  • 她被选向船员递交了一封感谢信。
    She was chosen to present a letter of congratulation to the crew.
  • 祝贺您昨晚的演成功。
    Congratulations on your success last night!
  • 他当众说出这些话。
    He said these words in the audience of the congregation.
  • 在代表大会期间我们提了32份报告。
    During the Congress we presented32 reports.
  • 然后代表大会选主席团。
    Then the congress elected its presidium.
  • 他已穿戴整齐并修饰一新准备席国会。
    He was suited up and combed down for his congressional appearance.
  • 对于国会力图弹劾克林顿的最尖刻的批评是说他们是在进行党派之争,在总统做伪证的情况下不是于维护法律尊严的动机,而是受政治杀戮欲的驱使。
    The most stinging criticism of congressional efforts to impeach Mr.Clinton is that they are partisan, motivated not by a desire to uphold the sanctity of law in the face of presidential perjury, but by political bloodlust.
  • “虽然纳米前景看好,一些科学家认为纳米技术的定义太模糊,大部分有关它的宣传与目前科学的推测并不相符”,国会研究部门的报告指
    "While nanotechnology may hold great promise, some scientists contend that the field's definition is too vague and that much of its 'hype' may not match the reality of present scien tific speculation", noted a Congressional Research Service report last year.
  • 由专家和安全官员对中国1995年秘密资料的评估中的一份或全部都于1996年被提供给了某些国会委员会——包括万顿任主席的hnsc分会,这或许就是fy1997国防授权法案(fy1997nationaldefenseanthorizatonactndaa)中1996年国会禁令的造因,并于fy1998和fy1999ndaa中反复现。“不可授权拔款,也不让能源部在1997财政年获得拔款”,而这可能扩展到任何与和中国进行有关核武器技术的合作项目有关联的行为上。(标题xxxi,3137(a)部分国防授权法案fy1997年)
    One or both of the "classified" assessments by the Experts and the Security officials of the PRC Secret 1995 document was apparently provided in 1996 to certain Congressional Committees-including Chairman Weldon's HNSC Subcommittee-and may have been the cause of a 1996 Congressional prohibition in the FY 1997 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which was repeated in the FY 1998 and FY 1999 NDAA:"No funds authorized to be appropriated or otherwise available to the Department of Energy for fiscal year 1997 may be obligated or expended for any activity associated with the conduct of cooperative programs relating to nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons technology, including stockpile stewardship, safety, and use control, with the People's Republic of China." (Title XXXI, Section 3137(a). National Defense Authorization Act for FY 97)
  • “从最简单的层次来看,美籍发明家中,国外移民占有显著的地位,而且移民在新兴的高风险行业的企业家和技师中的地位也是突的,诸如19世纪早期的纺织工业,中期的投资金融业和20世纪初的电影工业,海厄姆1986年在一个国会委员会上说,“移民缓解了,有时甚至打破了传统的束缚。
    "At the simplest level one notes the prominence of the foreignborn among American inventors and also entrepreneurs and technicians in new, high-risk industries such as textile manufacturing in the early nineteenth century, investment banking in mid-century, and movie-making in the early twentieth century,” Higham told a congressional committee in l986. "Migration looses and times breaks the bonds of tradition.
  • 国会议员正考虑对他的批评作回答。
    The congressman is meditating a reply to his critics.
  • "这位议员很有经验,新闻记者无法从他口中套任何新闻。"
    The Congressman was too experienced to be milked by newspaper men.
  • 能同两个政党的下列成员一起为此付努力,我感到很骄傲:约翰·博伊赫内尔主席,众议员乔治·米勒以及参议员路德·格雷戈。
    I was proud to work with Members of both parties ? Chairman John Boehner and Congressman George Miller, SenatorJudd Gregg?
  • 能同两个政党的下列成员一起为此付努力,我感到很骄傲:约翰·博伊赫内尔主席,众议员乔治·米勒以及参议员路德·格雷戈。
    I was proud to work with Members of both parties ? Chairman John Boehner and Congressman George Miller, Senator Judd Gregg?
  • 众广义院议员(又称国会议员)选后任期两年。
    The member of the house of representative(call congressmen) is elected for two years.
  • 众院议员(又称国会议员)选后任期两年。
    The members of the House of Representative ( called congressmen ) are elected for two years.
  • 北美西部中型到大型的冷杉,圆锥形树冠,树枝层叠;树叶挤压后散发橙子的气味。
    medium to tall fir of western North America having a conic crown and branches in tiers; leaves smell of orange when crushed.
  • 具有从密集的莲座叶丛中伸的花葶,花粉红色,像翻过来的猫脚的垫;生长在北美西部的松林里;有时归入马齿苋属。
    pink clusters of densely packed flowers on prostrate stems resemble upturned pads of cats' feet; grow in coniferous forests of western North America; sometimes placed in genus Calyptridium.
  • 推断通过猜测而得结论
    A conjecture arrived at by guessing.
  • 许多男人认为他们的女友聊起天来象穿越漫无目的的臆测的智力迷宫中的一根长绳上串起的一粒粒珠子,无需想象力丰富的跳跃性思维,更无需抽象思维,而在最终理头绪之前却发现又回到了起点。
    Most men think their girlfriends' conversations are like following a ball of string through a labyrinth of pointless conjecture, needless imaginative leaps or obscure contemplation before eventually finding where it leads back to the starting point.
  • 你列得动词'beat'的所有时态变化吗?
    Can you conjugate 'to beat' in all its tenses?
  • 你列得动词'beat'的所有时态变化吗?
    Can you conjugate'to beat' in all its tenses?
  • 你列得动词"have"的所有时态变化吗?
    Can you conjugate"to have" in all its tenses?
  • 翼状胬肉从眼睛内角的结膜生一块不正常的块状组织,往角膜上生长时引起视觉障碍
    An abnormal mass of tissue arising from the conjunctiva of the inner corner of the eye that obstructs vision by growing over the cornea.
  • 魔术师从他的帽子里变一只兔子。
    The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.
  • 她很会变魔术,能从帽子里变兔子来.
    She's very good at magic; she can conjure a rabbit out of a hat.
  • 魔术师从帽子里变一碗鱼来。
    The magician conjured a bowl of fish out of his hat.
  • 你能想象一幅古埃及宫廷生活的图画吗?
    Can you conjure up a picture of the imperial life in ancient Egypt?
  • 她妻子能在半小时内变戏法似地做一顿美餐。
    His wife can conjure up a good meal in half an hour.(喻)
  • 虚构一幅未来世界的图景
    Conjure up a vision of the future world
  • 我恳求你不要卖国家。
    I conjure you not be betray your country.
  • 我恳求你不要卖国家。
    I conjure you not to betray your country.