  • 在这场比赛中获胜还得等著瞧
    It remains to be seen who will be the victor in the contest
  • 在这场比赛中获胜还得等著瞧。
    It remains to is see who will is the victor in the contest.
  • 凯旋军士兵对凯旋的罗马领的称谓和问候形式
    Used as a form of address and salutation by soldiers to a victorious Roman general.
  • 所以,在战争的一定阶段上,敌能得到一定程度的胜利,我则遭到一定程度的失败。
    Hence during a certain stage of the war, to a certain degree the enemy will be victorious and we shall suffer defeat.
  • 在打了许多这样的胜仗之后,总的敌我形势便引起变化。
    After many such battles have been victoriously fought, the general situation between us and the enemy will change.
  • 因为当自己处在胜利的进攻中,敌人处在防御地位时,敌人的“围剿”准备是在秘密地进行的,我们难于知道他们在何时开始进攻。
    When we are victoriously on the offensive and the enemy is on the defensive, his preparations for the next "encirclement and suppression" campaign are conducted in secret, and therefore it is difficult for us to know when his offensive will begin.
  • 研究小组共对16个试验者进行了研究。首先找出一部他们共同认为很有趣的电影,并提前三天告知其中一半的人观赏该片。
    This team tested 16 men who all agreed they thought a certain videotape was funny. Half of them were told three days in advance they would watch it.
  • 这肯定是在开玩笑,在维也纳音乐大厅举行的2001年新年音乐会由尼古劳斯·哈农考特指挥。
    It's surely a joke.Nikolaus Harnoncourt is to conduct the New Year's day concert at the Vienna Musikverein.
  • 游客也有机会观看独立标板内墙上更多的资料,总体效果使观众在心理上对水和联合国及其伙伴积极养护和保护这一宝贵资源的资料留下强烈的印象。
    Visitors will also have an opportunity to view additional information on the interior walls of the free-standing panels. The total effect will leave the viewer with a strong emotional impression about water and the knowledge that the United Nations and its partners are actively engaged in preserving and protecting this precious resource.
  • 于是,我对好光,调好焦距,又安了一个闪光灯泡,然后举起像机,这一场面在取景器中定格。
    I appraised the light, adjusted the lens setting and distance, locked a bulb in the flahgun, raised the camera and composed the scene in the viewfinder.
  • 临终的看护,守灵在死或已死的人身边彻夜不眠的守护
    A vigil kept beside a dying or dead person.
  • 一个全心为国的领导层,加上一个受过教育并对防止贪污有警觉性的公众,有助于树立持久的风气,以维持廉洁的政府。
    Committed leadership plus a vigilant and educated public which cares about stopping corruption, will help build a lasting ethos of clean government.
  • 这一系列跨世纪大型投资计划的本身,会向世界再次证明了我们的能力和决心,再次证明了香港永远是一个充满活力的地方,永远是一个充满机会的地方。
    These massive projects bear further testimony to the ability and determination of the people of Hong Kong. They once again prove that Hong Kong will always be a city of vigour and opportunities.
  • 随着愈来愈多关于《基本法》的诉讼经法院裁定,《基本法》中不明确的地方可消除,解释的原则也逐步确立,令《基本法》更具活力,更有效地界定香港市民应有的权利、责任、权力和公民权利。
    As more challenges based on the Basic Law are determined, uncertainties will be removed and principles of interpretation will emerge. This will bring added strength and vigour to the Basic Law, and reinforce its effectiveness in determining the rights, obligations, powers and privileges guaranteed to the people of Hong Kong.
  • 我们别墅出租给一对美国夫妇。
    We rented the villa to an American couple.
  • 如果你买那栋别墅,你是否在那里度过你的余生?
    If you buy that villa, will you spend the rest of your life there?
  • 奥运村还作为残奥村使用。
    The Village will also serve as the Paralympic Village.
  • 有几个歹徒寡妇的积蓄劫走了。
    Some villains robbed the widow of the savings.
  • 那天文森特他从顾客那里拉开,告诉他我们要结婚了。
    Vincent pulled him away from his customers that day and told him we were getting married.
  • 如何向你家人解释你的失败?
    How would you vindicate your failure to your family?
  • 他们用暴力来对付暴力。
    They will meet violence with violence.
  • 地方议会也许会使用调剂程序资金从一个开支领域转到另一个开支领域。
    The council may use the virement procedure to transfer money from one area of expenditure to another.
  • 一种地址转换方式,其中虚拟地址不通过存储映象进行转换,例如虚拟地址作为实际地址使用。
    A mode where virtual addresses are not transformed through a memory map; for example, the virtual address is used as an actual address.
  • 实际上,internet装置所有的处理转移到基于网络的服务器上。
    The Internet device shifts virtually all the processing back to the network-based servers.
  • 我们得简化手续才能你的签证及时办妥.
    We've had to cut a few corners to get your visa ready in time.
  • 在热加工过程中,金属升温,使其处于粘性即可塑状态,再加压使其流动而不折断。
    In a hot-working process , the metal is brought to the viscous or plastic state by subjecting it to elevated temperature , and by the use of pressure it flows without fracture.
  • 到本世纪末,尽管我们人均国民生产总值八百到一千美元不算多,但是年国民生产总值超过一万亿美元。
    In the eight years since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, living standards have risen visibly. In the year 2000 the total GNP will exceed US$1 trillion, and per capita GNP, though still low, will reach $800 to $1,000.
  • 想像力与常识联系起来
    She unites common sense with vision.
  • 2.想像能力——是一种需要。
    2.Visionary skills will be in demand.
  • 迈向二十一世纪,在具有远见卓识的领导人带领下,中国会走上更繁荣、更开放的道路,而且会成为全球最大的经济体系之一。
    Indeed, as we move into the 21st century, under the visionary leadership China will become more prosperous and more open and China's economy will become one of the largest in the world.
  • 我等候了几分钟,然后那位负责人回到线上:"有一位女士会和你说。"
    I waited a few minutes and then the super-visor was back on the line. "I have a party who will speak with you."
  • 这本书为读者展现经济思想的新远景。
    The book will open up to readers new vistas on economic thinking.