  • 毛泽东同志指的骄傲自满、故步自封、夜郎自大的毛病,我们的思想理论工作者同样要竭力避免。
    Also, our ideological and theoretical workers should always guard against self-satisfaction, narrow-minded conservatism and ignorant boasting, failings which Comrade Mao Zedong warned us against.
  • 然后入旧金山的美国音乐戏院学习,还参加了该学院的演公司。她的同事们:
    Studied at San Francisco's American Conservatory Theater, and joined its acting company.
  • 江泽民总书记指,“搞好水利建设,是关系中华民族生存和发展的长远大计”。
    General Secretary Jiang Zemin has pointed out, "Perfecting water conservatory construction is a long-term strategy concerning the survival and development of the Chinese nation."
  • 我正在考虑出国。
    I am considering going abroad.
  • 法庭根本不会考虑他所提的对老人遗产的要求。
    The court would not even consider his claim for the old man's legacy.
  • 他极力克制自己, 不提离婚诉讼.
    He showed/exercised considerable restraint in not suing for a divorce.
  • 不同人作的回答,差别相当大。
    The answers given by different people vary considerably.
  • 数十年来,中国已现了一个很大的知识分子群和青年学生群。
    Their numbers have grown considerably during the past few decades.
  • 在处理事情时有得体的和为他人着想的感觉或显示此种感觉的。
    having or showing a sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others.
  • 在处理事情时缺乏得体的和为他人着想的感觉或显示缺乏此种感觉的。
    lacking or showing a lack of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others.
  • 十分感谢您的好意与周到,(从口袋中掏一些钱)请收下这个。
    Thank you very much for your kindness and considerateness. (Taking out some money from the pocket) Please keep it.
  • 一个话题以供考虑或讨论。
    put forward for consideration or discussion.
  • 表现缺乏思考、体谅。
    showing an unthinking lack of consideration.
  • 这问题提来供大家考虑。
    The matter was presented for consideration.
  • 在我们讨论的过程中现了另一件亟需考虑的事。
    Another consideration loomed up during our discussion.
  • 货物已经由空运发给你。
    The goods have been consigned to you by air.
  • 食用品(家具、衣着类、进、口货、实用品、贵重品、委托买卖品)
    Article of food( furniture, clothing, export, import, utility, value, consign)
  • 嗯!你可以看直接提单上填的是进口商的名称,但是记名提单上的接货人,则填口商或银行的名称。
    Well, you could see the name of the importer written on straight bills of lading, but order bills of lading carry the name of the exporter or a bank as the consignee.
  • 本条第一款规定的进口商品,经收货人、发货人申请,国家商检部门审查批准,可以免予检验。
    Import and export commodities specified in the first paragraph of this Article may be exempted from inspection upon the examination and approval of an application from the consignee or consignor by the State Administration for Commodity Inspection.
  • 收货人应向承运人或港务局索取货物丢失和破损证书,以及/或短卸报告,以便收货人按当时情装饰品向承运人或有关方面提索赔。
    The consignee should obtain from the carrier or Port Auhorities a Certificate of Loss or damage and/or Shortland Memo, so that he can lodge a claim against the carrier or the party concerned, as the case may be.
  • 第十二条对重要的进口商品和大型的成套设备,收货人应当依据对外贸易合同约定在口国装运前进行预检验、监造或者监装,主官部门应当加强监督;
    Article 12 For important import commodities and a complete set of equipment in large size, the consignee shall, in accordance with the terms agreed upon in a foreign trade contract, conduct initial inspection or initial supervision over manufacturing or loading in the exporting country before shipment, while the relevant competent departments shall strengthen their supervision.
  • 第十一条本法规定必须经商检机构检验的进口商品以外的进口商品的收货人,发现进口商品质量不合格或者残损短缺,需要由商检机构证索赔的,应当向商检机构申请检验证。
    Article 11 If import commodities other than those which are subject to inspection by the commodity inspection authorities in accordance with this Law are found to be not up to the quality standard, damaged or short on weight or quantity, the consignee shall apply to the commodity inspection authorities for inspection and the issuance of an inspection certificate if such a certificate is necessary for claiming compensation.
  • 第十三条本法规定必须经商检机构检验的口商品的发货人,应当在商检机构规定的地点和期限内,向商检机构报验。
    Article 13 For export commodities which are subject to inspection by the commodity inspection authorities in accordance with this Law, the consignor shall apply to the same authorities for inspection in the places and within the time limit specified by them.
  • 第二十四条 运输动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物过境的,由承运人或者押运人持货运单和输国家或者地区政府动植物检疫机关具的检疫证书,在进境时向口岸动植物检疫机关报检,境口岸不再检疫。
    Article 24 The transit of animals and plants, their products or other quarantine objects requires the consignor or the escort to submit at the port of entry the bills of lading and the quarantine certificates issued by the animal and plant quarantine department under the government of the exporting country or region to the port animal and plant quarantine office for quarantine inspection. No further quarantine inspection is needed at the port of exit.
  • 表现使评论家们印象深刻的定力
    Demonstrated a consistent ability to impress the critics.
  • 生理反应生物体对所受到的刺激作的无意识的连贯反应
    The involuntary and consistent response of an organism to a given stimulus.
  • 中国国防支始终维持在确保国家安全所需的低水平上。
    China's expenditure on national defense has consistently been kept at a low
  • *美国公司对联合国售货物和服务历来最多。
    * U.S. companies are consistently the largest sellers of goods and services to the UN.
  • 施特菲·格拉夫是德国网球界最色、最稳定的球员,也许在世界上也是如此。
    Steffi Graf has been the most consistently brilliant of all German tennis players, perhaps of all players anywhere.
  • 施特菲·格拉夫是德国网球界最色、最稳定的球员,也许在世界上也是如此。
    Stuffy Graf has been the most consistently brilliant of all German tennis players, perhaps of all players anywhere.
  • 他简直想不安慰的话来。
    He was quite at a loss for words of consolation.
  • 我是个穷光蛋,但我这样安慰自己:我是偶然穷起来的,并非于有意。
    I am a poor man, but I have this consolation: I am poor by accident, not by design.