| - 我们都对谈判能重新开始感到高兴。
We are all delighted at the renewal of negotiation. - 很高兴今天能来到这里。
I am delighted to be here. - 伯恩:我很高兴能结识你们。
I'll be delighted to meet them. - 好的,走走能令人心情愉快。
Yes, that will be delightful. - 好的,走走能令人心情愉快。
Yes, that will is delightful. - 但是,在所有的感觉之中,我相信视觉可能是最愉快的。
But of all the senses, I am sure that sight must be the most delightful. - 第十八条 国务院环境保护行政主管部门会同国务院有关部门,根据气象、地形、土壤等自然条件,可以对已经产生、可能产生酸雨的地区或者其他二氧化硫污染严重的地区,经国务院批准后,划定为酸雨控制区或者二氧化硫污染控制区。
Article 18 The administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council together with relevant departments under the State Council may, in light of the meteorological, topographical, soil and other natural conditions, delimit the areas where acid rain has occurred or will probably occur and areas that are seriously polluted by sulfur dioxide as acid rain control areas and sulfur dioxide pollution control areas with the approval the State Council. - 上述分区直接选举的选区划分、投票办法,各个功能界别和法定团体的划分、议员名额的分配、选举办法及选举委员会选举议员的办法,由香港特别行政区政府提出并经立法会通过的选举法加以规定。
The division of geographical constituencies and the voting method for direct elections therein; the delimitation of functional sectors and corporate bodies, their seat allocation and election methods; and the method for electing members of the Legislative Council by the Election Committee shall be specified by an electoral law introduced by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and passed by the Legislative Council. - 地震观测环境应当按照地震监测设施周围不能有影响其工作效能的干扰源的要求划定保护范围。
The area of the environment for seismicity observation shall be delimited for protection in conformity with the requirement that there be no disturbance sources in the neighborhood that affect the operating efficiency of the earthquake monitoring facilities. - 模糊的,不分明的只能微弱地感觉到而缺乏分明的轮廓;不分明的
So faintly perceptible as to lack clear delineation; indistinct. - 描绘或测定由给定的或确定的输入数据产生欲求的输出或智能信息所要求的特定步骤。通常人们都采用这种逻辑分析的方法来验证许多计算机过程、程序或运行的正确性。
The delineation or determination of the specific steps required to produce the desired output or intelligence information from the given or ascertained input data. The logic studies are completed for many computer processes, programs, or runs. - 一些人说暴力影片可能引起青少年犯罪。
Some people say that violent movies are potential trigger for juvenile delinquency. - 你方的钻机能否早点交货?
Can you deliver the drillers sooner? - 明天上午你能送回来吗?
Can you deliver them by tomorrow morning? - 只有教育才能使人们摆脱愚昧。
Only education can deliver people from ignorance. - 你能把一大包书寄出去吗?
Can you deliver a large package of books? - 我希望你们能在6月份交货。
I want the goods to be delivered in June. - 如果我们先生黄埔港,你们能不能在三月底以前交货?
Can you deliver the goods in the end of march if we make whampoa the port of shipment? - 多久能送来?
How soon could it be delivered? - 我们多久能收到邮件?
How soon can we expect delivery? - “你所看到的就是你从戴尔身上所能得到的,”一个戴尔公司以前的雇员说道。
"What you see is what you get with Michael," says an early Dell employee. - 戴尔计算机的真实奇迹不在于它开始得非常好,而在于它能持久。
The real miracle of Dell Computer is not that the company started so well but that it has endured. - 开发者们可以在任何windows95或windowsnt上使用delphi2。0并能为任何平台创建应用程序。
Developer can use delphi 2.0 on either window 95 or window nt and can create application for either platform. - 因为delphi是一个本机代码编译器,它能充分利用windows95和windowsntapi中的所有设备。
Because delphi is a native code compiler it can take advantage of all facilities in the window 95 and window nt api. - 如果这次您能带我去看看珠江三角洲,我会非常高兴。
I'd be very happy if you would show me around the Pearl river Delta this time. - 尤其是香港邻近的珠江三角洲地区更具先行做好这篇文章的优势,香港的投资者可以掌握这个好的机遇,大胆设想、勇於实践,才能够在投资方面有新的开创。
In particular, the nearby Pearl River Delta area has the advantage to start up first. Hong Kong investors can seize this opportunity by putting innovative ideas into practice, in order to open a new prospect for investment. - 我们不能再自欺欺人把主任当成一个诚实的人。
We should not delude ourselves into thinking the dean was an honest man. - 今晚我不能出去了,因为我有大量的工作要做。
I can't go out tonight because I've got a deluge of work to do. - 有时丈夫也持有一种谬见,即使事实屡次证明他们的想法是错误的,他们还是认为他们自己什么都能干。
sometimes husbands live under the delusion that they can do anything even when they have been repeatedly proved wrong. - 错误地认为自己的能力或影响力高于实际的幻觉。
a delusion (common in paranoia) that you are much greater and more powerful and influential than you really are. - 有求必应是不可能的。
It is impossible to satisfy all demands. - 工人要求得到能够维持生活的工资。
The worker is demanding to be paid a living wage.