| - 我衝着她叫道,她點了點頭。
I called to her. She nodded. - 看着他的眼睛,我點了點頭。
I looked into his eyes and nodded. - 我一定是趴在桌上睡着了。
I must have nodded off over my desk. - “對。”她點了點頭,帶着怕得要死的神情。
“Yes,” she nodded with a dead feeling. - 這位老人正坐在椅子上,頭嚮前垂着打瞌睡。
The old man was nodding in his chair. - “是的,”邁剋咧嘴笑着點頭說道:“我們是合夥人。”
"Yup," said Mike, grinning and nodding his head. "We're partners." - 我一直呆在那裏,聽着那幢廢棄的屋子裏傳出的奇怪聲音,感到毛骨悚然。
I stayed listening to all the strange noises in the deserted house until I began to get the creeps. - 那老人沿着過道步履沉重地走着。
The old man thumpes noisily along the passage. - 我們沿着那條喧鬧的街道走。
We go along the noisy street. - 一個人衹有具着這種自由的意識和淡漠的態度,結果才能深切地熱烈地享受人生的樂趣。
It is only with this sense of freedom and nonchalance that one eventually arrives at the keen and intense joy of living. - 他衹是握着瑪格麗特漫不經心地嚮他伸過去的手吻了吻,嚮我們行了個禮就走了。
He simply kissed the hand which Marguerite rather nonchalantly held out to him and, after taking his leave of us, went out. - 不符合傳統的穿着習慣
nonconformist habits of dressing - 一個過着非傳統生活不墨守陳規的作傢或者藝術傢。
a nonconformist writer or artist who lives an unconventional life. - "跨了的一代成員;一個穿着舉止不符合常規的人。
a member of the Beat Generation; a nonconformist in dress and behavior. - 盜竊提貨不着險
Risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery(TRND) - 穿着極為普通的女人;枯燥的小說。
women dressed in nondescript clothes; a nondescript novel. - 她穿着平平常常的衣服。
She was wearing nondescript clothes. - 隱沒在維多利亞市市區以外毫無特徵的工業公園裏的、隸屬不列顛哥倫比亞省的賽爾福有限公司在此有兩幢幾乎沒有窗戶的水泥建成的大樓,兩幢樓的大門緊緊關閉着,是裝運站臺上纔見得着的那種貨倉大門。
Tucked within a nondescript industrial park outside Victoria, British Columbia , CeilFor Inc. occupies two almost windowless Cement-block buildings with shuttered loading-dock doors. - 此外,塑料成分少意味着使用的石油少,而作為塑料基本成分的石油是一種不可再生資源。
Besides, less plastic means using less oil, the essential component in plastic and a nonrenewable resource. - 當時正在不停地下着大雨。
It was pouring down nonstop. - 某一文化背景的人,不像另一文化等景的人那樣公開地表達自己的情感,這並不意味着他們沒有情感,而是他們在非言語表達方式上存有文化禁錮。
The fact that members of one culture do not express their emotions as openly as do members of another does not mean that they do not experience emotions. Rather, there are cultural restraints on the amount of nonverbal expressiveness permitted. - 新兒的母親說着,輕輕的夾起幾條面綫,嚮唇邊吹了兩下,喂着新兒。
As Xin-er's mother spoke, she picked a few strands of noodle, drew them to her lips to blow a couple of times and began to feed him. - 新兒已不是穿着吃面了。
Xin-er was no longer all dressed up to eat his noodles. - 趁着水獺抓鴨子的工夫,兔子用樹皮做了一個繩套。
While the otter is going about this task, the rabbit fashions a noose from tree bark. - 據挪威一個神話故事說,洛基(主管破壞和妖魔鬼怪之神)闖入一個宴會,宴會桌旁坐着博爾德(光明之神)等諸神。
According to one of the stories in Norse mythology, Loki (the god of destruction and spirit of evil) broke into a banquet and sat at the table together with Balder (the god of light) and the other gods. - 我帶着一傢流浪到東北。
I took my family and wandered to the northeast. - 其中的一條綫路直接遊嚮公開海域,第二條綫路沿着多礁的海岸嚮北遊。
One is straight out toward open ocean, the second along the rocky shore in a northerly direction. - 驚奇地註視着北方的天光
Gazed with wonder at the northern lights. - 第三種終點,同樣例如上述江西第三次反“圍剿”時,假如敵之主力不是嚮西而是嚮南,我們也許被迫着退到會昌、尋烏、安遠地區(那裏是白色區域),引敵更嚮南進,然後紅軍由南而北嚮根據地內部打去,這時北面根據地內部的敵軍當不是很多的了。
Finally, an example of the third type. During that same third counter-campaign in Kiangsi, if the enemy's main force had headed south instead of west, we might have been compelled to withdraw to the Huichang-Hsunwu-Anyuan area (a White area), in order to induce the enemy to move further south; the Red Army could have then driven northward into the interior of the base area, by which time the enemy force in the north of the base area would not have been very large. - 流着鼻涕的鼻子;一屋子流着鼻涕的小孩。
a snotty nose; a house full of snot-nosed kids. - 敵機在地面滑行時機首着地翻身撞毀了。
The enemy plane nosed over and was damaged. - 帶着懷舊之情回憶起來的往事。
past times remembered with nostalgia.