  • 具有管孔的肉质真菌的一个科,具有孢子易与菌盖相分离,有时孢子之也常可以分离。
    family of pore-bearing fleshy fungi having the spores easily separating from the cup and often from each other.
  • 我们花了很长时钻研素描。
    We pored over the sketches for a long time.
  • 我们刚才花了二十分钟的时仔细看了红军强渡赤水的示意图。
    We have just spent twenty minutes poring over a sketch map showing the Red Army's forced crossing of the Chishui River.
  • 在听取委员会的意见后,警方、香港海关和影视及娱乐事务管理处等3个执法机关,在一九九七年三至五月期合力推行一项特别的为期3个月的反色情物品运动,尤其是针对色情光碟及电脑磁碟。
    On its advice, a special three-month campaign against pornographic materials, in particular pornographic video compact discs and computer disks, was jointly conducted by the enforcement agencies - the Police, the Customs and Excise Department, and the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority - from March to May 1997.
  • 曾特别研究的议题包括:警队服务质素计划、对付性及有关罪行的措施、打击色情物品的销售和出版、推广性教育,以及管制精神科药物。
    Specific subjects considered included the Police Force service quality programme, measures to tackle sexual and related offences, action against the sale and publication of pornographic materials, work on sex education, and control of psychotropic drugs.
  • 经过30多年的发展,大多数成年的国人已经有足够的能力去判断艺术与色情之的不同。
    After more than 30 years of development, I believe most adults are able to decide for themselves the difference between art and pornography.
  • 网状骨质的具有隙的、格子状的或多孔结构的。尤用以指骨头
    Having an open, latticed, or porous structure. Used especially of bone.
  • usb与pc机上常见的并行、串行、键盘和鼠标器端口一样,是一种输入/输出端口设计,它让设备自动工作,互相之不会出现冲突。
    USB, which is an input/output port design like the common parallel, serial, keyboard and mouse ports on PCs, allows devices to work automatically and without conflicts between each other.
  • 这艘船在亚丁和伦敦之的几个港口停靠。
    The ship calls at several ports between Aden and London.
  • 这艘船在大连和上海之停靠了几个港口。
    The ship called at several ports between Dalian and Shanghai.
  • 这位行李员将领您上楼去您的房
    The porter will show you up to your room.
  • 谢谢,服务员会领你们到房去。
    Thank you. The porter will show you to your room
  • 柱廊,门廊环绕这样一块空的门廊或柱廊中的一个
    One of the porticoes or colonnades surrounding such a space.
  • 前庭在建筑物的入口处围起来的庭院或空,尤指有时被门廊或柱廊所环绕的教堂
    An enclosed courtyard or space at the entrance to a building, especially a cathedral, that is sometimes surrounded by porticoes or colonnades.
  • 以一生中的大部分时
    for the great portion of one's life
  • 墙窗和窗之的墙体
    The portion of a wall between windows.
  • 连号称人民银行的储蓄银行老字号,也将订立最低存款数额,对存款不足500元的户头征收手续费,对象是21岁至62岁之的人士。有人把这形容为“变相的起价”。
    Then came the announcement that POS Bank, long reputedly "the people's bank", would impose a minimum balance of S$500and slap a fall-below service charge of S$2 monthly on small account holders aged between 21 and 62. "A fee hike in disguise", as some grumbled.
  •  前款工程设施需要占用河道、湖泊管理范围内土地,跨越河道、湖泊空或者穿越河床的,建设单位应当经有关水行政主管部门对该工程设施建设的位置和界限审查批准后,方可依法办理开工手续;
    If engineering structures mentioned in the preceding paragraph need to occupy land within the scope of control for any river course or lake, or to cut across the space over any river course or lake, or to go through riverbeds, the construction unit should subject the pos it ion and border of the engineering structures to the examination and approval of the relevant water conservancy administrative department before completing the formalities for starting the projects according to law.
  • 四声道的属于或用于四声道声音系统的,音箱放置于听音空的四角,再生各自独立的信号
    Of or for a four-channel sound system in which speakers are positioned at all four corners of the listening space, reproducing signals that are independent of each other.
  • 什么支配你买了这房子;她怒不可遏。
    What possessed you to buy this house? A terrible rage possessed her.
  • 家产属于上述家庭单位的居住空和财产
    The living spaces and possessions belonging to such a unit.
  • 下次送邮件时是两点钟。
    The next postal delivery is at 2 o'clock.
  • 邮件服务在邮递员罢工期将暂停。
    Mail service will be suspended during the postal workers' strike.
  • 邮电工人罢工期与法国通讯很困难。
    Communication with France was difficult during the telephone and postal strike.
  • 如果有时,请给我寄一张明信片。
    Please drop a postcard to me if you have time.
  • 请您在同函的明信片上写明最方便的访问时寄还给我?
    Will you send me the postcard enclosed, perhaps indicate on it the time most convenient for my visit?
  • 山姆大叔出现的时要比弗兰格的广告早一个世纪,它是另一场战争的产品。
    Uncle Sam predates Flagg's poster by over a century and is the product of a different war.
  • 在后在位置上或时上较靠后的状况
    The condition of being posterior in location or time.
  • 随着时的推移,计划生育造福于民、惠及子孙后代的功效,必将进一步显现出来。
    With the passing of time, the benefits of family planning, for the people and for posterity, are bound to be more apparent.
  • 在一定的时内没有支取活动的储蓄账户。
    a savings account showing no activity (other than posting interest) for some specified period.
  • .用邮戳标记以表明邮寄的日期和时
    stamp with a postmark to indicate date and time of mailing.
  • 现在投送信件似乎要花费很长时。噢,这就是当今社会的状况——连邮递员的工作效率也不像以前那样高了。
    Letters seem to take ages to be delivered these days. Ah, it's a sign of the times — not even the postmen work as efficiently as they used to.