  • 战争期,信息的传达更多的是靠传信鸽而不是飞机。
    during battle, messages conveyed by carrier pigeon got through more often than those sent by plane.
  • 鸽房一个鸽棚中的一鸽房
    A pigeonhole in a dovecote.
  • 姐妹们挤住在一个小房里。
    The sisters pigged together in one small room.
  • 我腻烦了总是夹在争吵双方的中
    I'm sick of being piggy in the middle all the time.
  • 双边合作的形式多种多样,从制定互利的空计划、互派专家学者、组织研讨会,到共同研制卫星或卫星部件、进行卫星搭载服务、提供商业发射服务等等。
    Bilateral space cooperation is implemented in various forms, from making reciprocal space programs and exchanges of scholars and specialists, and sponsoring symposiums, to jointly developing satellite or satellite parts, and providing satellite piggyback service and commercial launching service.
  • 双边合作的形式多种多样,从制定互利的空计划、互派专家学者、组织研讨会,到共同研制卫星或卫星部件、进行卫星搭载服务、提供商业发射服务等等。
    Bilateral space cooperation is implemented in various forms, from making reciprocal space programs and exchanges of scholars and specialists, and sponsoring symposiums, to jointly developing satellite or satellite parts, and providing satellite piggyback service and commercial launching service ,etc.
  • 《新科学家》杂志11月20日刊登文章说:约99%的小猪喜欢水床胜过其他选择。它们每天有一大半时懒在床上,只有吃东西或玩耍时才肯起来。
    "Around 99 percent of the piglets preferred warm waterbeds to any of the alternatives, spending well over half the day lounging about on them and only getting up to feed or play," New Scientist said Wednesday.
  • 1852—1858年,仅汕头一地“猪仔馆”中的4万华工,就有8000多人被折磨致死。
    During the 1852-58 period, 40,000 people were put in such "pigsties" in Shantou alone, and more than 8,000 of them were done to death there.
  • 如果您赶时的话,我推荐意大利面条或肉饭。
    If you are in a hurry, I would recommend the spaghetti or the pilaf.
  • 在他离开期工作积压起来了。
    Work has piled up during his absence.
  • 她把书堆积在我的房里。
    She piled up her books in my living room.
  • 据我所知,在香港转船期有货物被盗或损坏的风险。
    So far as I know, there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transhipment in Hongkong.
  • 自1955年以来,除“文化大革命”期之外,中国穆斯林去麦加朝觐的活动从未停止过。
    Since 1955, excluding the "cultural revolution" period, the Chinese Muslims have never stopped their pilgrimages to Mecca.
  • 迈克的妈妈在地下室里有空房子,我们把它清理出来,把几百本的小人书搬了过去。
    Mike's mom had a spare room in the basement that no one used. We cleaned it out, and began piling hundreds of comic books in that room.
  • (尤指战时)抢劫用武力抢劫财物,尤其是战争期;劫掠
    To rob of goods by force, especially in time of war; pillage.
  • 战争期,在一个地方进行掠夺或进行破坏性的袭击。
    make a pillaging or destructive raid on (a place), as in wartimes.
  • 这座楼梯绕着中的柱子向上呈螺旋状。
    The staircase winds upwards round a central pillar.
  • 与敌人接触前和组织时充裕时的防御。
    a defensive organized before contact is made with the enemy and while time for organization is available; usually includes a fortified zone (with pillboxes) and communication systems.
  • 她非常了解情况,竟然还记得一位学生的祖父曾在战争期为她和乔治六世开过飞机。
    She is very well briefed; she even remembered a young pupil's grandfather who had piloted her and George VI during the war.
  • 飞行员神经机能病长时飞机飞行所导致的神经疲惫
    Nervous exhaustion from prolonged piloting of aircraft.
  • 运送领航员来回于大船之的小船。
    a boat to carry pilots to and from large ships.
  • 第一次世界大战期,许多飞行员都是凭直觉而不是靠仪表飞行的。
    Many pilots in World War I had to fly by the seat of their pants.
  • 刺戳用手刺、戳、捅或插入屁股之或在屁股上的动作
    A poke, prod, or pinch between or on the buttocks.
  • 金钱、空、时不足
    Pinched for money, space, time
  • 介于浓粉红色到带黄色的粉红色之
    of a strong pink to yellowish-pink color.
  • 北美的一种多年生植物,具有粉红色的花,聚伞花序疏散;有于民医药治疗关节疼痛或关节炎。
    North American perennial having pinkish flowers in loose cymes; used in folk medicine for pain or inflammation in joints.
  • 隔号余柱地滚球一击过后剩下的不利局势,有一个或多个被击过的球在两球或多球之
    An arrangement of bowling pins left standing after a bowl, in which two or more pins remain standing with one or more pins between them knocked down.
  • (保龄球)第一球打剩的隔球。
    (tenpin bowling) a divided formation of pins left standing after the first bowl.
  • 集管用来在中联接两个或多个小管的管子
    A pipe that serves as a central connection for two or more smaller pipes.
  • 一夜之风力已增强到八级。
    The wind had piped up to half a gale overnight.
  • 这工作花不了你多长时—跟撒泡尿一样容易。
    That work won't take you long—it's a piece of piss.
  • 告诉铸铁再铸一只活塞。
    Tell the foundry to cast another piston.