  • 两年前sunmicrosystems司的首席执行官斯科特·麦克尼利发表了他著名的警告:"总之,(在互联网上)你没有隐私。
    It's been two years since Sun Microsystems CEO Scott McNealy delivered his famous warning: " You have zero privacy [on the Internet] anyway.
  • 据oracle和sun司宣称,internet和java以及方兴未艾的带宽革命突破了旧有的技术概念,导致了网络计算机(nc)的概念。
    According to Oracle and Sun Microsystems, the liberation brought about by the Internet and Java, as well as the ongoing bandwidth revolution, led to the conception of the network computer (NC).
  • 当去年比尔·乔伊,一位重要的研究太阳微观结构的科学家在“wired”这本杂志中提出自己对可以无限成倍增加的纳米机器人的担忧时,德莱克斯勒的纳米技术又引起了众的注意。
    Drexierian nanotechnology drew renewed publicity last year when a morose Bill Joy, the chief scientist of Sun Microsystems, wonrried in the magazine Wired about the implications of nanorobots that could multiply uncontrollably.
  • 据ngio论坛的市场推广主席兼sun司i/o部门经理的查尔斯·安德烈斯称,对最终用户的ngio成本"将为每台机器20美元左右,随着时间的推移,成本会下降的。"
    The cost of NGIO for the end user will be "roughly $20 per machine," says Charles Andres, chairman of marketing at the NGIO Forum and Group Manager for I/O at Sun Microsystems."Over time the cost will come down."
  • 使用微波无线链路好似有了个人的路;
    Using a microwave wireless link is asking to having a personal highway;
  • 司的家用微波炉售价从一千元到两千元不等。
    Our microwave ovens for home use run from one thousand to two thousand dollars.
  • 我们也许赶不上下一班共汽车,但无论如何我们要在午前赶到那里。
    We may miss the next bus, but in any case we'll be there before midday.
  • 园正中有一个喷泉。
    At the centre of the park there is a fountain.
  • 他的腰围不小于五十分。
    He is no less than fifty centimetres round the middle.
  • 他在两司的谈判中作中间人.
    He acted as a middleman in discussions between the two companies.
  • 他在两司的谈判中作中间人。
    He act as a middleman in discussion between the two company.
  • 它起了web浏览器和数据库服务器之间中间人的作用,因此司不需要在用户端安装高性能的windows应用程序。
    It acts as a middleman between Web browsers and the database servers, so firms don't need to install high-maintenance Windows applications at the user end.
  • 司直接和卖主联系,避开中间人。
    It deals direct with vendors, again avoiding middlemen.
  • 有些新的中间商,如(加州)圣何塞市的ebay司经营着拍卖站点,它们使用动态定价,这是一个利用web的实时功能,让价格随供求关系自由波动的模型。
    Some of the new middlemen, like eBay Inc. in San Jose, are operating auction sites that use dynamic pricing, a model that exploits the real-time capabilities of the Web to let pricing fluctuate freely based on supply and demand.
  • 对兰开厦和米律兰的经营者来说,略胜一筹之处是他们在各自司经营范围内所确立的新的垄断地位。
    A bull point for the Lancashire and Midland operators is the new monopoly position within the companies' own areas.
  • 公众始终同情我们。
    The public sympathy was with us first, midst, and last.
  • 虽然许多董事们认识到现在的董事长没有能力克服司由于不景气而带来的种种困难,但是他们觉得最好不要中途换人。
    Although many of the board members saw that the president was ill equipped to handle the company's recession-related difficulties, they felt it best not to change horses in midstream.
  • 破坏共财产的行为,象癌肿一样正大规模地在房地产业中日益增长。
    Vandalism is increasing on the large housing estates like a cancerous growth.
  • 我们一定要在这个城市彻底杜绝破坏共财产的行为。
    We must stamp out vandalism in this town once and for all.
  • 我同意你的观点,不断发生破坏共财产的行为可能是缺少父母管教的结果。
    You have a point here; increasing vandalism may be the result of lack of parental control.
  • 据周一在纽约市中城区的一个园内演示该车的司员工说,这种两轮的设备是用一组复杂的回转仪加上电脑来模拟人体的平衡感。
    The two-wheeled device uses a complex array of gyroscopes and computers to mimic the human body's sense of balance, according to Segway employees who demonstrated the scooter Monday at a park in midtown New York City.
  • 期交所计划在二零零零年上半年,把恒生指数33期货和期权合约的交易由使用开叫价系统转以自动交易系统进行。
    It plans to migrate the trading of the HSI33 futures and options contracts from the open outcry system to the HKATS in the first half of 2000.
  • 节一种速度单位,每小时1海里,大约合每小时1。85里(1。5法定海里)
    A unit of speed, one nautical mile per hour, approximately1.85 kilometers(1.15 statute miles) per hour.
  • 暴风雪最小风速为每小时35英里(56里)及视程低于每三小时1/4英里(400米)的强烈暴风雪
    A violent snowstorm with winds blowing at a minimum speed of35 miles(56 kilometers) per hour and visibility of less than one-quarter mile(400 meters) for three hours.
  • 不限制里数的行车费是20美元。
    It's $ 20 with unlimited mileage.
  • 例如你开经济型号车子开了一百里,就要付十五元行车费。
    For example, if you drive a sub compact for one hundred kilometers you'll have to pay fifteen dollars for mileage.
  • 1998年,民族自治地方的铁路、路通车里程和邮路总长度分别达到1.71万里、37.64万里和113.54万里,分别是1952年的4.5倍、12.8倍和8.6倍;
    The railway traffic mileage, highway traffic mileage and postal routes totaled respectively 17,100 kilometers, 376,400 kilometers and 1.14 million kilometers, or 4.5 times, 12.8 times and 8.6 times the 1952 figures respectively.
  • 据统计,1998年少数民族自治地方铁路营业里程达1.73万里,是1952年的4.6倍;路通车里程达37.41万里,是1952年的14.4倍;
    According to statistics, in 1998 railway traffic mileage in these areas totaled 17,300 km, or 4.6 times the 1952 figure, and the highway traffic mileage, 374,100 km or 14.4 times the 1952 figure.
  • 现在西藏已建成以拉萨为中心的路交通网,通车里程达2.18万里,并开设了多条国际国内航空线。
    At present, a highway network centered on Lhasa has been built, its mileage reaching 21,800 kilometers, and many domestic and international airlines have already opened.
  • 到2002年,中国铁路总营业里程将突破7万里,其中复线里程从1.8万里增至2.1万里,电气化里程从1.1万里增至1.5万里;
    By 2002, China's total mileage of railways opened to traffic is expected to top 70,000 km. Of these, double-tracked lines will rise from 18,000 km to 21,000 km, and electrified lines from 11,000 km to 15,000 km.
  • 上述都是主要的废物处理设施,当局提供这些设施,标志着一九八九年布实施的废物处置计划的其中一个重要里程。
    Provision of these essential waste management facilities marks an important milestone in the implementation of the Waste Disposal Plan, which was published in 1989.
  • 我们也注意到宗教极端主义逐渐在本区域扩张影响力,恐怖主义甚至在一些亚细安成员国形成威胁势力,与当地政府然展开对抗。
    It has been noted that the influence of religious militancy has been growing in the region. Some terrorist forces have even become threats to some Asean members by openly opposing the governments of these countries.