that our products are moderately priced and yet of good quality.
  • 您将会发现我方产品价格道且质量上乘。
    You will find that our product be moderately priced and yet of good quality.
  • 他们表现得极为克制,未在电视上开吵起来
    They showed a remarkable degree of moderation in not quarrelling publicly on television
  • 但是,研究显示,与认为引起癌症的烟不同,酒如果适量饮用确实对健康有益。
    However , unlike tobacco , which is known to cause cancer , studies indicate that alcohol does offer some health benefits when consumed in moderation.
  • 那座现代的办楼直挺挺地竖在那片旧建筑物群中十分扎眼.
    The modern office block sticks out like a sore thumb among the old buildings in the area.
  • 中国近代国内公债
    domestic bonds in modern China
  • 一九九九年三月,政府发表《务员体制改革》谘询文件,主要目的是革新务员管理体制,务求令制度更灵活,能够面对和回应社会的变迁和巿民的诉求。
    In March 1999, the Government released a Consultation Document on Civil Service Reform. The main objective was to put forward proposals to modernise the administration of the Civil Service so as to make it more flexible and prepare staff to face the changes and increasingly demanding challenges in the years ahead and meet the demands of society.
  • 他被控告在园对儿童进行性骚扰。
    He is accused of molest children in the park.
  • "但是,如果此次结果只是有色人种在长期以来倍受冷落过程中的昙花一现的话,那么好莱坞就是压根没有体现平的真正意义。"
    "However, if this proves to be a momentary flash in a long history of neglect, then Hollywood has failed to learn the real meaning of equality."
  • 2003年国际淡水年为保持势头和提高共认识提供了一个良好的契机。
    The International Year of Freshwater, 2003 provides an excellent opportunity to maintain the momentum and raise public awareness.
  • 我曾去过摩纳哥国。
    I've been to the Principality of Monaco.
  • 墨西哥的国中的一个城镇和旅游胜地;是世界闻名的赌城。
    a town and popular resort in the principality of Monaco; world-famous for its gambling casino.
  • 主王室的非君主女性成员,尤指君主的女儿
    A woman member of a royal family other than the monarch, especially a daughter of a monarch.
  • 宅邸中世纪王、贵族的城堡或房宇
    The castle or house of a medieval monarch or noble.
  • 被压迫的人民起来反抗所受的不正对待并且推翻了不得人心的君主。
    The oppressed people rose against unjust treatment and dethroned the unpopular monarch.
  • 欧洲西北部的一个君主立宪制国家;欧洲经济共同体和北大西洋约组织的总部。
    a monarchy in northwestern Europe; headquarters for the European Common Market and for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.