  • 其余18岁至35岁符合服预备役条件的男性民,编为普通民兵。
    other male citizens belonging to the age group of 18 to 35, who are qualified for reserve service shall be regimented into the ordinary militia.
  • 民兵和安人员这时(向这些特务)包围上来。
    Militiaman and public security men now closed in(on the spies).
  • 他在搞非法交易不断榨取司的利润。
    His illegal deal is steadily milking the profit from the business.
  • 他在搞非法交易不断榨取司的利润。
    His illegal deals were steadily milking the profits from the business.
  • 从现有资料推算,这个最初阶段可能在元前4000年开始。
    Current indications suggest a 4th millennium BC date for this initial phase.
  • 微软司在一篇表明其见解的论文中勾划出“千年世纪项目”分布式操作系统的目标。
    Microsoft has outlined in a position paper its goals for a distributed OS, called Project Millennium.
  • 元一千年发源于中亚的印-欧语系的一个分支。
    a branch of the Indo-European language family that originated in central Asia during the first millennium A.D..
  • 这类变异的一个例子是在元前第一个1000年日耳曼各种语言逐渐发生的语音演变。
    One such example is the sound shift that gradually occurred in the Germanic languages in the first millennium B.C.
  • 巨石各种史前建筑或纪念碑所用之巨型石块,尤见于元前第二个千年时之西欧
    A very large stone used in various prehistoric architectures or monumental styles, notably in western Europe during the second millennium b.c.
  • 高加索苏联欧洲部分东南部的地区,位于黑海与里海之间。元前2000年前便有人居住,它是上演了无数次在太平盛世遭受侵略的舞台。该地区丰富的石油资源是二次大战中德国的一个主要目标
    A region of southeast European U.S.S.R. between the Black and Caspian seas. Inhabited before2000 b.c., it was the scene of countless invasions over the millenniums. The region's vast oil resources were a major German objective in World War II.
  • 米勒到各地去推销办用品。
    Miller travels in office stationery.
  • 米勒先生是我们司的生意伙伴。
    Mr. Miller is a business associate of our company.
  • 这一机器部件的制造差是0.01毫米
    This machine part is build to a tolerance of 0.01 millimeter
  • 另有园地1064.01万顷。
    10.6401 million hectares of gardens;
  • 一九九八年,该司共载客599万人次,行车达465万里。
    In 1998, NLB carried 5.99 million passenger trips and travelled 4.65 million kilometres.
  • 当局在一九九七年开始采用一套电脑化用事业管理系统,以改善统筹工作,并尽量减少对道路使用者造成滋扰。
    A computerised utility management system was developed in 1997 to further improve co-ordination and minimise disturbance to road users.
  • 为尽量减少漏水及流失食水,当局现正计划在20年内分阶段更换约3050里的水管。
    To minimise leakage and unaccounted-for water, a 20-year programme for the replacement of some 3050 kilometres of watermains was under planning.
  • 廉政署受到严格的监察与制衡机制监管,以尽量减低该署滥用权力的可能。
    To minimise the possibility of any abuse of power, the ICAC is subject to a stringent system of checks and balances.
  • 司要求你付最低数额。
    There was always a minimum payment required.
  • 导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格和影星汤姆·汉克斯再度合作,由hob司推出的小型电视系列片《战火兄弟情》为他们二人赢得了此次美国电影学院大奖,但是他们都没有出席颁奖典礼。
    Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, honored for their HBO miniseries Band of Brothers, were absent.
  • 你需持通行证进入该部的办楼。
    You need a pass to enter the ministry office.
  • 信仰疗法术士开进行信心疗法的人
    A person engaged in the public ministry of spiritual healing.
  • 她从汉生的态度和敏妮压抑的神气看出,事实上,从这个寓的整个气氛看出,这里的生活态度保守,一年到头除了干活,别的一切都是和他们格格不入的。
    She read from the manner of Hanson, in the subdued air of Minnie, and, indeed, the whole atmosphere of the flat, a settled opposition to anything save a conservative round of toil.
  • 嘉莉的姐姐敏妮住的是寓,那是当时对占据一个楼面的套房的称呼。寓在西凡布仑街,是个工人和职员的居民区。这些人来自外地,现在还不断有人搬来。芝加哥的人口以每年五万人的速度骤增。
    Minnie's flat, as the one-floor resident apartments were then being called, was in a part of West Van Buren Street inhabited by families of labourers and clerks, men who had come, and were still coming, with the rush of population pouring in at the rate of 50,000 a year.
  • 该少数民族应归属哪一州的问题已由民投票表决.
    The question of which state the minority group should belong to was decided by (a) plebiscite.
  • 张祥副部长在国务院新闻办室记者招待会上的讲话
    Speech by Moftec Vice Minster Zhang Xiang at the Press Conference of the Information Office of the State Council
  • 司财务用语)总收入中只减去成本的利润。
    (corporate finance) net sales minus the cost of goods and services sold.
  • 这次调查于今年1月开始进行,其结果本周三才布,这样的调查结果可能存在4.7%左右的偏差。
    The polls, conducted in January but only released Monday, has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.7 percent.
  • 过去,我受到很多司的赞助,比如微软和diamond多媒体,乔丹的赞助商是nike,这点我和他不同8),支票的数目也要少的多8))。
    In the past,I have been sponsored by companies such as Microsoft and Diamond Multimedia,not unlike how Michael Jordan is sponsored by Nike --minus the big paycheck.
  • 选举结果比较充分地反映了众的意见。
    The election results mirror public opinion quite well. (喻)
  • 把无辜的人投入监狱显然是审判不
    Sending an innocent man to prison is a clear miscarriage of justice.
  • 审判不公,误判
    A miscarriage of justice.