  • 我喜欢要求很高的工作,使劲啃啃的东西。
    I like a demanding job, something to sink my teeth into.
  • 质量好的名片盒不仅保管好名片,还为你的职业形象增光添彩。
    Not only does a quality case keep the cards neat,but it adds to your professional demeanour.
  • [31]吸烟可会引发痴呆病,但也有可使人思维敏捷。
    [31] And while smoking may be a cause of dementia, it also could be sharpening the mind.
  • 已发生的倒转有很多次,所有的倒转事件都引发大量物种的死亡是不可的。
    There have been so many reversals that it is not likely that all have caused the demise of a large number of species.
  • 给我们演示一下吗?
    could you give us demo?
  • 中国人民今天所需要的民主,只是社会主义民主或称人民民主,而不是资产阶级的个人主义的民主。
    It can only be socialist democracy, people's democracy, and not bourgeois democracy, individualist democracy.
  • 不论共和党或民主党,谁反对诸如强势对付恐怖行为,“高薪的优良工作”,基本医药保险,以及彻底缉毒等目标呢?可是对那些政客来说,不算什么实质问题——不过从另一方面看,问题就在于此。
    Who, Republican or Democrat, could object to goals like staying strong against terrorism, "good jobs at good wages," basic health insurance and a real war on drugs? Not much red meat for partisans there—and again, that's just the point.
  • 据康涅狄格州的一所大学的上月进行的调查显示,42%的民主党拥护者希望她参加2004年的总统选举,仅次于该党的乔·利伯曼。
    A survey by Quinnipiac University in Connecticut last month showed 42 per cent of Democrat voters favouring Senator Clinton were she to enter the fray in the 2004 election. That put her way ahead of the second favourite, Senator Joe Lieberman, with 15 per cent.
  • 我们将创造一种环境,让伊拉克人通过民主、和平的方式决定他们自己的命运。
    We will create an environment where Iraqis can determine their own fate democratically and peacefully.
  • 说这个机会独特,不仅因为这可是我从政界退休前在著名学府做的最后一次演讲,而且几乎可以肯定地说,这是南非第一届民主选举政府任内我所进行的最后一次国事访问中所做的演讲了。
    The occasion is unique not so much because this is probably the last address before I retire from public life I shall be giving to an institution of learning that has honored me with a degree on what is almost certainly the last state visit that I shall be making during the life of South Africa's first democratically elected government.
  • 民主党人声称这不重要,因为美国人要的是一位有力的首脑而不是行为楷模。
    Democrats claim this does not matter: Americans want a competent chief executive, not a role model.
  • 如果你未经当地规划当局许可就建房屋的话,你可会不得不将刚砌好的建筑物拆掉。
    If you build an extension to you house without the knowledge and consent of the local planning authorities, you may have to demolish what has just been built.
  • 公共生活的毁坏和重建是人们每日所做的种种个人决定的综合结果。这些决定包括:公共汽车上让座,面对逆境而容忍或具有乐观精神;让那个笨蛋从右车道往左拐而不摇下车窗骂他蠢货。
    The demolition and reconstruction of public life is the result of personal decisions made every day:the decision to give up a seat on the bus;the decision to be patient or pleasant against all odds;the decision to let that jerk take a left-hand turn from a right-hand lane without rolling down the window and calling him a jerk.
  • 够预言将来的精灵或魔鬼
    A soothsaying spirit or demon.
  • 尽管有些职业中大刀阔斧可是一种优势,其他的工作却更要求有条不紊的做事方法。
    And while being a speed demon may be an advantage in some professions, there are other jobs where a methodical approach is preferred.
  • 即使是一个本来想吃得好些就吃得好些、尚有盈余可供某些别的开支的家庭,倘若嗜上酒来,则在不到一个月的时间里,就可以穷落下来,以致只吃面包及必须掏尽家底,不难明白这种现象究竟是怎么回事。
    It is easy to see how even a family which had had as good food as it wished and a few extras could be down to bread and scrape the barrel inside a month if the “demon drink” took hold.
  • 魔鬼般的智魔鬼或恶作剧般的表现,如表现在绘画或写作上的才
    Representation of devils or demons, as in paintings or fiction.
  • 他声称驱赶我们的恶魔。
    He would claim to be able to drive our demons.
  • 你们中的有些人可知道,太阳舞是印第安人在夏天举行的一场盛大的部落聚会。在聚会上,人们做祷告,驱邪除魔,将部落团结在一起,并做各种演讲。
    A sun dance, some of you may know, is a coming together of the tribes in a vast gathering in the summer time to pray, to exorcise the demons, to bring the tribe together, to make speeches.
  • 但假如某个批发商具有独特的优势,确保快捷的送货或更低的价格,情况就不同了,当企业具有某种竞争优势想传递给消费者时,广告就起最大的作用。
    But if one wholesaler has a demonstrable difference, such as guaranteed fast delivery or lower prices, this is another matter. Advertising works best when a business has a competitive advantage that it wants to communicate to customers.
  • 2.如果认为适当,司法当局应有权在开庭前依照一方当事人请求,采取临时措施,尤其是在一旦有任何迟误则很可给权利持有人造成不可弥补的损害的情况下,或在有关证据显然有被销毁的危险的情况下。
    2. The judicial authorities shall have the authority to adopt provisional measures inaudita altera parte where appropriate, in particular where any delay is likely to cause irreparable harm to the right holder, or where there is a demonstrable risk of evidence being destroyed.
  • 全港市民都行动起来,充分表现香港人奋勇自强、互相扶助的力和意志。
    The whole community is in action to demonstrate in full - to demonstrate in full our ability and commitment to help ourselves and help each other.
  • 我们引进每一个项目都要做到必须具有偿付力。
    We must demonstrate solvency in every project introduced from abroad.
  • 你怎样才向我们证明你所说的属实呢?
    How can you demonstrate to us that your story is true?
  • 从来没有机会展示她的技
    there was never an occasion for her to demonstrate her skill.
  • 只有这样,才表明社会主义的优越性。
    This is the only way to demonstrate the superiority of socialism.
  • 我说,除了在香港驻军外,中国还有什么够体现对香港行使主权呢?
    I asked what else could demonstrate that China exercised sovereignty over the territory.
  • 有无家可归者,穷途潦倒,到处流浪,——还有些孩子被剥夺了一切,没有爱,没有正常生活条件——还有沉溺于各种积习不自拔的人们:吸毒,寄生,泛滥于贫民窟的堕落行为。
    There are the homeless, lost and roaming---there are children who have nothing, no love and no normalcy---there are those who cannot free themselves of enslavement to whatever addiction; drugs, welfare, the demoralization that rules the slums.
  • 因特网提供的软件下载、演示和更新均配有包装器以打开程序,软件演示配有与程序装在一起的包装器,经过一定次数的使用或者在指定的时间之后就会关闭它的功
    The software downloads, demos and updates offered via the Internet come with wrappers to unlock the programs.Software demos come with wrappers that install with the program, turning off its functions after a certain number of uses or after a designated time period.
  • 努力形成广纳群贤、人尽其才、下、充满活力的用人机制,把优秀人才集聚到党和国家的各项事业中来。
    Efforts should be made to form a vigorous personnel mechanism under which we can gather large numbers of talented people, put them to the best use and get them prepared for both promotion and demotion, calling them to the service of the Party and state.
  • 坚持公开、平等、竞争、择优的原则,积极推行公开选拔、竞争上岗等措施,促进干部奋发工作、下。
    In this regard, the principle of recruitment and promotion through open and fair competition on the basis of merits should be upheld, and measures to this effect should be adopted so as to encourage officials to work harder and get them prepared for both promotion and demotion.
  • 一种不被操作员从其驱动器上拆卸下来的磁盘。
    A magnetic disk that is not operator demountable from its drive.