  • 矮而胖的;例如,有短腿且肌肉沉重的。
    short and thick; as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature.
  • 她躺沉思了一会儿。
    She lay musing for a while.
  • 她坐着缅怀往事。
    She sat musing over the memories of the past.
  • 玛丽凝望大自然的美景。
    Mary mused upon the beauties of nature.
  • 思忖开车也许比步行花的时间还多
    Mused that it might take longer to drive than walk.
  • 那个女孩坐一辆四轮双座轻便马车去博物馆了。
    The girl went to the museum by a surrey.
  • 那个女孩一会儿就回来了。她肯定是跑去跑回的。
    The girl was back in a pig's whisper. She mush have run all the way.
  • 离她很近的地方长一个大蘑菇,差不多同她一样高。
    There was a large mushroom growing near her, about the same height as herself;
  • 这类工厂沿河川如雨後春笋似地兴建起来。
    Factories of this sort mushroomed along the river.
  • 贻贝等用于将自身附在固定表面上的一团柔韧的丝。
    tuft of strong filaments by which e.g. a mussel makes itself fast to a fixed surface.
  • 他对自己的工作非常迷。
    He is keen as mustard in his work.
  • 有时候我们听说这个地球将资源枯竭,而人类将异化成装塑料肺、拼命寻找食物的怪异的物种。
    Sometimes we hear the earth is shot and the species is going to mutate into weird beings with plastic lungs, dying for food. The waters are dying.
  • [10]普法伊费尔在《科学》杂志上写道,吸烟使p53基因发生改变,这种基因在正常情况下起防癌的作用,但在发生突变时,就会加快癌症的发展。
    [10] Pfeifer wrote in Science that cigarette smoke causes changes in the gene p53, which protects against cancer when normal but promotes cancer growth when mutated.
  • 嗓音,低声说以微弱的嗓音或声音说
    In a muted voice or whisper.
  • 他挨她静静地坐
    he sat mutely next to her.
  • 断掉的右手扭曲,紧紧的握——p·b·凯恩;因为导弹的袭击而肢体破碎的受害者。
    the maimed right hand twisted and clutched- P.B.Kyne; mutilated victims of the rocket attack.
  • 倒不是因为乘客们对步行锻炼有什么偏爱,而是因为那山坡、那马具、那泥泞和邮件都太叫马匹吃力,它们已经三次站立不动,有一次还拉邮车横过大路,要想叛变,把车拖回黑荒原去。
    not because they had the least relish for walking exercise, under the circumstances, but because the hill, and the harness, and the mud, and the mail, were all so heavy that the horses had three times already come to a stop, beside once drawing the coach across the road, with the mutinous intent of taking it back to Blackheath.
  • 我和我的朋友对音乐有共同的爱好。
    My friend and I have mutual enthusiasm for music.
  • 就像罗伯特r·扬在实业界和教育界人士共同参加的白温泉会议上所指出的那样,实业与教育有明显的互利关系。
    As Robert R.Young pointed out at a White Sulphur Springs conference of businessmen and educators, industry and education have a clear mutuality of interest.
  • 用来喂养动物(尤其是马)的帆布制成的袋子;覆盖口罩且顶部扎紧。
    a canvas bag that is used to feed an animal (such as a horse); covers the muzzle and fastens at the top of the head.
  • 所有的炮眼都开,炮口不怀好意地从炮眼里向外窥探。
    All gun-ports were open and the muzzles peeped wickedly from them.
  • 正在教科文组织的主持下编写的《维持生命系统百科全书》重于教科文组织诸多方面的可持续发展问题–生态问题、全球的稳定、和平、公平与安全问题。
    The Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems,being produced under the auspices of UNESCO,focuses on sustainable development in all its myriad aspects — ecological issues, global stability, peace,equity and security.
  • 无数星星点缀夜空。
    The night sky was set up with myriads of stars.
  • 我思忖着。
    I thought to myself.
  • 科学家们正在手建立新的基因数据库,研究超容量的计算机及其他一些工具,他们正在揭开有关我们的肌体是如何运转的、我们的大脑是如何储存一生的记忆等方面的奥秘。
    Scientists are turning to new genetic databases,high-powered computers,and other tools.They are unraveling mysteries about how our bodies develop and how our brains store the memories of a lifetime.
  • 不幸的是,那些神秘的事情已经随这个绝代佳人一起消逝了。不管这些贵妇人心里的期望有多大,她们也只能对死者身后要拍卖的东西啧啧称羡,却一点也看不出这个女房客在世时所操的神女生涯的痕迹。
    Unfortunately, the mysteries had died with the goddess, and in spite of their best endeavours these good ladies found only what had been put up for sale since the time of death, and could detect nothing of what had been sold while the occupant had been alive.
  • 总统的房间洋溢神秘的东方风味。
    The president's room conveyed a delicate aroma of the mysterious East.
  • 那地方有一种神秘的气氛(环绕)。
    The place has an air of mystery (about it), ie looks mysterious.
  • 神秘笼罩这个事件。
    This event was steeped in mystery.
  • 以今日的实际事实而言,大自然的景色、声音、气息和味道,与我们的视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉等感官之间,是有一种完美的,几乎是神秘的协调的。
    As the facts of the case really stand today, there is a perfect, and almost a mystic, coordination between the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of nature and our organs of seeing, hearing, smelling and eating.
  • 她经常唠叨要放假。
    she nagged to take a vacation.
  • 但现在令人挂心的问题是,我们干吗非得等到新年再下决心呢?今天也一样好,不是吗?一个美好的新世界正等我们,而它的来临就有赖于我们决心坚定地向前走,走向更好、异于往常且绝妙非凡。
    But now the nagging question is,why must we wait for New Years to make resolutions.