  • 他就是这样养大的。
    That was the way he was raised.
  • 简·沃尔兹喜欢自己作些华夫饼干她的三个孩子当早餐,但他们往往来不及坐在餐桌边吃完。
    Jane Voltz likes to make home-cooked waffles for her three children's breakfast, but they often don't have time to sit and eat.
  • 请不要我啤酒,我戒酒了。
    No beer for me, please. I'm on the wagon.
  • 一个侍者他端来一杯稀咖啡。
    A waiter brought him a watery coffee.
  • 别忘了给服务员小费.
    Please remember (ie Don't forget to tip) the waiter.
  • 服务员,我一张两人的桌子。
    Waiter, a table for two.
  • 侍者我端来了鱼鲜。
    The waiter brought me my fish.
  • 侍者把账单交他们。
    The waiter gave them their account.
  • 女服务员我们送来一份菜单。
    The waitress brought us a bill of fare.
  • 给您帐单。
    (The waitress brings the bill) Here it is, sir.
  • 库柏:(对女招待)请两瓶啤酒,三只杯子。
    (To the waitress) Two bottles of beer and three glasses, please.
  • 你吃完后侍应生会把帐单你送来的。但如果你不能等,可以稍微作个手势侍应生。
    The waitress will bring you the bill when you finish but, if you can't wait you can signal the waitress by raising your hand slightly.
  • 好吧,我让服务员他搬一把高椅子。
    Yes, I'll ask the waitress to bring a high chair for him(6).
  • 我立即写信我们的总公司提出放弃索赔。
    I'll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately.
  • 福利企业是集中安置残疾人就业的重要形式,政府通过予税收减免等优惠政策,鼓励发展福利企业,以吸纳更多的残疾人就业。
    Welfare enterprises are an important form of centralized employment for the disabled. The government grants preferential policies, such as reducing and waiving taxation, to encourage the development of welfare enterprises, so as to increase employment for the disabled.
  • 请你我一个叫起床电话好吗?
    Could give me a wake up call?
  • 散步场所这种散步所提供的公共场所
    A public place for such walking.
  • 而那次调查并没有提高人们的信心:31个上缴到迈阿密州警察手里的钱包有10个不知去向,有2个虽然被还了主人,但里面的现金却不翼而飞。
    The results of that wallet test did little to boost public confidence: 10 of the 31 wallets given to officers in the Miami area were never recovered, and two of them were turned in but the cash was missing.
  • 请给我核桃的。
    I'll take the walnut, please.
  • 据说w·惠特曼亲自《草叶集》排版。
    It is said that Walt Whitman set the type himself for his Leaves of Grass.
  • 华代尔夫人开始去他的住处同他相会,并他无穷无尽的爱抚、体贴,结果他很快便腻味了。
    Mrs. Walter began to meet her lover at his rooms and to shower affection and attentions upon him so heavily that he quickly became bored.
  • 由于请求一般都是送最近的服务器,所以广域网的成本得到了控制。
    And WAN costs are held in check because requests are typically routed to the closest server.
  • 我同他们的财务部门已争论了数星期,最后我写信财务处长,他挥动了他的摩杖,结果那问题在一小时内就解决了。
    I had been arguing with their accounts department for weeks until I wrote to the financial director, who waved his magic wand and got the matter resolved in an hour.
  • 他妻子叫他去他们的儿子修理自行车!
    His wife wanted him to repair their son's bicycle!
  • 她尽管很想再见到他, 但却不愿他回信.
    Despite wanting to see him again, she refused to reply to his letters.
  • 她想要对他施诡计就写了一封恶意中伤的信他的妻子。
    Wanting to do him dirt, she sent his wife a poison-pen letter.
  • 比尔,想安留下深刻的印象,带她去饭店了。
    Bill, wanting to make an impression on Ann, took her to a restaurant.
  • 在简离职的时候,每个人都出钱她买了礼物。
    Everybody contributed to wards Jane's present when he left the office.
  • 到了那里,监狱长将一张赦免书递基米,这是今天早上州长签署的。
    There the warden handed Jimmy his pardon, which had been signed that morning by the governor.
  • 当交通管理员了我一张违反停车规则的罚款单时,我同她进行了措词恰当的争辩。
    When she gave me a parking ticket I exchanged a few well chosen words with the traffic warden.
  • 到了那里,他要了一份烧鸡、一瓶葡萄酒和一支比监狱长他的要好的雪茄,随后慢慢地踱向了火车站。
    There he ordered a roast chicken and a bottle of white wine and a better cigar than the one the warden had given him. Then he walked slowly to the railroad station.
  • 予他全部的注意;热带地区的全套服装;整头肥猪;整个星期;在整个回家的路上孩子都在哭;整条面包。
    gave his whole attention; a whole wardrobe for the tropics; the whole hog; a whole week; the baby cried the whole trip home; a whole loaf of bread.