| - 这一层定义了连接ss7组件的信令链路的物理的、电气的和功能性特征。
This layer defines the physical, electrical, and functional characteristics of the signaling links connecting SS7 components. - 用户为业务流程建立模型,定义应用程序如能工作应该遵循的规则。
The user models the business process and defines the rules that the applications should follow to make it work. - 虚拟接口体系结构定义了群集器的规范,通过在两台服务器上运行单一应用程序,提供高可用性和更佳性能。
The Virtual Interface Architecture defines specifications for clusters that provide both high availability and better performance by running a single application across two servers. - 一种规格说明。它决定系统如何构成,确定功能模块以及允许模块间进行通信和协同的协议与接口。
A specification which determines how something is constructed, defining functional modularity as well as the protocols and interfaces which allow communication and cooperation among modules. - 我的工作与企业的目标有怎样的关系?从企业的目标出发确定自己的职能,能帮助你提高自身的价值。
How is my job linked to the organization's objectives?By defining your position in terms of the goals and objectives of the organizations,you can increase your worth to it. - 我还不能肯定地说什么。
I can't say anything definite yet. - 我还不能肯定地说什么。
I can not say anything definite yet. - 用功的学生必能通过考试。
All the students that work hard can definitely pass the exam. - 我不能肯定地告诉你我什么时候来。
I can't tell you definitely when I will come. - 不能被明确的决定或者确定。
not capable of being definitely decided or ascertained. - 但是设定明确目标和建立积极心态,并不表示你马上就能得到你所需要的资源,你得到这些资源的速度,须视需要范围的大小,以及你控制心境使其免于恐惧、怀疑和自我设限的情形而定。
It would be foolish to suppose that having developed your definiteness of purpose and PMA,you will immediately find that you have the resources you need.The speed at which you acquire these will depend on the size of your needs and on the control you exercise to keep your mind free of fear,doubt,and self-imposed limitations. - 高清晰度电视功能样机
Functional prototype of high definition TV - 你能告诉我这个单字的定义吗?
Can you give me a definition of this word? - 一种全局符号定义,它不能被与定义该全局符号的模块相链接的其它模块直接引用。
The definition of a global symbol that is not explicitly available for reference by modules linked with the module in which the definition occurs. - 你能不能先给我一个关于次品的明确定义。
Could you first of all give me a clear definition of defect? - 这些定义差别极大,有些是技术的、有些则是功能的。
These definitions varied enormously;some were technical, others functional. - 把uml定义与几乎所有的协议结合也是可能的。
It is possible to move UML definitions with almost any protocol. - 假设你已经设定了明确目标,接下来你可能会问:“在哪里可以得到执行计划所需要的资源?
But let's assume you have developed the necessary definitions of purpose.You are now likely to ask an obvious questuion:Where do I get resources to implement my plan? - 制造这个词过于含糊不清,要求精确表述时便没多大用处,因而我使用这个词时,希望读者能按通俗的含意而不是科学的含意去理解。
The term manufacturing is too vague to be of much use when precision is required, and when I employ it, I wish to be understood as intending to speak popularly rather than scientifically.NOTES:1. The able and friendly reviewer of this treatise in the Edinburgh Review (October 1848) conceives the distinction between materials and implements rather differently; proposing to consider as materials "all things which, after having undergone the change implied in production, are themselves matter of exchange," and as implements (or instruments) "the things which are employed in producing that change, but do not themselves become part of the exchangeable result." According to these definitions, the fuel consumed in a manufactory would be considered, not as a material, but as an instrument. This use of the terms accords better that that proposed in the text, with the primitive physical meaning of the word "material"; but the distinction on which it is grounded is one almost irrelevant to political economy. - 在泰国社会中,只要你肯行贿,你就能得到所需的一切。人们还大片地砍伐森林。
there's a large amount of deforestation going on; bribes get you everything you need in that society. - 弹性,恢复能力物质变形后恢复原来形状的能力,如塑料或金属
The capacity of a material, such as plastic or metal, to return to a previous shape after deformation. - 弹回的在形变以后恢复或能够恢复原来形状或状态的
Returning to or capable of returning to an initial form or state after deformation. - 那男孩有一只畸形足,不能参加游戏。
The boy has a deformed foot and cannot play games. - 那男孩有一只畸形足,不能参加游戏。
The boy have a deformed foot and cannot play games. - 当物体被变形时(例如一个卷曲的弹簧)储存的势能。
potential energy that is stored when a body is deformed (as in a coiled spring). - (三)“有毒污染物”是指那些直接或者间接为生物摄入体内后,导致该生物或者其后代发病、行为反常、遗传异变、生理机能失常、机体变形或者死亡的污染物。
"Toxic pollutant" means a pollutant that, when ingested by organisms directly or indirectly, leads to diseases, abnormal behaviour, genetic mutation, physiological functional disturbance, organism deformity or death of the organisms themselves or their offsprings. - 一只大火鸡需要24小时才能解冻。
A large turkey will take 24 hours to defrost. - 《1999年公司(修订)条例》已于十一月十一日实施。该条例引入新的法定程序,把不营运但有偿债能力的私人公司的注册撤销。
The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 1999, which came into operation on November 11, introduced a new statutory procedure to deregister solvent defunct private companies. - 如果不服从法律,就可能会坐牢。
If you defy the law, you may find yourself in prison. - 我敢说你不能证明我曾挑动过此事。
I defy you to prove that I have cheated. - 难题表面看来似乎不能取得满意解决的问题
A problem that seems to defy a satisfactory solution. - 只有不畏艰难、勤学苦练、勇于探索的文艺工作者,才能攀登上艺术的高峰。
Only those writers and artists who defy difficulties, who study and practise diligently, and who dare to explore new ground can scale the artistic heights.