  • 她积极自觉地工作,给我们作了榜样。
    She set an example to us by her conscientious work.
  • 他工作勤奋,做事细心,为人正直,克职尽责,非常色。
    He distinguished himself by his diligence, accuracy, integrity, and conscientious charge of every duty.
  • 他的工作并不色,但说句公道话,他很认真,也很尽职。
    His work isn't brilliant but give him his due. He is conscientious and loyal.
  • 这需要认真调查研究,比较各国的经验,集思广益,提切实可行的方案和措施。
    To this end we must conduct conscientious investigations and studies, compare the experience of other countries and work out realistic plans and measures by drawing on collective wisdom.
  • 证词代替宣誓证词的庄严声明,由从良心上反对宣誓的人做
    A solemn declaration given in place of a sworn statement by a person who conscientiously objects to taking an oath.
  • 对此,国务院已做了部署,各地区各部门要认真贯彻落实。
    For this purpose, the State Council has already issued instructions, and all local governments and departments should implement them conscientiously.
  • 中国派参加联合国维和行动的人员认真履行了所承担的职责,有的还献了宝贵的生命,为维护世界和平作了贡献。
    Chinese personnel assisting UN peace-keeping operations have conscientiously fulfilled their responsibilities and made great contributions to world peace. Some of them have even sacrificed their lives.
  • 潜意识的存在于潜意识中,但没有有意识地表达来的
    Present in the unconscious mind but not consciously expressed.
  • 来的东西并非是想在将来派上用场,不过是刻意练笔而已。
    And what I thus wrote was for no future use; it was written consciously for practice.
  • 他困得那副样子, 连汽车朝那房子开去时发的声音都没能使他清醒.
    In his sleepy state, the sound of a car driving up to the house scarcely impinged on his consciousness.
  • 感觉到或显示高位的。
    having or suggesting a consciousness of high position.
  • 为求上帝保佑而对某人作十字架的形状;使神圣。
    make the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection; consecrate.
  • 我叔叔把他的钱捐来改善图书馆的条件。
    My uncle consecrated his money to improving the condition of the library.
  • 作为一个单元传送的一组连续机器字中的一部分,特别是针对输入和输而言。
    A subdivision of a group of consecutive machine words transferred as a unit, particularly with reference to input and output.
  • 编…页码标连续的张或页的数字(比如一本书)
    To number consecutively the pages or leaves of(a book, for example).
  • 编张数号给一本书或一本手稿标连续页码的过程
    The process of numbering consecutively the leaves of a book or manuscript.
  •  依照专利法第三十一条第二款规定将两项以上外观设计作为一件申请提的,应当将各项外观设计顺序编号标在每件使用外观设计产品的视图名称之前。
    Where two or more designs are filed as one application in accordance with the provision of Article 3l, paragraph two of the Patent Law, they shall be numbered consecutively and the numbers shall precede the titles of the view of the product incorporating the design.
  • 亚洲人和欧洲人能够为达致这个共识作重大贡献。
    Asians and Europeans can make important contributions towards the evolution of such a consensus.
  • 不过有一点应该注意的是,市场通常不是对实际数字做反应,而是它与市场的平均预测相差有多远。
    However, it is crucial to recognize that markets react to the variance to the consensus forecast than to the absolute change in the indicator.
  • 此后,中国连续五年都在联大第一委员会提上述“两案”,均获协商一致通过。
    Subsequently, for five years China had presented these two proposals to the First Committee of the UN General Assembly, and they had been adopted by consensus.
  • 不过有一点应该注意的是,市场通常不是对实际数字做反应,而是它与市场的平均预测相差有多远。
    Although the reported figures are important, it is crucial to recognise that markets react to the variance to the consensus forecast than to the absolute change in the indicator.
  • 我问妈妈我是否能去,她答应了。
    I asked my mother if I could go out, and she consented.
  • 他用其不意的方法使我同意了。
    He surprised me into consent.
  • 由公众赞同地于或获得公众的赞同地
    By or with consent of the public.
  • 作为逻辑推理现;逻辑上地跟随。
    come as a logical consequence; follow logically.
  • 他的工作人员提醒他可能会现的结果。
    His staff warn him of the possible consequence.
  • 作为结果或者未计划的结果现。
    produce as a consequence or an unplanned result.
  • 现在提“消肿”,主要是要解决军队机构重叠、臃肿,以及由此带来的各级指挥不灵等问题。
    The current proposal for reducing ``bloatedness'' is primarily designed to solve such problems as organizational overlapping and overstaffing with the consequent inefficiency of command at various levels.
  • 土生土长的人们和外来人口之间,所需要作的相互调整和适应,往往是令人感到非常不愉快的经验。
    The consequential adjustments by the natives and newcomers are often traumatic.
  • 因此,科学家决心研究如何用其他材料制造复杂的微处理器。
    Consequently, researchers are determined to figure out how to make complex microprocessors out of other materials.
  • 自然资源保护论者对这项立法不会做善意的反应。
    The conservationists will not take kindly to the legislation.
  • 作为一位电视主持人,里根常在国内巡回演,逐渐成为保守党的代言人。
    He toured the country as a television host, becoming a spokesman for conservatism.