  • 街道人群熙攘,我们自知全未受注意。
    The streets were crowded, and we found ourselves wholly unremarked.
  • 中国的革命的文学家艺术家,有出息的文学家艺术家,必须到群众中去,必须长期地无条件地全心全意地到工农兵群众中去,到火热的斗争中去,到唯一的最广大最丰富的源泉中去,观察、体验、研究、分析一切人,一切阶级,一切群众,一切生动的生活形式和斗争形式,一切文学和艺术的原始材料,后才有可能进入创作过程。
    China's revolutionary writers and artists, writers and artists of promise, must go among the masses; they must for a long period of time unreservedly and whole-heartedly go among the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers, go into the heat of the struggle, go to the only source, the broadest and richest source, in order to observe, experience, study and analyse all the different kinds of people, all the classes, all the masses, all the vivid patterns of life and struggle, all the raw materials of literature and art.
  • 对自资源的过度开采
    Unrestrained exploitation of natural resources.
  • 柏格森主义亨利·柏格森的哲学,宣称个人经历的时间流逝是自由的、不受限制的,而不象在钟表中测量的那样,并主张所有的生物形式都来源于一种永恒的自力量──生命冲动
    The philosophy of Henri Bergson, which asserts that the flow of time personally experienced is free and unrestricted rather than measured on a clock and contends that all living forms arise from a persisting natural force, the閘an vital.
  • 这本书仍是没有修订的。
    the book is still unrevised.
  • 他受到这些指控仍处之泰.
    He remained unruffled by the charges.
  • 东京地铁虽拥挤,但秩序井。相比之下,亚洲其他城市恐怕都要自惭形秽。
    Commuters at Tokyo subway stations who are packed like sardines remain orderly - putting unruly passengers in many Asian cities to shame.
  • 而,目前多数学生的华文水平却不能令人满意。
    However, for most students the standard of Chinese language remains unsatisfactory.
  • 离了这态度,政策、方法、方式也一定是错的,官兵之间、军民之间的关系便决弄不好。
    If we depart from this attitude, then the policies, methods and forms will certainly be wrong, and the relations between officers and men and between the army and the people are bound to be unsatisfactory.
  • 他安无恙地从事故现场走开了。
    He walked away from the accident completely unscathed.
  • 真正的推送技术是内容数据无时间预定地交付给最终用户,虽有些供应商强制推行时间预定交付的产品。
    True push technology is the unscheduled delivery of content data to an end user, although some vendors force-fit scheduled delivery product.
  • 我稍微整理了一下思路, 後回答说....
    After a few seconds to unscramble my thoughts, I replied...
  • 第二天晚上,办完医院的各项有关手续之后,我又一次来到滑铁卢大桥上。我倚着栏杆,茫地看着河面,试图将自己的思绪集中起来。
    The following evening, after taking care of necessary business at the hospital, I stopped on the bridge and leaned over the railings, gazing, unseeing, into the water, trying to get a grip on myself.
  • 他和她在一种自的友谊中长大。
    she grew up with him in unselfconscious friendship.
  • 对于他们有关未来的计划仍心怀疑虑
    Were still unsettled with respect to their future plans.
  • 现在能自作主张,她突把这看作她身心最强烈的冲动。爱情这个未解之谜又算得了什么呢?。
    What could love, the unsolved mystery, count for in face of this possession of self? assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being!
  • 这个团结对于抗日的需要说来还是异常不够的,特别是政府和人民之间的团结问题至今在基本上还没有解决。
    This unity, however, still falls far short of meeting the needs of resisting Japan, especially as the problem of unity between the government and the people remains basically unsolved.
  • 看官可能已经注意到,从朱庇特回到幕后那个时候起,一直到新寓意剧的作者突这样公开了自己的身份,使吉斯盖特和莉叶娜德天真地赞叹不已,这其间已有好一会儿功夫了。
    Our readers cannot have failed to note that some time had elapsed between the moment at which Jupiter withdrew behind the curtain, and that at which the author thus abruptly revealed himself to the unsophisticated admiration of Gisquette and Liènarde.
  • 他一定疯了,竟花那么多钱去购买一幢实际上快要倒塌的房子。
    He must be of unsound mind to pay so much for a house that is practically falling down.
  • 在这一场金融风暴过程中,国际传媒起初都只着重於强调亚洲各国金融体制的不健全和其他缺点,虽亚洲各国金融体制的确是有问题,的确是有缺点,但这些国际传媒没有重视或者在起初的时候很少报道关於国际金融需要新的规例和对冲基金引起的问题好好的检讨。
    When the current financial turmoil broke out, the international media only focus on the unsoundness of the financial systems and other weaknesses of Asian countries. There are indeed problems in the financial systems of Asian countries, but the international media did not attach importance to or mentioned very little at the beginning about the need to regulate the global financial markets and the need to review thoroughly the problems caused by hedge funds.
  • 由于美元仍不稳定,买主都踌躇不前。
    As the US dollar was still so unstable, buyers were holding back.
  • 以头撞墙(尽管屡次失败,仍枉费心机地试图做成某事);徒劳无益
    Continue vainly trying to achieve sth in spite of several unsuccessful attempts
  • 玛丽在演出中最不该笑的时候突笑了起来。
    Mary was taken with a fit of laughing at a most unsuitable moment in the performance.
  • 而国民党军队的制度不适宜于执行彻底战胜日寇的任务,不适宜于顺利地执行三民主义和革命纲领,必须加以改变,这在三个月来的抗战教训中已经证明了。
    But the lessons of the War of Resistance in the last three months demonstrate that the Kuomintang army system must be changed, as it is unsuited to the task of completely defeating the Japanese aggressors and to the successful application of the Three People's Principles and the revolutionary programme.
  • 但她似乎并不适合这个角色,她的气质使她成为饰演郝思佳的理想人选,但对于这样一个内向的角色却并不合适。费雯丽接受的第二个角色是米高梅公司《魂断蓝桥》的女主角,这也是她和好莱坞重新签约的一部分。虽她更愿出演《傲慢与偏见》。
    She didn’t seem right for the part -qualities which made her ideal for Scarlett now made her unsuited for such a restrained role,Vivien next was given the lead role in MGM's Waterloo Bridge as part of her new Hollywood counter,although she would have Preferred working on Pride and Prejudice.
  • 如果战役和战斗方针也同样是“内线的持久的防御战”,例如抗战初起时期之所为,那就完全不适合敌小我大、敌强我弱这两种情况,那就决达不到战略目的,达不到总的持久战,而将为敌人所击败。
    If we should use "protracted defensive warfare on interior lines" as the principle for campaigns and battles too, as we did at the beginning of the War of Resistance, it would be totally unsuited to the circumstances in which the enemy is small while we are big and the enemy is strong while we are weak; In that case we could never achieve our strategic objective of a protracted war and we would be defeated by the enemy.
  • 她彷佛茫不知身在何处,犹犹豫豫向四周打量
    As if unsure of where she was, she hesitated and looked round
  • 肖像酷似他们,但我依对自己的画技没有把握。
    The portraits did look like them, but I was still unsure of my painting techniques.
  • 遇到了意想不到的困难;公路上突的转弯。
    unsuspected difficulties arose; unsuspected turnings in the road.
  • 二十世纪三十年代,中国科学家也在青藏高原进行过考察和调查,但总体上说,他们对青藏高原特殊自生态环境的认识还不全面、不系统。
    In the 1930s, Chinese scientists also carried out some surveys and investigations there. But, generally speaking, their knowledge of the unique natural eco-environment of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was incomplete and unsystematic.
  • 而,单凭一本周刊就几乎可以颠覆一个城市的阅读习惯,这样的情形绝对不可能在新加坡出现。
    However, it is certainly unthinkable that a weekly magazine alone can change the reading habits of Singaporeans.
  • 要防止盲目性,特别要防止只顾本位利益、个人利益而损害国家利益、人民利益的破坏性的自发倾向。
    Meanwhile, we should guard against unthinking action, and particularly against the spontaneous and destructive tendency to seek gains for oneself or one's unit at the expense of the state and the people.