  • 牙质,齿质牙齿主要的钙质部,在珐琅质下面,牙髓周围,植根于牙床的管道内
    The main, calcareous part of a tooth, beneath the enamel and surrounding the pulp chamber and root canals.
  • 热量不像光那样容易散,所以热能可以穿透珐琅,暴露牙齿结构中的变化。
    Heat does not scatter as readily as light, so the thermal energy can penetrate through the enamel, exposing changes in composition.
  • 一种方法是将血红蛋白包裹在直径大约为0.2微米(百万之一米)的油脂泡囊中,这项技术还能提高循环时间。
    One method is to encapsulate hemoglobin inside lipid vesicles about 0.2 microns (millionths of a meter) in diameter. This technique also increases the circulation time.
  • 1996年,伤寒、肝炎、流脑、流感等14种传染病的总发病率和死亡率别比1991年下降45.52%和67.16%。
    In 1996 the overall incidence of and the mortality resulting from 14 infectious diseases, such as typhoid fever, hepatitis, epidemic encephalitis and influenza, dropped by 45.52 and 67.16 percent, respectively, compared with the 1991 figures.
  • 由于我以数量上优势的兵力,对于从外线数路向我前进之敌采取战役和战斗的进攻和外线作战的方针,就使各个进之敌的每一个处于我之包围中。
    We on our part encircle each of the enemy columns advancing on us along separate routes, because we apply the policy of the offensive and of exterior-line operations in campaigns and battles by using numerically preponderant forces against these enemy columns advancing on us from exterior lines.
  • 由于我以数量上优势的兵力,对于从战略上的外线数路向我前进之敌,采取战役和战斗上的外线作战方针,就可以把各路进之敌的一路或几路放在我之包围中。
    We on our part can encircle one or more of the enemy columns advancing on us along separate routes, because we apply the policy of fighting campaigns and battles from tactically exterior lines by using numerically preponderant forces against these enemy columns advancing on us from strategically exterior lines.
  • 第二阶段,达成割裂和包围敌人之任务,并确实控制浙赣线一段,断敌退路;第三阶段,别歼灭包围之敌,完成全战役。
    during the second stage, divide and encircle the enemy and bring a section of the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway under our absolute control in order to cut off the enemy's retreat and, during the third stage, wipe out the encircled enemy forces one by one to bring the campaign to a close.
  • 每次歼灭的敌人对于全敌不过是一部,然而“围剿”是打破了。
    The forces annihilated in each campaign constituted only part of his total strength, and yet all these "encirclement and suppression" campaigns were smashed.
  • 我公司伦敦公司向贵公司开出面额300,000元的汇票一张,兹同函奉上,请承兑后寄还为荷。
    Enclosed we hand you a draft,$300,000, draw on you by our london house. kindly accept same and return.
  • 水洼,潭一片少量或部被围的水域
    A small enclosed or partly enclosed body of water.
  • 随函附上二十的邮标一张。
    Enclosed herewith is an tewnty-fen stamp.
  • 随函附上二十的邮标一张。
    Enclosed herewith is an twenty-fen stamp.
  • 与通过数字或公式解决问题的方式不同,这种微型计算机的数据输入、输出系统及软件都是由dna子制成,dna子在生物体内存储和处理信息代码。
    Instead of using figures and formulas to solve a problem, the microscopic computer's input, output and software are made up of DNA molecules -- which store and process encoded information in living organisms.
  • 计算机必须决定棋手可以将“马”放在棋盘的哪些位置上才能使这些"马"无法相互攻击。科学家让每一条rna子链代表一种可能出现的“马”在棋盘上的布局。
    " The computer must determine in which positions a chess player can place the knights on the board so that none can attack another The scientists encoded each stfand of RNA to represent a p0ssible confguration of knights.
  • 利用一种称做8-14调制法(efm)和8-16调制法(efmplus)的技术,别在cd和dvd上完成编码。
    The encoding is done using a technique referred to as eight-to-fourteen modulation (EFM) in CDs and eight-to-sixteen modulation (EFM Plus) in DVDs.
  • mp3编码软件,即实际编制mp3音乐文件的应用程序,把作为音乐最强烈要辨认的声音样本的部给保留下来,而对最终质量损害不是很大的部给抛弃掉。
    MP3 encoding software -- the application that actually builds the MP3 music file -- saves parts of the sound sample most strongly recognized as music;what's discarded doesn't detract too much from the final quality.
  • “活体细胞内含有非常神奇的子机器,它们对dna和rna信息编码子的操作方式与计算原理大体相似。”研制出dna计算机的研究小组主任沙皮罗说,“由于我们尚不知如何有效修改这些子机器或创造新的子机器,解决捷径就是从既有子机器上寻找那些经过组合后能进行运算的子机器。”他补充说。
    "The living cell contains incredible molecular machines that manipulate information? encoding molecules such as DNA and RNA in ways that are fundamentally very similar to computation," said Shapiro, the head of the research team that developed the DNA computer." Since we don't know how to effectively modify these machines or create new ones just yet, the trick is to find naturally existing machines that, when combined, can be steered to actually compute," he added.
  • 用于某些类中,包含倍足纲节动物和蜈蚣;以前是包含x和综合纲的一个大类;现在多足超类通常用作多足超类同义词,且仅限于倍足纲节动物。
    used in some classifications to encompass the millipedes (Diplopoda) and centipedes (Chilopoda); formerly a large taxon including also the Pauropoda and Symphyla; the term Myriapoda now usually used synonymously with Diplopoda and limited to the millipedes.
  • 亚洲近期在经济方面一些事件令人十振奋。
    Recent events on the economic front in Asia are encouraging.
  • 市场对於在三月推出的试验计划反应十热烈。
    Market response to the Pilot Scheme we launched in March has been very encouraging.
  • 海水中的盐在乾燥的沙子上结成硬皮.
    Salt from the sea had encrusted on the dry sand.
  • 海水中的盐在乾燥的沙子上结成硬皮。
    Salt from the sea have encrust on the dry sand.
  • 与之相反,明钥系统的用户可以配公开钥匙,以让其它人对报文加密,而这种报文只能用专用的钥匙读出。
    In contrast, users of public-key systems can distribute their public keys to allow others to encrypt messages that can then be read only with the private key.
  • wtls与ssl类似并使用两种证书管理加密和认证——wtls服务器证书(定义为wap1.1的一部)用于向wtls客户端认证wtls服务器,并为建立用来加密(听筒)的密钥提供基础,而wtls客户端证书(定义为wap1.2的一部来的)则用来向wtls服务器认证wtls客户端。
    WTLS is a close relative of SSL and uses two kinds of certificates to manage encryption and authentication -WTLS server certificates (defined as part of WAP 1.1) are used to authenticate a WTLS server to a WTLS client and to provide a basis for establishing a key to encrypt (a handset); and WTLS client certificates (defined as part of WAP 1.2) are used to authenticate a WTLS client to a WTLS server.
  • 由于每个包是别加密的,加密密钥实际上能以无限制的次数加以改变。
    Because each packet is encrypted individually, encryption keys can be changed with virtually unlimited frequency.
  • 由于21世纪的威胁还危及到我们在世界各地的友邦和盟国,因此我们共同合作对它们提供防御是十必要的。
    Because the threats of the 21st century also endanger our friends and allies around the world, it is essential that we work together to defend against them.
  • 为了有利于罪犯的改造,中国同世界上多数国家一样,对那些犯罪情节轻微,认罪态度较好,且不致再危害社会的犯罪子实行缓刑。
    To help reform criminals, China, like most other countries in the world, suspends sentence for criminals who have committed a minor crime, have pleaded guilty and are not likely to further endanger society.
  • 西藏自治区司法部门严格依照宪法和法律,保护西藏自治区各族公民的各项基本权利和自由以及其他各项合法权益,保护公共财产和公民私人所有的合法财产,依法惩处各种危害社会的犯罪子,维护社会秩序。
    Strictly in accordance with the Constitution and laws, the judicial departments of the Tibet Autonomous Region protect the basic rights and freedoms, and other legal rights and interests of the citizens of all ethnic groups in Tibet. They also protect public property and the lawful private property of the citizens, punish those law-breakers who endanger society, and maintain social order according to law.
  • 政府化验所也协助海关和渔农自然护理署执法。年内,化验所检验了濒危物种的组成部及制成品,特别是怀疑含有熊胆和?香的样品。
    The departments are assisted in their work by the Government Laboratory, which during the year examined parts and products of endangered species, in particular those containing suspected bear gall bladder and musk grains.
  • 共同努力中的一部
    any one of a number of individual efforts in a common endeavor.
  • 但是不从现在开始,不从部开始,我们的事业就会拖下去,就没有希望了。
    If we fail in this endeavour, our goals will be slow to achieve and may become hopeless.
  • 第三,要充调动人民和各行各业基层的积极性。
    and (3) stimulate the initiative of the people and of the grass-roots units in all fields of endeavour.