  • 果园面积有两英亩左右,四周整齐地围高大的棕榈树。
    The orchard was some two acres in extent, neatly fenced in with tall palms.
  • 在空碟子的旁边整整齐齐摆15分--那是男孩给她的小费。
    There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies -- her tip.
  • 同时,看上去它也解决了气含量的问题——但是只有当外来的岩石物质处于地球现今轨道附近时,并且在它们增生形成地球之前,从太阳的星云里(围绕年轻太阳的气体和尘埃)获取了水时,这个问题才最终得到解决。
    It also appears to solve the deuterium problem but only if the rocky materials out near the earth's present orbit picked up some local water from the solar nebula ( the cloud of gas and dust surrounding the young sun ) before they accreted to form the earth.
  • 作为一个职业演员当然意味要在夜间和星期日工作。
    Being a professional actor necessity means working night and Sunday.
  • 汗水顺我的脖子往下滴。
    The sweat rolled down my neck.
  • 他们在她父亲车子的后座搂脖子亲吻。
    They are necking in the backseat of her father's car.
  • 适于吸取花蜜的舌和喙的澳大利西亚鸟。
    Australasian bird with tongue and bill adapted for extracting nectar.
  • 这六个厨房在飞机载满旅客时都用得
    These six kitchens are all needed when the plane is full of passengers.
  • 不必走,还早着呢。
    No need to go yet, it's still early.
  • 一个士兵的营帐……火造成了不必要的牺牲。
    a strikers' tent camp...was burned with needless loss of life.
  • 不用说,他一定来过了,门是开的。
    Needless to say, he must have come-the door was open.
  • 无需说明,合同一旦签订必须严格遵守,忽视履约就意味违约。
    Needless to say, a contract once signed should be strictly observed and any neglect to abide by it means a breach.
  • 私人经济,不待说,现时是占绝对的优势,并且在相当长的期间内也必然还是优势。
    Needless to say, private enterprise is now preponderant and will inevitably continue to occupy a dominant position for a considerable time.
  • 对毛泽东同志晚年错误的批评不能过分,不能出格,因为否定这样一个伟大的历史人物,意味否定我们国家的一段重要历史。
    We must not be too critical of the mistakes Mao made in his later years. To negate the contributions of such a great historical figure would mean to deny all our achievements during an important period of the country's history.
  • 医生:(举起底片对灯光)
    (holds the negative plate against the light)
  • 一个被忽视的孩子;许多伤亡人员躺没人照料。
    a neglected child; many casualties were lying unattended.
  • 如果我能顺漏斗形深槽下到这块平台上面就会万事大吉,剩下的路想必也不会太难走了。
    If I could get down through the funnel to the ledge, I should be all right; surely the rest of the way down was negotiable.
  • 我的母亲紧挽我的胳膊,既是出于对我的慈爱,也是为了自己能扶我走上餐馆的台阶。
    My mother clutched my arm,half out of affection and half to help her negotiate the restaurant steps.
  • 我的母亲紧挽我的胳膊,既是出于对我的慈爱,也是为了自己能扶我走上餐馆的台阶。
    My mother clutched my arm, half out of affection and half to help her negotiate the restaurant steps.
  • 入世同样意味中国在谈判桌上获得一席之地,同时在全球范围内促进和规范贸易发展问题上具有发言权。中国发出的必将是能够反映所有发展中国家和新兴国家市场的观点和要求的呼声。
    And accession will also mean a place at the negotiating table and a voice in the promotion and regulation of trade at a global level-a voice that can reflect the views and needs of all developing and emerging markets.
  • 冷静的谈判者;冷静的处理;保持冷静;在危机中保持头脑冷静;锦标赛历史上最沉的冠军之一。
    a cool negotiator; play it cool; keep cool; remained coolheaded in the crisis; one of the most nerveless champions in the history of the tournament.
  • 我的隔壁邻居住在紧挨我家的房子里。
    My next-door neighbor lives in the house next to mine.
  • 这个国家和它的邻国保持友好关系。
    The country has good relation with its neighbour.
  • 在他从旁边经过时,他的邻居恶狠狠地看他。
    His neighbour loured at him as he passed by.
  • 我童年居住的地方有趣极了,一排排的排屋住不同种族的人,蕴含丰富的多元文化色彩。
    The neighbourhood of my childhood was an interesting one.
  • 他们靠对邻近地区的掠夺所得过舒适的生活。
    They lived well, on the proceeds of raids on neighbouring regions.
  • 时代的进步、周边环境的改变、邻国新码头的崛起,光在服务水平方面与时并进,已经不足以吸引客户了。
    Now that it is operating in a different environment with fierce competition from new ports in neighbouring countries, efficient service alone is no longer enough to retain customers.
  • 纳尔逊无论做什么计划眼睛总是盯赚钱。
    Nelson always has an eye to making money whatever his plans are.
  • 夜晚有如此多的灯和霓虹灯开,景色格外的美。
    It's especially beautiful during the night with so many light and neon on.
  • 令我惊奇的是, 我侄子穿女孩的裙子。
    To my surprise, I found my nephew dressed in a girl's skirt.
  • 戴维是他约翰叔叔的惟一活的侄儿,所以有继承他叔叔的遗产的希望。
    David is the only surviving nephew of his John and so has expectations from him.
  • 大多数星要不聚集成古比皮带,开始围绕海王星旋转,要不就在更外层的地方聚集成所谓的“奥尔特云”。
    Most of the comets congregated either in the Kuiper Belt, which starts around Neptune, or farther out in the so-called "Oort Cloud."