  • 她声称有严惩的审判不
    She claimed there had been a serious miscarriage of justice.
  • 杰夫:有时,裁判的不平和误判也真是令人讨厌的一件事情。
    Jeff: Sometimes, the partiality and miscarriage of justice are dis-gusting too.
  • 被打碎的窗户是那些故意破坏物人造成的
    The broken window was the mischief of vandals.
  • 伊凡为我的胡闹去受惩罚是不平的。
    It was unfair that Ivan answered for my mischief.
  • “八山上,草木皆兵”,是错觉之一例。
    "To see every bush and tree on Mount Pakung as an enemy soldier" is an example of misconception.
  • 渎职不执行或错误地执行,尤指职人员的此种行为
    Misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
  • 布了他的前任的罪行。
    He raked up the misdeeds of his predecessor.
  • 长途汽车在糟糕的路上行驶,把乘客们颠得叫苦不迭。
    The coach jolted its passengers over the miserable road.
  • 今天的立学校失败在哪里。
    Where do today's public schools fail?; The attempt tp rescue the hostages failed miserably.
  • 开始时,财政收入和富人的财力至少还可以在意大利各地修建堂皇的私人建筑或家建筑,但到了最后,由于管理不善,财力日渐缩小,以致无法使已有的建筑免于颓败。
    In the beginning, the public revenues, and the resources of rich individuals, sufficed at least to cover Italy with splendid edifices, public and private;but at length so dwindled under the enervating influences of misgovernment, that what remained was not even sufficient to keep those edifices from decay.
  • 由于董事们对整个事情处理失当,我司失掉了一批很重要的订货。
    Our company lost an important order because the directors mishandled the whole affair.
  • 一些领头的市民正式抗议市政议员滥用款。
    Some leading citizens have lodged complaints against the city councilors for their mishandling of public money.
  • "他遇到一件不幸的事,使他不能来参加司的例会。"
    A mishap prevented him from attending the routine meeting of the company.
  • 您的索赔应提交保险司,因为损失发生在装船之后。
    Your claim shall be referred to the insurance company as the mishap occur after shipment.
  • 您的索赔应提交保险司,因为损失发生在装船之后。
    Your claim shall is refer to the insurance company as the mishap occur after shipment.
  • 司负债毫不奇怪它的经营管理一直很不得法。
    It's not surprising the company's in debt--it's been completely mismanaged.
  • 因为董事长的管理不善司倒闭了。
    The company fails because of the chairman's mismanagement.
  • 我迟到了,因为我误了共汽车。
    I was late because I missed the bus.
  • 左边这个是用于短程导弹的,右边这个和明显上是用于射程超过1200里的远程导弹。
    The one on the left was used for short-range missile. The one on the right is clearly intended for long-range missiles that can fly 1,200 kilometers.
  • 使馆这种使团所居住的建筑物
    The premises occupied by such a mission.
  • 使馆员外交使及该使团的全体工作人员
    The diplomatic minister and staff of such a mission.
  • 要是我没认错人的话,我们在共汽车上看见的就是那个男子。
    If I'm not mistaken, that's the man we saw on the bus.
  • 一般来说,格林先生给我提供的建议都是很好的。可是这次他让我买那个电脑司的股票却是个馊主意。我不得不按原价抛出,结果损失了一千美元。
    Mister Green usually gives me good advice. But the computer company stock he told me to buy was a lemon. I had to sell it at the price I have paid for it and lost a thousand dollars.
  • 他觉得受到公司苛待.
    He felt misused by the company.
  • 这次滥用款的事件引起了对整个司上层管理人员的种种行动的怀疑。
    This misuse of public money has cast doubts on the actions of the whole top management of the corporation. (喻)
  • 平的勒索(如滥用职权)。
    unjust exaction (as by the misuse of authority).
  • 专门调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员正地调查了关于滥用权力的投诉。
    The ombudsman investigates complaints about misuse of authority without fear or favour.
  • 我想借此机会为益事业聊尽绵薄。
    I would take advantage of this opportunity to contribute my mite to the public service.
  • 那些司合并在一起成立了一个大司。
    The companies merged to form a large corporation.
  • 请不要把我的文弄混淆了。
    Please don't mix up my papers.
  • 亨利总是抱怨说他没有受到正的待遇。
    Henry is always moaning about not being treated properly.
  • 一群不守规矩的人的众暴力行为。
    a public act of violence by an unruly mob.