  • 没有自卫力的孩子、动物、城市
    A defenceless child, animal, city
  • 你怎么为杀死动物取乐的行为辩护呢?
    How can you defend the killing of animals for pleasure?
  • 每个人都应该有保护自己的力。
    Everyone should be able to defend himself.
  • 在刑事法律援助中,对可被判处死刑的没有委托辩护人的刑事被告人,人民法院应当指定负有法律援助义务的律师为其辩护,而不考察经济困难条件,体现了对公民生命权的重点保护。
    In legal aid for criminal matters, the people's court shall, regardless of the financial conditions of the defendant, appoint a lawyer bearing the legal aid obligations to defend a criminal defendant who might been sentenced to death penalty but has not retained a defender. This rule illustrates the key protection on citizen's right to life.
  • 敌人劫掠没有防御力的人们。
    The enemy preyed on the defenseless people.
  • 牺牲品没有防卫力,尤指在面对攻击时的生物;牺牲
    One that is defenseless, especially in the face of attack; a victim.
  • 也许现代租屋人所够期待最好的是一点点属於个人的防御空间。
    Probably the best the present tenant can hope for being a fair share of " personal defensible space".
  • 也许现代租屋人所够期待最好的是一点点属於个人的防御空间
    probably the best the present tenant can hope for is a fair share of " personal defensible space"
  • 过去怕,还有点道理,不说过去怕的人都不好。
    That may have been a defensible attitude in past years, and we cannot say that everyone who adopted it was a bad comrade.
  • 我军在俯瞰河的高地上采取守势。
    Our troops took up defensive positions on highground overlooking the river.
  • 通常,年轻人应遵从老年人的意见,尽管这种听从可是不情愿的。
    Genarally, the young should defer to the opininons of then elders, even though such deference could be against their will.
  • 辩论往往很象争论,假若你和班纳特小姐够稍缓一下等我走出房间以后再,辩论那我是非常感激的。
    Arguments are too much like disputes. If you and Miss Bennet will defer yours till I am out of the room, I shall be very thankful;
  • 我们不接受延期付款。
    We can't accept payment on deferred terms.
  • 中国科学地分析了国际形势的发展趋势和特点,认为经过全世界人民的共同努力,新的世界大战不仅可以推迟,而且有可避免。
    China's scientific analysis of the development trends and characteristics of the international situation has produced the conclusion that with the concerted efforts of people throughout the world, a new world war can not only be deferred but it can possibly be avoided as well.
  • 他[布什]并不惹人憎恨;他也未曾有过政策惨败,像肯尼迪的猪湾事件或是卡特在伊朗的难堪局面。他不像里根那样,谈到细节时理直气壮地表示一无所知。布什轻而易举地掌握问题。
    He is not hated; he hasn't had a policy fiasco like Kennedy's Bay of Pigs or Carter's Iran embarrassment. Unlike Reagan, who was defiantly out to lunch when it came to details, Bush has an easy command of the issues.
  • 这项计划的缺陷是很明显的,它不可成功。
    The deficiency of this plan is very clear and it can't possibly succeed.
  • 缺陷身心功方面的不健全
    A deficiency or impairment in mental or physical functioning.
  • 没有上过学的人语言技非常贫乏;没上过学的天才;失学的儿童。
    untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient; an untutored genius; uneducated children.
  • 例如我们遇到了这样一个问题,有些地区过去粮食够自给,后来却不行了。
    For instance, we encountered the problem that some areas which were self-sufficient in grain had become grain-deficient.
  • 要看到我们各级干部指挥现代化战争的力都很不够,不要把自己的眼睛蒙住了。
    We should not close our eyes to the fact that our cadres at various levels are deficient in the ability to direct modern warfare.
  • 不能搞赤字预算
    Cannot leave a deficit in their budgets
  • 为了解决财政赤字问题,基建规模特别是非生产性建设规模不过大,有些开支不完全由中央承担。
    To reduce the deficit, the scale of capital construction, especially of non-productive projects, has to be kept under control.
  • 明确地规定只用于局部战争中的武器
    Define the weapons to be used in limited warfare.
  • 把“毫无疑问的”这个词定义为“可靠的”吗?
    Can you define the word "unquestionable" as "certain"?
  • 我们可以把任何物体的定义为做功的力。
    We may define the energy of anything as its capacity for doing work.
  • 我们否把视觉美解释为是一种引起观看者美感的东西呢?
    Can we define visual beauty at something which arouses pleasant sensation in the viewer?
  • 只有for循环才具备在控制表达式里定义变量的力。
    The ability to define variables in the control expression is limited to the for loop.
  • 够被定义、限制或者解释。
    capable of being defined, limited, or explained.
  • uddi规范2.0版中定义了一些特殊的findqualifier,这些findqualifier够影响对categorybag的处理。
    UDDI Version 2.0 defines special findQualifiers that affect categoryBag treatment.
  • 下表定义了每一软件层及其功
    The table below defines each software layer and its functionality.
  • 在2.0版规范里,定义了一种方法,使得businessservice结构够与超过1个的businessentity相关联。
    Version 2.0 defines a way to associate businessService structures with more than one businessEntity.
  • 发布者api定义了若干条消息,以使得uddi发布者够管理断言。
    The publishers API defines several messages to allow assertions to be managed by UDDI publishers.