  • 我不替他们做决定。
    I can't decide for them.
  • 现在我们不作出什么决定。
    We can't decide anything now.
  • 我不决定什么时候去。
    I can't decide when to go.
  • 够被审判或者决定。
    capable of being judged or decided.
  • 音乐的享受,我们称之为艺术,吸烟斗,我们称之为物质的享受:可是我们够说前者是比后者更高尚的欢乐吗?
    Is it possible to regard the enjoyment of music which we call art, as decidedly a higher type of pleasure than the smoking of a pipe, which we call material?
  • 我们必须提倡每个红军指挥员变为勇敢而明智的英雄,不但有压倒一切的勇气,而且有驾驭整个战争变化发展的力。
    we decidedly want every Red Army commander to become a hero who is both brave and sagacious, who possesses both all-conquering courage and the ability to remain master of the situation throughout the changes and vicissitudes of the entire war.
  • 她说她要对此事考虑一番后才决定。
    She says she wants to think it over before deciding.
  • 在决定一个问题时,你不靠直觉。
    You should not go by instinct in deciding a question.
  • 小数的用小数表示的或用小数表示的
    Expressed or expressible as a decimal.
  • 辩认出她乱写的是什么吗?
    Can you decipher her scrawl?
  • 解读一下这封信吗?
    Can you decipher this letter?
  • 他们主力队员受伤可是这场比赛胜负的决定性因素。
    The injury to their key player could be a decisive factor in the game.
  • 干、坚定的年轻女性;我们需要果断的领导;她给了他一个明确的答复。
    an able an decisive young woman; we needed decisive leadership; she gave him a decisive answer.
  • 他们置处队员受伤可是这场比赛决定胜负的因素。
    The injury to their key player can be a decisive factor in the game.
  • 他们主力队员受伤可是这场比赛决定胜负的因素。
    The injury to their key player can is a decisive factor in the game.
  • 知道我们的货币是建基於一个切合实际需要的机制,也知道我们够在有需要时采取果断行动,维持货币稳定。
    They know that our currency is firmly anchored by a sensible mechanism and that we can act, and do act decisively to maintain stability.
  • 如果你不下定决心,就永远也学不会如何赚钱。要知道,机会总是转瞬即逝,要想成功必须迅速作出决定。
    If you can't make up you mind decisively, then you'll never learn to make money anyway. Opportunities come and go. Being able to know when to make quick decisions is an important skill.
  • 你们应该提交诉状才起诉。
    You are to forward a declaration to take action.
  • 你们应该提交诉状才起诉。
    You is to forward a declaration to take action.
  • 桥牌罚分桥牌中因未叫牌而被对方减的罚分
    Points scored in contract bridge by the opponents when the declarer fails to make a bid.
  • 此外,法令的第146节(下称“第146节”)规定,除非一个人表明要担任董事,否则不受委。表明的方式是向公司商行注册局呈递有关表格,表明自己的法律资格,且确认自己愿意担任董事。
    Section 146 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "Section 146") provides that a person shall not be named as a director unless he has manifested his intention to act as director by executing and lodging the prescribed Form 45 with the Registry of Companies and Businesses, declaring that he is not legally disqualified from acting and affirming his consent to act.
  • 作为开放动议的一项内容,美国源部在互联网上创建了数据库,并且为查询解密文件情报的人提供查询帮助。
    As part of its Openness initiative, the Department of Energy is establishing a database on the Internet that will provide finding aids to locate information about documents reviewed for declassification.
  • 她的健康每况愈下,可不久于人世。
    She is on the decline, and may die soon.
  • 在性方面的显著下降。
    a noticeable decline in performance.
  • 他们希望物价下降。
    They wish that prices would decline.
  • 只有思想观念得以改变,明白身为人类一员所应承担的责任时,生育率回弹才成为一种可
    We are likely to reverse the declining fertility rate only if people adopt a new and responsible attitude towards marriage and procreation.
  • 当然,由于代理必须有力打开“包”,看看其内部或者对其内容进行译码,所以安全和加密也随之而来。
    Of course, security and encryption also come into play, since the proxy must be able to open the "package" to look at it or decode its contents.
  • 就在人们对宣传将信将疑之际,破译人类基因组30亿个化学"字母"的密码可对科学、医学以及对人类的观念带来巨大的冲击。
    Even when the hype is discounted,decoding the 3bn chemical “ letters” of the genome is likely to have a huge impact on science,medicine and our perception of what it means to be human.
  • 有的原子受到高粒子轰击之后才会裂变。
    Some atoms decompose only after being bombarded with high energy particles.
  • 被生物制剂分解的,尤指细菌。
    capable of being decomposed by e.g. bacteria.
  • 一种化合物,加入后防止腐烂。
    a chemical compound that is added to protect against decay or decomposition.
  • 一个元素是一种物质,它的性质不由任何普通的分解方法而改变。
    An element is one kind of substance, and its nature can not be changed by any general decomposition method.