  • 贪污犯受到了严厉惩罚,并被责令每月退赔部赃款。
    The embezzler was severely punished and enjoined to kick back a portion of the stolen money each month.
  • (英国)军装的肩部佩带的东西作为军队部等的象征。
    (British) something worn on the shoulder of a military uniform as an emblem of a division etc..
  • 从1461年统治到1485年的英国皇室(金雀花王朝的支);它的象征是白玫瑰。
    the English royal house (a branch of the Plantagenet line) that reigned from 1461 to 1485; its emblem was a white rose.
  • 只存在于意识;与具体离。
    existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment.
  • 张士柏英语网的成功就在于,我们深信只了解和领会了一门语言的文化背景,才能充体现这门语言。
    The success of PEN lies in our belief that to fully embody a language,we must understand and embrace the culture of the language.
  • 第三,创出体育建筑精品。充体现可持续发展的理念,努力探索建筑技术、艺术与环保的有机结合,为首都留下独特的奥运遗产。
    3) We will create masterpieces of sports facilities that reflect the integration of construction technologies, architectural art and environmental protection and fully embody the concept of sustainable development, leaving a unique Olympic legacy to the capital city.
  • 由从血栓上离出来的拴塞物导致的塞闭。
    occlusion by an embolus that has broken away from a thrombus.
  • 镶边小圆孔用刺绣针法镶边的小洞,作为设计的一部
    A small hole edged with embroidered stitches as part of a design.
  • 雕绣一种透雕细工刺绣,它图案的中空部被挖去
    Openwork embroidery in which the ground fabric is cut away from the design.
  • 胚根,小根能长成根部的植物胚部
    The part of a plant embryo that develops into a root.
  • 内胚层指任何可生长成内胚层的胚胎裂球
    Any of the blastomeres of an embryo from which the endoderm develops.
  • 卵黄其它动物蛋内的相应部,由蛋白质和脂肪组成,用作早期胚胎的主要营养来源和胚胎由此发育的原生物质
    A corresponding portion of the egg of other animals, consisting of protein and fat which serve as the primary source of nourishment for the early embryo and protoplasmic substances from which the embryo develops.
  • 中胚叶节脊索类脊椎动物胚胎的中胚层的中间部,最终会发育成排泄组织
    The middle zone of the mesoderm of a chordate vertebrate embryo, from which excretory tissue develops.
  • 中胚层早期胚的中间胚芽层,由最终将发育成中胚层的未化细胞组成
    The middle germinal layer of an early embryo, consisting of undifferentiated cells destined to become the mesoderm.
  • 通过离胚胎,使一个婴儿变成两个,这就有可能产生完全相同的孪生于。
    By separating the embryo and making one baby into two, it is possible to make perfectly identical twins.
  • (胚胎学)受精卵的重复裂。
    (embryology) the repeated division of a fertilised ovum.
  • 胃系膜与早期胃部相连接的胚胎隔膜的一部
    The portion of the embryonic mesentery that is attached to the early stomach.
  • 裂球在早期胚胎发育时受精卵裂产生的任何细胞
    Any of the cells resulting from the cleavage of a fertilized ovum during early embryonic development.
  • 中脑脊椎脑的一部,由胚胎脑的中间部发育而成
    The portion of the vertebrate brain that develops from the middle section of the embryonic brain.
  • 桑椹胚形成于囊胚之前且处于胚胎期内的球形裂球群,由受精卵细胞的裂而成
    The spherical embryonic mass of blastomeres formed before the blastula and resulting from cleavage of the fertilized ovum.
  • 胖型体质者内胚层体型者,指以相对明显突出的腹部及其它由内胚房发展而来的身体柔软部均较明显隆起的人
    An individual characterized by relative prominence of the abdomen and other soft body parts developed from the embryonic endodermal layer.
  • 位变异构身体被成一系列相同体节的状况,在大多数动物中仅存于胚胎发育的早期阶段
    The condition of having the body divided into metameres, exhibited in most animals only in the early embryonic stages of development.
  • 囊胚由裂受精卵产生的早期胚胎外形,由围绕充满液体的洞的球形细胞层组成
    An early embryonic form produced by cleavage of a fertilized ovum and consisting of a spherical layer of cells surrounding a fluid-filled cavity.
  • 大多数研究人员曾认为克隆老鼠非常困难,因为老鼠胚胎的dna转换很早,可能在卵子裂为两个细胞的阶段就进行了。
    Most researchers had thought mice would be particularly difficult to clone, because the DNA in mice embryos switches on very early, possibly as soon as the egg splits into the two-cell stage.
  • ibm创导了一项对交易排队和布的研究,约在五年前这项研究形成了mqseries系列产品。
    IBM initiated a research program on queuing and distributed transactions, which led to the emergence of its MQSeries product line about five years ago.
  • 请给我接爱默生6-1358转201机。
    Please put me through to Emerson 6 - 1358, extention 201.
  • 一人演二角的演员;一个牧师的办公室有两部;公众讲道和个人感化-r.w.爱默生;每个情节都有多重的含意-弗雷德里克.海里森。
    a double (or dual) role for an actor; the office of a clergyman is twofold; public preaching and private influence- R.W.Emerson; every episode has its double and treble meaning-Frederick Harrison.
  • 埃默里加上一句,"我认为她总是过抢出风头终于毁了她自己。"
    "I think her unseemly rush to always garner headlines has finally done her in, " Emery added.
  • 埃默里加上一句,“我认为她总是过抢出风头终于毁了她自己。”
    "I think her unseemly rush to always garner headlines has finally done her in," Emery added.
  • 如果无法解决学生学习华文的困难,以及一并处理他们那些英语源流的家长的难题,可能会导致这一部人士萌起移民的念头。这也会造成人才的流失,我们应该支持有关提高华文水平的主张,并通过聘请来自中国的素质一流的华文教师来提高本地学生使用华语的熟练水平。
    Students who cannot cope with the Chinese language may choose to emigrate, thus, leading to a loss of talents. We should engage top Chinese teachers from China to raise the standard of the Chinese language here.
  • 对蝙蝠来说,为了听到它们最初发出的声音的回音并不被它们自己的声音强度暂时震聋,中耳肌肉收缩将那里的锤骨、砧骨和镫骨开并减小听觉的敏感度。
    For bats to listen to the echoes of their original emissions and not be temporarily deafened by the intensity of their own calls, the middle ear muscle contracts to separate the three bones there, the malfeasances and stapes”,and reduce the hearing sensitivity.
  • 发出或做出零星散或爆破的声音。
    emitting or making sporadic spitting or popping sounds.