  • 贵市史密斯司希望与本司开展交易,指定贵处为信用出证人。
    Messrs. Smith & Co., of your city, desires to open an account with us, and has given us your name as a reference.
  • 贵市史密斯司希望与本司开展交易,指定贵处为信用出证人。
    Messrs. Smith& Co., of your city, desire to open an account with us, and have given us your name as a reference.
  • 司已代johnson司向中国人民保险司按5%的保险费率,为货物投保60000美元。
    We have effected, for the account of Messrs, Johnson & Co. , the insurance on the goods for $ 60000 at the rate of 5% with the PICC.
  • 教育情况:毕业于法国著名商学院——ecole理工学院,此后,又进入该院专门培养务员的国立行政学院学习。
    Education: After graduating from France's top business school, the Ecole Polytechnique, Messier attended the Ecole Nationale d'Administration, which trains civil servants
  • 2000年6月,米歇尔做成了司近年来最大的一笔买卖,也就是成功地将vivendi、加拿大饮料及娱乐司seagram和泛欧有线电视全套设备(包括英吉利海峡海底隧道)司3家合并,并于2001年1月创立了vivendiuniversal司。
    In June 2000 Messier pulled off his biggest deal to date, engineering a three-way merger between Vivendi, Canadian-owned drinks and entertainment firm Seagram and pan-European pay-TV outfit Canal Plus.
  • 去年,vivendi又以340亿美元收购了加拿大饮料司,即拥有环球影视及音像业务的seagram司,从而一跃成为世界上最大的传媒资讯司之一。
    With Vivendi's $ 34bn acquisition of Seagram, the Canadian drinks company which owned the Universal movies and music businesses,Mr Messier created last year one of the world's largest media and communications companies.
  • 米歇尔先生在大学主修法国政治,毕业后曾经营过一家投资银行。后来,他将总部在巴黎的一家司与北美一家著名的娱乐司合二为一,创办了vivendi司。
    Mr Messier, a former investment banker schooled in the ways of French politics, has knitted together a company rooted in the Paris establishment with one of North America's best-known stable of entertainment assets.
  • 我在共汽车站遇到他的。
    I met him at the bus stop.
  • 冶金部作战就没有力量嘛。有些司、钢厂的领导班子作战也没有力量。
    The Ministry of Metallurgical Industry has not had the strength to conduct effective operations, nor have the leading groups of some steel companies and plants.
  • 不光是冶金部,各个司、厂矿、车间的领导班子,包括职能机构,都要加强。
    We must strengthen not only the leading group of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, but also that of every company, factory, mine and workshop, as well as the operational units.
  • 奥维德罗马诗人,以其对爱的研究,尤其是爱的艺术(元前1年)和变形记(元8年)而闻名
    Roman poet known for his explorations of love, especially the Art of Love(c.1 b.c.) and Metamorphoses(c. a.d.8).
  • 是叶非好龙也,好夫似龙而非龙者也。毛泽东在这里用以比喻蒋介石辈口谈革命,实际上畏惧革命,反对革命。
    Here Comrade Mao Tse-tung uses this metaphor to show that though Chiang Kai-shek and his like talked about revolution, they were afraid of revolution and against it.
  • 早在元前467年,古罗马的历史学家就曾记录下流星坠落地面的不同寻常的陨落。
    In 467 BC, Roman historians recorded the extraordinary fall of a meteor to the earth.
  • 当地球绕着太阳作循环往复的转时,流星团如果遭遇地球大气层上层时,就会出现"流星雨"这种"大自然烟火"的壮丽景观。
    Nature's spectacular fireworks show, a "meteor shower," comes into view when the swarms encounter the upper layer of the earth's atmosphere during the earth's perpetual revolution around the sun.
  • 顺着铁路走大约100尺。
    Follow the railroad track about100 meter.
  • 人均有体育设施面积由目前的0.9平方米提高到1.11平方米。
    The per capita public sports facilities shall be increased from the current 0.9 per square meter to 1.11 per square meter.
  • 我与他比赛八百尺游泳。
    I swam him 800 meters.
  • 约翰或查理斯·卫斯理的或卫理会的或与之相关的
    Of or relating to John or Charles Wesley or to Methodism.
  • (在某地区有同一批传教士的)卫理会组织
    Group of Methodist churches sharing the same preachers within a particular area
  • 我在达拉斯的南方卫理会大学学习戏剧专业,对未来感到忧虑和不安。
    I was studying theater at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and feeling anxious and uncertain about my future.
  • 从高中就认识希拉里的卫理会会长道·琼斯补充道:"直到赢得议员大选希拉里才得以放松。
    Adds Don Jones, a Methodist minister who has known her since high school:"Winning that election was liberation day for Hillary."
  • 循道宗教义基督教循道会的信条,信仰和组织方法
    The beliefs, worship, and system of organization of the Methodists.
  • 他家大多数人是卫理会教徒,但他是圣会教徒。
    Most of his family are Methodists, but he is C. of E.
  • 强调关怀告道德和社会福利的一种宗教信仰与实践。
    the religious beliefs and practices of Methodists characterized by concern with social welfare and public morals.
  • 由三月底至六月中期间,古物古迹办事处在屯门龙鼓滩三处丁屋地点进行了一项大规模的抢救发掘工作,发掘范围达300平方米,并在离地面一米深处发现属新石器时代晚期(约元前二千年)的文化层。
    A large-scale rescue excavation was conducted from late March to mid-June at three small house sites at Lung Kwu Tan, Tuen Mun. A total area of 300 square metres was excavated and a late-Neolithic cultural layer of about 2000 BC was encountered one metre below ground surface.
  • 制在世界上大多数国家使用。
    The metric-system is used in most countries over the world.
  • 年英国已改用制货币
    Britain changed to a metric system of currency in 1970.
  • 有制制度来表示。
    express in the metric system.
  • 亩面积的制单位之一,等于十
    A metric unit of area equal to10 ares.
  • 制长度单位等于米。
    a metric unit of length equal to 100 meters.
  • 十升容量的制单位之一,等于十升
    A metric unit of volume equal to10 liters.
  • 制度量它是多少?
    What is it in term of metric measures?