  • 他花了好长时才消除了困惑。
    It took him long time to smooth away perplexities.
  • 我让她们收拾一下她们最经常使用的房。"佩里说。
    I had them organize the rooms they use the most," says Perry.
  • 仙女座北半球的一个星座,在蝎虎座和英仙座之,仙后座以南,包括肉眼可见的大片旋涡星云,其旋涡星云距地球为1。84?05光年
    A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere between Lacerta and Perseus and south of Cassiopeia. It contains a large spiral galaxy visible to the naked eye. The spiral is1.84?05 light-years from Earth.
  • 甘肃中国中北部一省份。它很长时以来是通往土耳其斯坦、印度和波斯的丝绸之路的门廊。兰州是其首府。人口20,410,000
    A province of north-central China. It was long a corridor for the Silk Road to Turkistan, India, and Persia. Lanzhou is the capital. Population,20, 410, 000.
  • 伊斯帕罕伊朗中部一城市,在续墨兰以南。在1598至1722年,它是波斯的首都。这座古城以其精美的地毯和银丝细工饰品而闻名。今天它有纺织和钢铁工厂。人口927,000
    A city of central Iran south of Tehran. An ancient town and capital of Persia from1598 to1722, it was long noted for its fine carpets and silver filigree. Today it has textile and steel mills. Population,927, 000.
  • 位于红海和波斯湾之的一个半岛;因为其石油资源而具有重要的战略意义。
    a peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf; strategically important for its oil resources.
  • 恶劣的天气将在全国范围持续一段时
    The bad weather will persist all over the country.
  • 到达经过不懈的努力或一段时后达到
    To arrive at, as by virtue of persistence or the passage of time.
  • 第二点是,我在为美国人做个人发展培训时,用了很长时帮助人们培养持之以恒的精神。
    No.2,what I did on personal development training with Americans is I spent a lot of time helping people build perseverance or persistence.
  • 起初,他的猜测是这两个人之的全部矛盾都是由于各不相容的个性而引起的。
    At first sight, his guess was that the whole trouble between the two men resulted from personalities that did not agree.
  • 这些对夫妇有着截然不同的性格,但是他们这段时以来,同实验刚开始的时候相比在感情上更为融洽了。
    The couples maintained distinct personalities, but they were more closely attuned emotionally than they had been at the start of the study, the researchers found.
  • 没错,我们的学校能够培养出各方面的人才,对此我们无需怀疑;但是我们的学校是否让学生们甚至是老师们有足够发展个性的空,则有待进一步的探讨。
    No doubt, our schools have trained professionals in various fields, but it takes a closer look to see whether our students -- or even their teachers -- have enough scope for developing their individual personalities.
  • 我们的学校能够培养出各方面的人才,对此我们无需怀疑;但是我们的学校是否让学生们甚至是老师们有足够发展个性的空,则有待进一步的探讨。
    No doubt, our schools have trained professionals in various fields, but it takes a closer look to see whether our students -- or even their teachers -- have enough scope or developing their individual personalities.
  • 使房具有特色的装潢
    Furnishings that give a room personality.
  • 这个房住了四个人。
    Four persons live in this room.
  • 在一特定时内能被广泛接受的某一规定。
    the generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time.
  • 用于修饰两点之的连接,这种连接的一端只能发送信号,而另一端只能接收信号
    Pertaining to a connection by which one end can only send signal and the other can only receive signal.
  • 与两个椎骨之的空有关。
    pertaining to the space between two vertebrae.
  • 里充满了烹调食物的气味。
    The smell of cooking pervaded the room.
  • 我相信民主主义能够在全国日常生活中普及将是相当长的一段时
    I believe it will be quite a long time before the spirit of democracy pervades our daily life
  • 娜蒂契达趁着到国外旅行空出她自己的住房之际,邀请柴可夫斯基在她外出期住到这里来,翻阅她的书籍,参观她的藏画,好让她回来时能在隐隐之中到处感觉到他的存在。
    When Nadyezhda vacated her own home for a trip abroad she asked Tschaikovsky to visit it in her absence, to go over the books and to inspect her paintings, so that when s he re turned she world feel the atmosphere pervaded by his personality.
  • 在他接到那个字条后的那段时里,他父亲善于预见最恶劣的情况的能力,以及他的妻子神经质的悲观主义都令他思绪万千。
    All his father's power of seeing the worst, all his wife's nervous pessimism had come to the fore in him during the hour since he had been handed that message.
  • 我不想表示很悲观,但恐怕我们没有时处理这个项目。
    I don't want to sound pessimistic, but I'm afraid we have no time to handle this project.
  • 有规律排列着的在其它部分有规律地排列的,如花瓣的雄蕊
    Arranged regularly between other parts, as stamens between petals.
  • 溪流在岩石逐渐消失了。
    The stream peters out between the rocks.
  • 随着时的推移这种木头石化了。
    the wood petrified with time.
  • 里的孩子、宠物和玩具永远总是碍手碍脚。
    a house with children and pets and toys always underfoot.
  • 监测的274个城市中,降水ph值范围在4.21~8.04之、年均降水ph值小于5.6(含5.6)的城市有101个,占统计城市数的36.9%,出现酸雨的城市有161个,占58.8%。
    In the 274 cities being monitored, there are 101 cities where the pH value of the precipitation is at 4.21~8.04, and the pH value of the annual precipitation is under 5.6 (including 5.6), accounting for 36.9%. There are 161 cities with acid rain, accounting for 58.8%.
  • 介绍中区的第一期文物径已于十月开放,是文物年主要活动之一,其余两期介绍上环和西区及山顶的文物径会在稍后时开放。
    The first phase, covering the Central District, was launched in October as a major Year of Heritage event. The other phases will cover Sheung Wan, Western District and the Peak.
  • 物理化学中称在相关区域,两个物体,液体或化学阶段之所形成共同界限的面。
    (physical chemistry) a surface forming a common boundary between two things (two objects or liquids or chemical phases).
  • 灵物学关于精神性的存在和物质现象的学说或研究,特别是对人类和上帝精神交汇的信仰
    The doctrine or study of spiritual beings and phenomena, especially the belief in spirits intervening between human beings and God.
  • 原来人在实践过程中,开始只是看到过程中各个事物的现象方面,看到各个事物的片面,看到各个事物之的外部联系。
    In the process of practice, man at first sees only the phenomenal side, the separate aspects, the external relations of things.